  • How to get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen, chest, pop

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    Among the various skin defects, stretch marks take a special place. The alternative name for this unpleasant phenomenon is stria.

    These are intradermal atrophic scars due to the fact that the skin is subjected to severe overload and stretching, leading to deformation of the fibers of collagen and elastin, and then replacing them with connective tissue.

    This problem is most often faced by women during pregnancy and teenagers puberty. But some men are also at risk.

    The striae usually cover the area of ​​the chest, abdomen, buttocks and thighs, but in the case where the cause of their occurrence is endocrine disease, the area of ​​their placement can expand and capture even the face.

    Stretch marks can be represented by separate scars or multiple lesions.

    Causes of stretch marks on the skin

    The following factors can lead to the formation on the skin of the striae:

    1. 1) Pregnancy. It is associated with manifestations of hormonal changes and rapid growth of body weight, which has a serious load on the skin.
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    3. 2) Sexual maturation. This stage is characterized primarily by the instability of the hormonal background, as well as rapid growth, change in body weight. Under the action of these factors, the skin can stretch to form unaesthetic bands, striae.
    4. 3) Heredity. Predisposition to the formation of stretch marks can be inherited, so if there are similar problems with close relatives, care should be taken by prevention measures.
    5. 4) Change in body volume. This can be a sharp set or weight loss, as well as some sports, in particular - bodybuilding. It is noticed that in persons who take steroid preparations for a long time, stretch marks can occupy almost the entire surface of the skin, not even excluding the face area. In this case, striae themselves are expressed more strongly than those that were caused by other causes.
    6. 5) Medications. The admission of glucocorticoid hormones can lead to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.
    7. 6) Endocrine diseases. Certain diseases of this group can provoke the development of these skin defects, especially people suffering from this phenomenon who suffer from the syndrome of Itenko-Cushing syndrome.
    The appearance of the stretch marks may indicate their appearance. Thus, horizontal scars indicate the hormonal source of the problem, and vertical scars indicate that intradermal ruptures are caused by changes in body weight.

    Features of stretch marks on the body

    Stretch marks have different intensity of color expression. It is in direct proportion to the time of appearance of the striae.

    Fresh can be pink( as inflammation manifests itself) or have a cyanotic shade( it is given by translucent blood vessels).

    Recently appeared stretch marks are able to protrude slightly above the healthy skin. Over time, striae begin to discolor, and take the form of furrows.

    With tanning, the stretch marks become contrasting with the pigmented skin and therefore even more noticeable. This situation is explained by the fact that the main tissue of the striae is connective, in which there are not enough cells capable of producing a pigment. Only in some cases, stretch marks retain the ability to sunbathe, which depends on the level of damage to the skin structure and the phototype of a particular person.

    This in itself is not a threat to the body. With stretch marks, only the aesthetic appearance of the human body suffers. But this phenomenon may indicate the presence of other serious disorders in the body, so its presence indicates the need for a preventive examination from a specialist.

    How to get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen, chest, pop

    The effectiveness of treatment measures directly depends on the age of the stretch marks.

    Striae, which appeared more than a year ago and managed to acquire white color, is very difficult to eradicate, efforts are aimed at making them less noticeable.

    Only young stretch marks, painted in rich shades, are completely reversible. Treatment of stretch marks requires a long time and an integrated approach with alternating methods used.

    The most effective are the following methods that will definitely help get rid of stretch marks on the body:

    1. 1) Microdermabrasion. This is a rather painful procedure, after which the skin heals for a long time, so it is not performed on large areas of skin. Microdermabrasion is a special kind of mechanical grinding, which can be used not only on new stretch marks, but also on those that have appeared long ago.
    2. 2) Mesotherapy. For the treatment of newly formed striae, a method is used which consists in introducing special injections into the skin around the stretch marks and in them themselves. A curative substance consists of rejuvenating drugs and vitamins.
    3. 3) Laser grinding. One of the most common and painful techniques. Its action is aimed at removing stretch marks, in the place of which new clean skin should form.
    4. 4) Ozone therapy. The action of this procedure is aimed at giving stretches a natural color, due to which they merge with the skin. The effect is achieved due to the introduction of negative ions with three-molecular oxygen in the area of ​​damage.
    5. 5) ELOS - rejuvenation. This method is used to stimulate the production of collagen. Deep layers of the skin are heated by electric and light energy. It is used most often to reduce the severity of old stretch marks in the abdomen and thighs.
    6. 6) Chemical peeling. To eliminate the striae, acids are used that are applied to the scars to burn out the epidermis. The action is aimed at stimulating the production of collagen. The procedure is painful and expensive.

    How to prevent stretch marks on the skin?

    Since stria treatment requires time, patience and considerable material resources, some efforts should be made to prevent their occurrence.

    To do this, it is sufficient to adhere to the following rules:

    • use special cream from stretch marks
    • , you must not allow sudden fluctuations in body weight;
    • daily use about two liters of water;
    • adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, include fruits, vegetables and other foods rich in microelements and vitamins, especially C and E;
    • take a contrast shower;
    • to reduce salt intake;
    • to massage places where the risk of stretch marks is highest.

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