
Pharyngitis in adults: symptoms, photos, treatment, causes

  • Pharyngitis in adults: symptoms, photos, treatment, causes

    Pharyngitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process of the pharyngeal mucosa. The problem is quite common, its aggravation sharply increases during the period of seasonal diseases.

    Often the inflammatory process occurs due to the appearance of a foci of infection in the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses. In addition, the acute course of the disease is the first sign of infectious diseases: measles, scarlet fever, etc.

    ENT is enough to examine the mouth and throat of a patient to determine pharyngitis. Sometimes spend pharyngoscopy.

    The causes of pharyngitis

    The main triggers of pharyngitis in adults are:

    • hypothermia.
    • stress and decreased immunity.
    • bad habits - alcohol and smoking.
    • constant tension of the throat and ligaments due to necessity( this is a disease of lecturers, singers).
    • endocrine diseases.
    • respiratory tract infection.
    • exposure to dust, chemicals.
    • tonsillectomy.
    • of the GI tract.
    The main cause of pharyngitis in adults can be called a conditionally pathogenic microflora in the nasal and oral cavity. It is activated with reduced immunity, both local and general. In addition to pneumonia, strepto-, staphylococcus, sometimes the cause of the disease are fungi.
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    The reason may be complicated nasal breathing, in the event that a person is used to keeping his mouth all the time. Thus, the mucous membrane is overdried. If you are concerned about the constant overdrying of the mucous in the mouth, just in case it is necessary to donate blood to sugar. Perhaps this is the beginning of diabetes. In cases of chronic disease, the cause is a decrease in the functions of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism.

    The chronic form of pharyngitis often manifests itself in the form of certain somatic diseases. For example, gastroesophageal reflux disease( see reflux-esophagitis) provokes a constant release of acid from the stomach into the esophagus and to the oral cavity, which contributes to the appearance of pharyngitis. Patients with such a problem feel heartburn, latent eructation, irritation of the throat.

    In many cases, the chronic form of pharyngitis occurs due to the presence of a person in air containing an increased amount of dust.

    Acute and chronic form of pharyngitis

    1. 1) Acute pharyngitis may appear due to influence on mucous stimuli - steam, dust, alcohol, aggressive fluid. The acute course of the disease also begins in the infectious nature. Acute gonococcal and chlamydial pharyngitis can occur due to oral-genital sex. Acute pharyngitis is characterized by symptoms - sadness, pain, pershenia, problem swallowing and breathing, general weakness and deterioration of well-being, possibly a fever, an increase in cervical lymph nodes. Appears unpleasantly smelling mucus in the throat.
    2. 2) Chronic pharyngitis occurs when the stimulus is constantly exposed to the throat. The appearance of this form of pharyngitis is facilitated by tonsillitis, tonsillitis, caries, sinusitis, lung, heart and GI tract diseases. Prolonged irritation with mucous chemicals, alcohol and nicotine also stimulates the transition of pharyngitis to a chronic form.
    Clinical manifestations of chronic pharyngitis are: sadness, dryness, dry cough with a lack of fever, the need for frequent spitting of mucus, frequent voice fatigue.

    Based on the structure of the mucosa, pharyngitis is simple, hypertrophic and atrophic.

    1. 1) Simple type - the mucosa is moderately thickened, the veins and small enlarged follicles are seen.
    2. 2) Hypertrophic type is manifested by inflammation of large lateral ridges, their thickening and congestion of mucus.
    3. 3) Atrophic - the throat looks as if varnished, the shell is thinned.

    Symptoms of pharyngitis

    As a rule, with an acute course of pharyngitis, the temperature does not rise above 37.5-37.8 degrees, there is slight malaise, weakness.

    Somewhat later, there are other specific pharyngitis symptoms that can be used to judge the development of this disease:

    1. 1) In the throat, there is moderate pain, a feeling of perspiration, a sensation of a foreign body, dryness.
    2. 2) With a significant swelling, there is a sensation of puffiness in the ears.
    3. 3) A dry, superficial cough also worries the patient. In some cases, pre-nasal lymph nodes become inflamed.
    4. 4) Palatine tonsils begin to blush, mucopurulent raids may appear.
    5. 5) In case of severe disease along with symptoms of pharyngitis, laryngitis, conjunctivitis, tracheitis may occur.
    If we talk about the chronic course of the disease, usually the general state of health of the patient does not suffer. The patient feels symptoms such as dryness in the throat, the need for constant coughing and spitting of mucus., The body temperature does not increase.

    To the list of complications after pharyngitis, doctors write:

    1. 1) If illiterate treatment, chronic pharyngitis appears. Streptococcal form of pharyngitis can provoke a paratonsillar abscess, characterized by erythema and unilateral swelling.
    2. 2) Bronchitis( see how to treat bronchitis), laryngitis, tracheitis. Inflammatory process falls below.
    3. 3) Acute rheumatism of the joints. Occurs when b-hemolytic group A streptococcus is detected.

    Treatment of pharyngitis

    After finding out the signs of pharyngitis, do not engage in self-medication, because there are a lot of similar diseases and many kinds of pharyngitis. An experienced doctor will diagnose without complications.

    For the beginning it is necessary to hand over the analysis on revealing the reason of disease. This is a swab from the throat and nose, which allows to establish the pathogen. After this, the doctor will necessarily appoint a suitable antibiotic, which acts on this group of microorganisms.

    If to begin independent treatment of a pharyngitis antibiotics, they can not only not give result, but also essentially worsen process of convalescence. In case the disease is caused by a virus, an allergen, a smear will not show anything, and antibiotics in this case are not effective.

    At home, the following can be used to rinse throat with pharyngitis:

    • 2 tablets of furacillin per glass of water.
    • rotokan and chlorophyllipt( 1 tsp / 1 tbsp. Per glass of water).
    • 1 tsp.soda and salt, a few iodine drops.
    • 30 drops of propolis( tincture).
    It is recommended to lubricate the pharynx with Lugol solution in glycyrin, as well as irrigation of the throat with Ingaliptum, Cameton. In addition, the doctor prescribes medicines that strengthen immunity, for example, pharmaceuticals with interferon.

    Prescribe vitamins, especially A, C and E, mineral complexes.

    It should be followed during treatment of pharyngitis diet, excluding all hot, cold, sour, salty, and irritating mucous. Warming baths are shown, drinking a liquid of at least 2 liters a day to eliminate toxins, as well as warm compresses on the throat.

    For the treatment of chronic pharyngitis, physiotherapy methods are shown: magnetic and laser therapy, inductothermy, electrophoresis. In the chronic type of the disease, longer treatment is shown, getting rid of chronic foci of infection, gastrointestinal tract and endocrine diseases. Depending on the type of pharyngitis, lymphoid tissue is cauterized or vice versa, the secretion of mucus is increased.

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