  • How to name a child

    Each of us faces a choice: what name should the child give? Many people think about this before the child was born, and some choose a name for the child immediately after birth. In any case, when choosing a name, do not forget that there are certain rules that need to be adhered to.

    1. It is best if the child's name is simple, not fanciful and not rare. It should be pronounced easily and have several options( Lena, Lenochka, Alenka, Elena).

    If the name is very complicated and is perceived badly, there may be distortions and errors in pronunciation, which is not pleasant for its owner. It should be remembered that the name should cause positive emotions in the owner and his associates.

    2. It is better not to choose a name whose full form ends with the same letter with which

    begins patronymic( Anna Alexandrovna, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich), as often enough, when referring to a person, either the name or patronymic is distorted, which also imposes a negativeimprint.

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    3. It is desirable that in the name easily formed diminutive-caressing forms( Olya-Olenka, Lena-Lenochka, Julia-Yulia).

    4. It is not recommended to name children in honor of parents, and also in honor of dead or deceased relatives.

    5. I especially want to mention the male names. They should be the most euphonious, since the soundness of the patronymic of the future child depends on this. It is advisable to avoid the following names: Oleg( Olegovna, Olegovich), Nikita( Nikitich, Nikitichna), Anton( Antonovich, Antonovna).

    6. It is believed that the chosen name must match the patronymic. For example, for hard names( Svetlana, Victor) it is better to choose soft patronymics( Alekseevna, Sergeevna), and for soft names( Andrei, Alexei) - firm( Petrovich, Pavlovich).

    7. When the child was born, we advise you to pay attention to what saint was born on the same day, and if you call your child the same name, then he will for all his life become a heavenly patron.

    8. If a child was born in the summer, then a more solid name, such as Alexander, Stae, Igor, Olga, Martha, will suit him. If in winter, then on the contrary, it is softer, for example Alexey, Mikhail, Vitaly, Julia, Elena. In spring and autumn, the time of year does not have any effect at all, so any names are suitable for them.