  • Diseases of the eye

    Reasons for visiting an ophthalmologist. A child at any age should be shown to the doctor if his eyes are chamfered to the nose or in different directions if he is poorly trained;if complains of pain, burning or tired eyes;if his eyes become inflamed;if he has a headache;If he brings the book too close to his eyes;if he, attentively peering, tilts his head to one side;if the check in the school showed that he has poor eyesight. However, if a child at school reads the tables well to check vision, this does not mean that he has healthy eyes. If there are signs that the eyes are straining, they should still inspect it. To be sure, the oculist should be shown to the child before he starts attending school. However, this is not necessary if the school checks the eyesight annually, and the child does not have any symptoms of the disease.

    Nearsightedness - the most common eye disease, affecting school successes - develops most often between the ages of six and ten years. It can appear suddenly, so do not miss her prints( the child draws the book closer to her eyes, does not see the board in the classroom) just because a few months ago her eyes were okay.

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    Inflammation of the eye mucosa( conjunctivitis) can be caused by many causes. Most of the mild cases are caused by common cold bacteria and are accompanied by a runny nose. But if the rhinitis is not present, it is necessary to concern to an inflammation of eyes with the big suspicion.

    In any case, it is good to contact a doctor, especially when the whites of the eyes are red or when there is pus. Droplets in the eye. Mote should be removed immediately from the eye. If possible, this should be done by a doctor. It is absolutely necessary to see a doctor if the mote can not be removed within half an hour. Mote, which remains on the pupil or iris for several hours, can cause a serious infection. If you can not call a doctor, there are three ways that you should try. The first is to pull the upper eyelid down and to the side, holding the eyelashes. This makes it possible for the tears to wash the mote. Second - lower the child's eye in a bath containing a 2% solution of boric acid( two teaspoons without top of boric acid for a cup of boiled water).The child tilts his head, dips his eye into the water, raises his head with the bath and flashes several times. The third way is to examine the inner surface of the upper eyelid. Usually, most of the sorens are stuck here. Wrap a clean cotton wool on a match or toothpick. Tell the child to look down and to continue the look down. This relaxes the upper eyelid. Holding the eyelashes of the upper eyelid with your fingers, attach a fleece in the middle of the century and turn it out. If you see a mote, gently remove it with cotton wool. This should be done in strong light. If you do not find the mote, and the pain continues, or if the mote is firmly stuck in the eyeball, immediately go to the doctor. Do not try to extract the mote from the eyeball.

    Barley. Barley is an inflammation of the eyelash follicles. It's like a pimple anywhere else. It is caused by ordinary pyogenic bacteria, trapped in the eye. Usually barley forms a head, ripens and bursts. A doctor can prescribe an ointment to speed up treatment and prevent new abscesses. Adults feel better when they apply something hot to the eye; this can accelerate the maturation of barley, but in general, does not give a special effect. The child usually does not like it. The main trouble is that often one barley leads to another, probably because the bacteria from the first follicle spread to the neighboring follicles. Therefore, when the barley ripens or bursts, it is necessary that the child does not touch his eyes and do not rub them. If a child develops several barley in a row, the doctor must examine him and he must be examined by urine. Barley usually means that the body's resistance is reduced.

    If the mother has barley, she should wash her hands thoroughly before handling the baby, especially if she touched the barley, because bacteria are easily transmitted. It is better for the father or brother with barley not to touch the baby temporarily.