
Removal of warts to children with a laser: how much is the procedure and what are the contraindications

  • Removal of warts to children with a laser: how much is the procedure and what are the contraindications

    The appearance of various growths on the body of children, including warts, is very frightening for parents. Indeed, their occurrence on the skin can lead to injuries, infection, inflammation. Therefore, these growths must be eliminated. Wart removal to children with a laser is carried out in specialized clinics under the strict supervision of specialists.

    Treatment of warts in children

    It is proved that warts are a viral disease caused by human papillomavirus. Infect the child can through contact with the carrier of the virus, through common household items, visiting the pool.

    First of all, you need to get a confirmation from a pediatrician that the growth is really a wart. Usually it is a dense, unhealthy, hummocky formation, slightly rising above the surface of the skin. It is forbidden to remove warts on your own, as scars, inflammation may appear.

    Before radical methods of exposure use salicylic ointment, which is applied to the site of the lesion. In pharmacies, you can also purchase a special plaster for warts. If after a month of using the improvements did not happen, it is worth to register for a consultation in a specialized clinic.

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    Laser therapy

    Today, warts can be removed by various methods: cryotherapy, electrocoagulation, radio wave therapy. However, the most painless and fastest way is laser therapy. We will understand, whether it is possible to remove a wart with a laser in a child, and whether this method is suitable for everyone.

    The effect of the laser beam allows you to evaporate water from the built-up edge by drying it from the inside.

    Before the procedure, a consultation with a doctor is conducted, an anamnesis is being prepared. During the procedure, local anesthesia is used. On the patient wear special protective glasses, so that the laser beam does not damage the retina of the eye. The wound, where there was a wart, was treated with an antiseptic, a dry gauze napkin was applied, and a band-aid was applied.

    After cauterization of the wart at the site of exposure, a crust can form which takes place in about five days. No scars, scarring after the procedure does not remain.

    Cost of

    Many parents may have a natural question: how much does this procedure cost? The price at it comprehensible - from 1500 up to 3500 rubles depending on a kind of a wart.


    Consider what may be contraindications for the use of a laser.

    These include, first of all, colds, herpes in the acute stage, elevated body temperature. You can not operate the laser on tanned and burned skin, so it is recommended to perform the procedure in the winter season.


    Valeria, 29 years old:

    "A son of seven had a plantar wart. Such celandine can not be cured. We went to a cosmetology clinic. A male doctor had a long conversation, made an examination, wrote it down for an operation. Moxibustion lasted 10 minutes. The son of the house began to complain that it hurt to step on his foot, but by the evening he started playing and forgot about it. A week later, the crust has departed, warts - no matter how it happened! »

    Katya, 40 years old:

    « The wart has grown at the daughter on a finger. She always touched her, I was afraid that he was traumatizing. We decided on the laser removal procedure. It turned out that there is nothing terrible in this. The daughter says that it did not hurt at all. Finger bandaged, then pasted a band-aid, put on a napaljnik. After five days, all this was removed, as the wound healed, the wart was gone. "

    Thus, the use of laser therapy for the removal of warts in children is a gentle method of exposure. The main thing is to ensure that the child does not touch the crust remaining on the place where the surface of the body was treating the laser beam. It is best to seal this area with a band-aid.

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