  • Diseases of the skin

    How to distinguish between types of rash. This section is not intended to help you learn to make a diagnosis. If your child has a rash, you need the help of a doctor. The rashes from the same cause of in vary from person to person, so even a dermatologist can hardly diagnose it. Less experienced people are easily confused.

    Measles. The temperature and chills appear three to four days before the rash. The rash itself consists of flat pink spots that appear first around the ears, and then descend below. When there is a rash, the temperature is high.

    Measles rubella. Flat pink spots, often light pink, that spread rapidly throughout the body. The temperature does not rise or rises a little. There is no chills, but the glands on the neck and on the nape of the neck swell.

    Chicken pox. Separate swollen pimples. Some of them have tiny blisters on top, which burst after a few hours, leaving a thin crust. Pimples appear several times on the body, or on the face, or on the head. To establish the diagnosis, the doctor looks for fresh blisters among the dried blisters. Scarlet fever

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    . The child falls ill the day before the onset of the rash. Usually begins a headache, fever, vomiting and sore throat. The rash is a red speck that begins to appear primarily on the damp wet parts of the body, under the arms, in the groin and on the back.

    Sweat. Begins in newborns in hot weather - on the shoulders and neck. It is a set of tiny pink pimples, on some develop white heads.

    Interception. Appears on the body where urine enters. Pink or red pimples of different sizes or strips of coarse red skin.

    Eczema. Spots of red rough skin, which first appear and disappear. If the eczema is strong, the skin becomes scaly, becomes crusted and itches. Usually the youngest begin on the cheeks, and a year - on the torso. After a year, the usual place is under the knees and at the elbow bend.

    Hives. Scars evenly distributed throughout the body. They itch.

    Insect bites.

    There are many varieties, from large swollen tumors to small red dots without swelling. But most bites have two common properties. In the center, where the sting is, there is a small hole or a tubercle. And in most cases the bite is located on the open part of the body.

    A bite that itches( like a mosquito bite) or it hurts, you can moisten it with water with baking soda dissolved in it. This will ease the pain or itching. With the bee bite , remove the stinger with tweezers, if it is visible, and attach baking soda. With a bite of the wasp, vinegar rubs more efficiently.

    Scabies. A lot of pimples, covered with crust, and scars of scratching from continuous itching. They are placed on those parts of the body that are often touched by the hands: on the back of the palm, wrists, penis, abdomen. But not on the back. Scabies are contagious and need treatment.

    Ringworm. Round spots of coarse rough skin, usually the size of a small coin. The edges of the leaves are covered with small tubercles. If ringworm on the head, round spots develop on which the hair becomes brittle and break and this place grows bald. Ringworm is a contagious fungal disease and requires treatment.

    Impetigo ( a kind of lichen, pustular skin disease).If a child has passed the infant age, it forms crusts or corpses, partially brown, partly the color of honey. Any scab on the face should cause suspicion of impetigo. The disease begins with an

    pimple with a yellowish or white head, more often on the face;soon this pimple breaks, and in its place a scar is formed. Wherever the hands can carry the infection: on the face and on the body, - new acne is formed. Immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. If you do not pay attention to the illness, it quickly develops and is transmitted to others.

    In newborns impetigo is different. Begins with a tiny blister that contains yellowish fluid or pus and is surrounded by reddened skin. The blister easily bursts, leaving a red stain. It does not form a crust, as in older children. It usually starts in a damp place, on the edge of the body, covered with a diaper, or in the groin, or under the arms. There may be new blisters. It is urgent to see a doctor. If it is impossible to contact with it quickly, gently wipe the blister with a patch of cotton wool( not to smear the pus on the skin) and leave a red stain to allow free air access to it. Try not to cover this place with clothes or blankets. If necessary, increase the temperature in the room. During impetigo, daily boil diapers, sheets, underwear, nightgowns, towels and a cloth to wash your baby.

    Sumy is poisonous. Accumulations of small blisters of various sizes on the reddened shiny skin. The skin itches. Blisters appear in spring or summer on open parts of the body. Ask your doctor about treatment.

    Head lice. It's easier to see not lice themselves, but their larvae( nits).They are small, pearly white, egg-shaped, and each is firmly attached to the hair. Where the stripes fall on the neck, there may be itchy red pimples.

    Birthmarks. Immediately after birth, most children have red spots on their neck. They can be in two other places: between the eyebrows and the eyelids. In most cases, they gradually disappear, and nothing you do not need to do with them.

    "Wine spots" are skin areas of dark red color, flat and otherwise normal. They are similar to the red spots on the neck and eyelids that were mentioned in the previous paragraph, but are found on other parts of the body and larger, their color is darker, and they persist for a long time. They may grow for a while, but then growth will stop. They are very difficult to liquidate.

    "Strawberry Traces" is very common. They are convex and intense bright scarlet Colors. Very similar to the cut of strawberries. Immediately after birth can be small, but then increase in size. They grow up for a while, then stop. With age, most of them disappear without any treatment. If the doctor considers it necessary, they are amenable to treatment.

    Sometimes there are large blue-red spots caused by the expansion of the vessels under the skin. . They can be removed if they spoil the appearance. Birthmarks can be all sizes, smooth and hairy. If they spoil the appearance or if their clothes are irritating, they can be removed surgically.

    Warts. Different types of conventional warts are possible on the hands, on the soles of the feet and on the face. They are slightly contagious, and they should be examined by a doctor. In addition, there is a special kind, known as "infectious warts".At first they are round, smooth, waxy, the size of a pinhead and white or pink. They multiply, grow and become concave in the center. They should be treated so that they do not spread.