  • Planting hedges

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    The planting dates depend on the plants, usually the saplings of deciduous shrubs grown in the open ground and taken from open ground with bare root system are planted in autumn in the usual for planting trees or early spring.

    A two-row hedge is planted in a broad trench in two rows in staggered order. The interval between the rows should be at least 40-50 cm.

    For marking a site under a hedge, use a peg with a string attached to it, with which you plan a straight line of the required length. Along the line dig a trench deep into the bayonet bayonet or if necessary deeper and a width of 70 cm. Since the plants in the hedgerow for the rest of their life remain on the same permanent site, a thorough pre-planting preparation of the soil is necessary, during which a significant supply of nutrients is created to ensure a fullplant nutrition for a significant period of time. The bottom of the trench must be carefully loosened with pitchforks, make humus, compost, manure, mineral fertilizers, mixed with soil and ground with pitchforks. The soil selected from the trench should also be mixed with a small amount of organic fertilizers and left. Before planting, the broken, damaged and too long roots of the seedlings must be smoothly cut with a secateur to healthy wood. The seedling is placed in a prepared trench, all roots are straightened so that they do not bend or crack, fall asleep with a fertilized soil mixture.

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    1. Plan a straight line using a string and dig along a trench line deep into a bayonet bayonet or slightly larger and a width of 70 cm.

    2. Bottomtrenches carefully weed out forks, make organic and mineral fertilizers and fill them with pitchforks

    The seedlings are planted no deeper than the level at which they grew before, the planting is performed strictly along the planned string line, measuring the distance between the plants with a template rod of a given length.the soil at the stem of each plant is compacted, ensuring its firm location in the ground, and watering abundantly. Cutting is carried out immediately after planting, depending on the type of planted plants.


    Live hedges consume a large amount of nutrients from the soil, impoverishing the soil environment under plants growingin the immediate vicinity of them. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly apply fertilizers to hedge plants, given that the

    3. Secate the damaged, broken and too long soot rootspeople.

    4. Place the seedling in a prepared trench, straighten the roots, fill with fertilized soil and compact the soil around the trunk, firmly fixing the plant

    flowering shrubs require additional feeding. It will also help to solve the nutrition problem by mulching the soil with repaired manure or peat in the hedge zone. The organic layer of the mulching material doses out nutrients that reach the roots and prevent their extensive spread in the soil in search of nutrients. The mulching layer is applied to moist soil after watering the hedge first spring after planting. If the hedge is planted in the spring, abundant regular watering is necessary throughout the growing season, contributing to better plant survival. Make sure that the roots do not protrude from the ground and are not denuded, otherwise they will dry quickly, which will lead to weakening of the plants. An important measure for caring for a hedge is her haircut. The first time its

    The form of a hedge is created by a haircut according to a pre-planned pattern

    Дм apical cutting of extended hedges is better to use large ones: scissors. You can also use i.cutting tools

    & lt; £ Various hedger profiles

    1. The conical shape of the hedge is characterized by a wide base and narrow apex, which allows access to the lower branches of plants and hedgerows.

    2. The rectilinear vertical shape creates a special severity of lines, the fence of this shape is more compact and takes up less space.

    3. The rounded form of the fence is used for stunted and medium-sized plantations, it is less formal and creates smoothed soft lines and transitions, but it is more difficult to support the

    in the given form.

    is thoroughly trimmed for the second year after planting. To strengthen the tillering and stimulate the active growth of shoots, the first haircut must be strong. In the future, to enhance the decorative fence of plants that are amenable to formative haircut, apply different patterns for creating a specific profile. Live hedges are formed by apex and side haircuts with alignment all over the hedge of its general profile. This hedge is cut 2 or even 3 times a year: in the spring and in the middle of summer, which is necessary to maintain the clarity of the lines and the specified form of the fence. For cutting long hedges, large garden shears and electric tools are most often used. When the shrubs reach the desired height, they are cut no longer than 1 cm compared to the previous cut. To shrubs that do not give in to formative haircuts, and also to flowering bushes, only light annual sanitary and maintenance pruning is used, during which shoots are removed, weak and thin shoots, cut out dried or broken branches, trim the plants from the sides. Pruning of flowering hedges is carried out immediately after flowering.

    To reduce the time for creating a high hedge, you can use the trimming method, which excludes apical cutting. The day of this fence is trimmed only on the sides, supporting the given profile, and the tops are allowed to grow freely. Thus, there is a rapid build-up of hedge height, and it acquires an original appearance due to a combination of clear aligned lateral lines and curly, naturally growing tops.