  • Symptoms, causes and treatment of warts in children

    One of the most popular children's horror stories: "do not touch the toad, warts on your hands will appear."

    Warts in children do appear often enough, and an innocuous amphibian is not always to blame. If your child has any skin lesions - this is not a reason to panic, but think about the reasons for these changes on the skin and the possibility of their effective treatment.

    Of course, it is best to visit the dermatologist in case of any manifestations of pathology on the skin.

    The cause of the appearance is a viral infection that enters the baby's body through minute skin lesions.

    To be infected, it may be enough to go barefoot on the floor in a public place, take a dirty toy in your hand, which, shortly before this moment, was picked up by a person who has papillomas.

    The best prevention is careful compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, which provides for a timely change of clothes, washing hands, processing even minor abrasions and cuts.

    Children's warts may be caused by other causes of infection - from a carrier of a virus that has no visible papillomas on the skin.

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    If the growths in the hands of the baby still appeared, for certain to know the cause is unlikely to happen, but it is necessary to think about the treatment. Warts in children - what to do?

    Every parent should know that any change in a child's health condition is an occasion to call a supervising physician.

    And a wart on the finger of a baby is not an exception, it can not be regarded as an innocuous symptom that does not require any curative effect.

    Because often even harmless at first glance, the outgrowths on the feet of children can be an external manifestation of a much more serious disease.

    Treatment of warts in children should be prescribed by a doctor. Depending on the type and size of the treatment methods are determined. For large lesions, you will most likely have to resort to one of the removal methods.

    Often, the same warts on the body in children can be reduced by the regular use of a special ointment or plaster. Many drugs of this type are dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription, but do not self-medicate.

    The drug should be appointed by a doctor, and before its first use it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction.

    Treatment of warts in children by folk remedies

    If to a question - how to bring out an ailment in a baby, someone from your acquaintances advises you to try folk remedies, think about it before you follow such recommendations.

    Folk recipes based on the use of food are quite safe, and can be used even if it is necessary to remove warts on the face in children. Be careful to treat the thermal effects on neoplasms.

    It is not necessary to heat the "sore", so it is necessary to treat with caution the methods, which presuppose strong cooling of individual skin areas.

    Regarding the use of medicinal plants and herbs - it is not necessary to apply for the treatment of a child those species whose properties are completely unknown to you, because in this case there is a risk of poisoning.

    But compresses and wipes infuse from chemist's chamomile will not cause harm, a noticeable benefit, however, too.

    When is the deletion necessary?

    Often, the growths in children can disappear after a certain time, it happens as unexpectedly as their initial appearance. Therefore, before taking such radical measures as the removal of warts in children, it is necessary to consider the situation comprehensively.

    For example, plantar warts in children cause serious discomfort during walking. Convex formations located in open areas of the body or in areas of close contact with clothing are also capable of causing discomfort, and due to constant friction they may begin to bleed or increase in size.

    In these situations, it really makes sense to think about the removal. Not the most pleasant phenomenon - it is growths in children on the face. If the formations have an unattractive appearance, the child can use a number of complexes because of similar physiological differences from peers.

    Often also warts on the hands of a child are removed solely because of their unattractive appearance.

    Modern methods of removal are safe, similar treatment in children can be used in the presence of medical indications or at the request of the parents.

    Good indicators give laser removal of neoplasms and procedures using radio waves or high-frequency electric current.

    Before you decide how to pull out the built-up edge of the baby, study in detail the features of one or another method. It makes sense to give preference to procedures, the probability of complications after which is minimal, just as important factor - the time of rehabilitation and the type of healing( with scar formation or without).

    It is also desirable to examine the immune status of the toddler-these outgrowths refer to diseases for the development of which requires not only getting the virus into the body, but also suppressing immunity.

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