
Symptoms of the disease are lupus erythematosus. Organization of treatment

  • Symptoms of the disease are lupus erythematosus. Organization of treatment

    In the case when the patient develops a systemic disease of connective tissue, lupus erythematosus - the symptoms of the disease are so characteristic that a qualified doctor can diagnose a diagnosis on the basis of patient complaints, examination data.

    For its confirmation, a complex examination of the body is appointed, in which studies are carried out of the status of the immune system and the detection of antibodies to the organs and tissues of the body, as well as to individual cell elements.

    How is lupus erythematosus developed

    There are currently no known factors, the effects of which trigger a complex immune mechanism, resulting in the development of lupus erythematosus - the causes of this autoimmune disease are concealed in violation of the normal relationship of the immune system to the body's own tissues.

    Under the influence of viral infections, hormonal disorders, solar insolation, emotional and physical overstrain in the cells of the immune system, production of antibodies begins, which are fixed on the receptors of cells and trigger an autoimmune inflammatory reaction.

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    Cells are destroyed and in their place foci of common sclerosis gradually appear - any affected organ gradually loses the ability to perform the functions peculiar to it, and the longer the systemic lupus erythematosus lasts, the more pronounced the failure of the organ.

    It should also be noted that in patients who develop systemic lupus erythematosus - the symptoms of the disease can at the beginning of the disease be associated with the defeat of only one system of organs( most often - organs of movement and skin), in the absence of proper treatment, the disease gradually acquires a tendency to generalizeprocess.

    The rate of increase in symptoms directly depends on how timely the SLE is detected and treatment of the disease is started.

    If the patient develops and diagnoses systemic lupus erythematosus - treatment is not always associated with the appointment of steroid hormones( which is very afraid of the patient), but also with the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants, vitamins, minerals.

    If the patient shows signs of lupus, then during the entire subsequent life she should avoid the impact of provoking factors, including thoughtfully related to family planning, the use of certain drugs, recreation planning.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Doctors-rheumatologists say that the disease of lupus - the symptoms of which manifest themselves as a sign of the defeat of almost all organs and systems of the body, each patient proceeds in a peculiar way and find two identical patients even with the same activity of the inflammatory process is impossible.

    In the vast majority of cases, inflammation develops, which begins with skin and joint damage, and then other organs and systems are gradually involved in the process - signs of heart damage, generalized vascular lesions( vasculitis), kidneys( glomerulonephritis) develop.

    This is the manifestation of chronic lupus erythematosus - the symptoms of the disease can be combined with increased fatigue, reduced efficiency, but the first signs of the disease are easily stopped by the appointment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the appropriate regimen, and subsequent exacerbations are prevented by excluding the effect of provoking factors.

    It is important to remember that the disease of lupus erythematosus - the symptoms of which are associated with the damage to the integument of the body, is not limited to the signs of skin lesions. In the case when the lupus erythematosus becomes acute - in the mouth cavity, on the red lip rim, the mucous membrane of the pharynx, painful sores may appear, which deprive the patient of the possibility of normal nutrition, which worsens the general condition of the patient.

    Signs of lupus erythematosus are most often limited:

    • on the skin - symptoms of dermatitis( redness and peeling of the skin), which are localized on the face in the form of a "butterfly", in the center of the focus are formed areas of skin atrophy, and around the edges - a zone of active changes. Scales when exfoliated from the surface of the hearth are very difficult to remove, with soreness of the skin and small areas of "bloody dew".Possible damage to the scalp, which will manifest nested alopecia, increased hair loss;
    • in the cardiovascular system - symptoms of endocarditis( more often in acute disease), myocarditis and myocardial dystrophy, pericarditis. Often the process is complicated by inflammation of the blood vessels of the arterial and venous bed, disorders of blood clotting - patients can develop arterial and venous thromboses;
    • in respiratory organs - symptoms of pulmonitis, dry and exudative pleurisy;
    • in the nervous system - symptoms of polyneuritis, polyneuropathy;
    • in the mental sphere - mood lability, convulsions, trochees, psychoses that are not always associated with the prescribed treatment;
    • in the kidney - symptoms of glomerulonephritis with the gradual development of chronic renal failure;
    • in the organs of hematopoiesis - anemia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia.
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