  • Effective treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus

    In cases where the patient develops systemic lupus erythematosus - the treatment of the disease should be administered as soon as possible, and the prognosis of life and health for the patient largely depends on the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy of this connective tissue disease.

    It should always be remembered that in the overwhelming majority of cases, this disease requires the appointment of drugs that have a sufficiently large number of contraindications to the use and side effects.

    It is important to understand that steroid hormones and immunosuppressants are the only drugs that can control the activity of autoimmune inflammation in the subacute and acute development of the disease, the medium-heavy and severe course of the pathological process, and it will not be possible to save the life of the patient without these medicines.

    In the same cases, when discoid lupus erythematosus develops and when the examination reveals no signs of generalization of the process, no doctor will insist on the behavior of such treatment.

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    A rheumatologist will prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, a basic therapy, and a diet and regimen.

    Analyzes of

    It is impossible to monitor the activity of the lupus process and to carry out in those cases when systemic lupus erythematosus is developed without carrying out a whole complex of laboratory and instrumental studies.

    In this disease, especially in the late stages or high activity of the inflammatory process, changes will be detected in almost all studies, which indicates the development of severe multi organ organ damage.

    To diagnose a disease, the blood is most often examined - a lupus erythematosus is prescribed, in which signs of oppression of hemopoiesis( anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia), an increase in ESR, a change in the formula of "white" blood will be detected.

    It is this study that is used to monitor the condition of patients who undergo treatment - its price is much lower than the cost of researching autoimmune antibodies, and the time it takes to complete it is only a few hours.

    However, the analysis of blood for lupus necessarily includes the determination of specific and non-specific autoimmune antibodies - cardiolipin, antimitochondrial, to the cells of the organs that are most often affected by the inflammatory process.

    It should be remembered that the disease of lupus erythematosus also manifests itself in the defeat of many organs and systems - the performed studies( biochemical analyzes) help the doctor to obtain an accurate idea of ​​the degree of damage to one or another body system.

    It is mandatory to perform coagulograms - blood clotting studies, because this analysis indicates not only the activity of the disease, but also the possibility of complications( arterial and venous thrombosis), which significantly worsen the prognosis of lupus erythematosus.

    From modern research methods, blood tests for lupus anticoagulant and antinuclear antibodies can be prescribed, but no specialist stops assigning to his patients the usual clinical urine tests, biochemical studies that characterize the possibility of damage to one or another organ, rheumaprohiba.

    How to treat lupus erythematosus?

    If the patient is diagnosed with discoid lupus erythematosus - treatment is limited to drugs of basic therapy, regimen, diet, limiting the influence of provoking factors.

    The diet for lupus erythematosus provides for the exclusion of products that can provoke the development of allergic reactions, preservatives and dyes that stimulate the excessive activity of the immune system and the introduction of sufficient quantities of animal and vegetable protein, vitamins, minerals, lipids, complex carbohydrates in the diet.

    It is important to remember that any immunomodulators and immunostimulants, as well as an excessive amount of simple carbohydrates, can constantly maintain the activity of autoimmune inflammation in the tissues of the body.

    If systemic lupus erythematosus is diagnosed - treatment necessarily implies the appointment of a comprehensive therapy. The list of drugs that are required for a particular patient, their dosage, the regimen should be determined only by a qualified rheumatologist.

    At the present time in most cases it is necessary to prescribe steroid hormones - these drugs help to quickly suppress the active autoimmune process, but the need for their long-term use and dosage regimen are appointed individually.

    With high activity of the inflammatory process, immunosuppressants can be prescribed, as well as methods that have appeared in rheumatology recently.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    It is important to remember that treatment of lupus with folk remedies can never fully replace specific therapy - up to now there is no single method of alternative therapy that has proven effective, but it is not worth it to abandon herbs at all.

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