  • How to cure vitiligo effectively and safely

    Vitiligo belongs to the most complex in terms of therapy skin diseases of unknown origin. This disease is registered in all age groups - the pathological process is manifested by the appearance of white spots( depigmentation zones) against the background of unchanged skin.

    Vitiligo is characterized by impaired pigmentation due to the lack of melanin pigment in individual parts of the body. Every day the number of patients increases, especially young people are sick, which brings psychological discomfort and affects the relationship with others, so the effective treatment of vitiligo is an important direction in modern medicine. How to treat this pathology is not known exactly, in most cases, therapy is directed to the activation of the body's defenses.

    Etiology of Vitiligo

    The causes of vitiligo are diverse. Among them we can distinguish:

    • the effect on the body of various chemical compounds and poisons;
    • neuro-trophic or autoimmune disorders of melanogenesis( the process of melanocyte formation);
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    • neuroendocrine disorders;
    • inflammatory skin diseases;
    • necrotic processes in the skin;
    • suggests a hereditary predisposition to the development of vitiligo;
    • long-term stress;
    • is often a disease of vitiligo manifested against the background of chronic pathologies of internal organs;
    • physical injury;
    • influence of chemicals, especially those that contain phenolic products( eg paints or rubber).It should be noted that this form of the disease passes by itself without outside interference after stopping contact with damaging factors;
    • changes in the work of the nervous system when the functioning of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system predominates over its parasympathetic department;
    • factors of an infectious nature;
    • significant disorders in the immune system;
    • pathologies of the digestive system, which provoke poor absorption of vitamins and trace elements;
    • violation of the exchange of copper, zinc or iron;
    • massive helminthic invasion can also manifest itself with vitiligo symptoms, since helminths are capable of disrupting the secretory activity of endocrine glands, provoking a deficiency of important minerals and trace elements in the patient's body. With vitiligo of such etiology it is enough to conduct deworming, so that unpleasant white patches on the skin begin to disappear.

    Clinical picture of the disease

    If the patient develops vitiligo - how to determine the doctor-dermatologist after collecting all the anamnestic data and a series of examinations, given the intensity of depigmentation of the skin. It must be said that first the disease manifests by the formation of pink or milky white patches on the skin of small sizes, so it is important to detect this pathology in time.

    So, even the treatment of vitiligo with folk remedies, which began in the early stages of the disease, is more effective than pharmacological therapy in the late stages of the disease. Over time, spots increase, have rounded outlines and clear boundaries.

    It should be noted that these spots are rapidly expanding, merging, hitting all large areas of the skin and creating a significant cosmetic defect, psychological discomfort in patients. Subjective, even minimally painful sensations in the appearance of such spots in patients are absent.

    As a rule, pigmented zones are localized on the face and neck, on the extremities, in large folds and in the genital area or anus. In most cases, the foci are placed symmetrically, although there may be a one-sided lesion of the skin with localization along the nerves.

    Unfortunately, people with this disease often neglect the help of a doctor, applying various herbs from vitiligo, which do not always help, but only complicate its course. Thus, in the area of ​​the affected skin, the flow and salivation are disturbed, and also changes in the vasomotor and muscle-hair reflexes.

    The skin becomes insensitive to cold or high temperatures, which confirms the active involvement of the nervous system tissues in the development of vitiligo. It should be remembered that stains with vitiligo poorly tolerate prolonged exposure to sunlight due to the absence of melanocytes, responding to it with sunburn.

    In addition, after being exposed to the sun, the lesions become more noticeable. With prolonged course of vitiligo, depigmentation zones appear after skin injuries, as well as in areas of friction or compression, so it is better not to treat vitiligo at home, but to seek qualified medical care.

    How to treat?

    Despite the high level of modern medicine, there is no single treatment regimen, and highly effective drugs from vitiligo have not yet been developed. Treatment is conducted taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

    Often patients take special medications that increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays, after which they undergo a course of ultraviolet irradiation. The most popular method of treatment with the use of traditional medicine is the long-term use of compresses with marsh duckweed.

    Patients also externally apply a special ointment with vitiligo( for example, vitasan), which increases the pigmentation of the skin. It must be remembered that such therapy is contraindicated in pregnancy, the presence of malignant neoplasms of any localization, with high sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

    In addition, no treatment with ultraviolet rays with severe damage to the blood, liver, kidneys, stomach, heart and blood vessels. This method is contraindicated for use in the treatment of children under 3 years and in adults over 65 years. Photosensitizing drugs are often combined with irradiation with a helium-neon laser.

    Treatment of vitiligo with a laser has several advantages: shortened duration of therapy, limited contraindications, virtually no side effects, high therapeutic effectiveness. It is important to remember that drugs for the treatment of vitiligo will be ineffective if the associated diseases are not treated, since in most cases the process of depigmentation of the skin develops against the background of general disorders in the body( this is why vitiligo is often called a skin marker of internal diseases).

    Vitamins play an important role in vitiligo. The patients are prescribed ascorbic acid, riboflavin, retinol, and also nicotinic acid. In addition, vitiligo therapy necessarily includes copper preparations, which accelerates recovery, as well as immunomodulating drugs, for example, immunal or tincture of Echinacea, since the number of T-lymphocytes is always reduced in patients.

    Traditional medicine offers a cream from vitiligo, which includes black pepper powder, pea and soy flour, as well as chicken fat. It should be rubbed into the depigmentation sites at night for 1.5-2 months.

    In the treatment of vitiligo, children often use a combined technique that involves taking high doses of vitamins and topical application of iodine solution followed by UV irradiation. The positive effect of topical application of St. John's Wort extract is recorded, which is combined with sunlight and irradiation with the help of a mercury quartz lamp.

    I must say that nutrition with vitiligo should contain a large amount of copper and zinc, so you need to regularly eat the liver of cod, fish, lamb, parsley, mushrooms, as well as apples, carrots and tomatoes as copper sources. To replenish the reserves of zinc, you need to include in the diet of the patient wheat, rice, cabbage, citrus cultures and grapes.

    Many patients are concerned about the question of whether vitiligo can be cured. Usually, the effectiveness of the treatment has its own characteristics, but with a comprehensive approach to vitiligo therapy, a positive, persistent result is not uncommon. Thus it is necessary to remember - how to treat vitiligo should be defined by the doctor.

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