  • Ways to remove warts - a review of methods

    Warts are the formations on the skin that result from the penetration into the human body of an infection - the human papillomatosis virus.

    Externally, it can be convex and flat skin growths, flesh-colored or rich brown in color, similar in appearance to moles.

    Warts can also be a soft leather "pouch", have the shape of a papilla or other configuration. Such neoplasms can appear at any age, just direct or indirect contact with the infected person is enough.

    However, if such papillomas suddenly appeared - do not panic, because modern ways of removing warts are available to everyone and are completely safe.

    Ways of removal of an ailment - when it is necessary to think about procedures?

    In themselves, they are not dangerous and theoretically over time, new formations of this type can disappear just as they appeared. Often, the owners of warts on the body bring discomfort, primarily because of an unattractive appearance.

    In any case, if any changes in the skin are detected, it makes sense to visit the attending physician and undergo a comprehensive examination, because active replication( reproduction of the papilloma virus) is possible only with deep suppression of the body's immune system.

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    Theoretically, tumors visually reminiscent of warts can indicate serious illnesses, so a qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist should make the diagnosis, because attempts at unsuccessful self-diagnosis cause dangerous complications.

    To think about the removal of warts should be and if the formation began to change, its area increased, in the wart area, skin irritation, itching and allergies appeared.

    Remedy for Removal - What to Choose?

    To date, medicine offers different ways to remove warts. The most common ones are:

    • laser removal;
    • nitrogen removal;
    • electrocoagulation;
    • removal by radio waves.

    Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Common to all merits can be attributed painlessness, a short period of rehabilitation after the procedure, healing without scars and stitches, safety.

    If your goal is getting rid of warts, it makes sense to study the features of various methods. Do not just get carried away with folk medicine and seriously consider the possibility of surgical removal.

    One of the modern methods is nitrogen removal. The scientific name of this method is cryodestruction, its essence is to freeze damaged skin areas.

    The active substance - liquid nitrogen is applied locally to the affected skin with the help of an applicator. The average exposure time is 30-40 seconds.

    The first hours after the procedure can observe the swelling of the treated area. Then gradually the damaged tissue dies off, and in its place a new healthy epidermis is formed. If you choose to remove liquid nitrogen - the price of this method is likely to pleasantly surprise you.

    However, the cost of the procedure is calculated individually, depending on the size of the wart and the level of the clinic. Removal with nitrogen will take a little time, and after complete healing on the patient's skin there will be no traces left.

    It should be remembered that when removing large plantar warts, a course of several procedures may be required. Frozen large size can also require several sessions, be prepared and to increase the final cost of treatment.

    Modern methods of removing warts include also performing operations with the use of a laser. To date, the laser is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

    The procedure is as quick and painless as possible, the result is noticeable in a few days, for a full healing it will take several weeks, after which there is no scars or other traces on the skin.

    Laser removal is performed in the clinics of cosmetic medicine and laser surgery, the procedure is available to everyone because of the low cost. Another advantage of the method is safety. Using a laser, warts can also be removed from children.

    Wart treatment in children can also be performed using radio waves. By its action, the radio wave method resembles the laser removal of benign neoplasms. Just like the laser beam, radio waves affect the skin non-mechanically.

    At the same time, the risk of infection and complications is minimal. Removal of radio waves also has a minimal impact on surrounding tissue, so that healing of skin damage occurs without the formation of scar tissue.

    Removal of warts Electrocoagulation is another way to get rid of cutaneous neoplasms, offered in many clinics. This method is best suited for the elimination of small areas of area.

    After complete healing, a small scar may remain. How much does it cost to remove the warts this way? This is one of the cheapest options for the withdrawal of warts, with complications unlikely, for removal using current pulses sent by a special device to infected tissues.

    Electrocoagulation provides disinfection of tissues and absence of bleeding from a postoperative wound.

    When choosing a remedy for removal, it is not worth saving on the cost of the method and the means used. Of course, if you need to remove the warts on the body, a method that leaves minor scars is appropriate.

    But the treatment of warts in children is recommended to perform the safest method, leaving no traces after healing. Before cauterizing warts and other neoplasms in any way, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

    If a frequent occurrence of warts( papillomas) on the skin, regardless of their location, requires a thorough complex examination of the body - it must always be remembered that certain types of the papilloma virus can lead to the development of malignant tumors( cervical cancer in women).

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