
The role of the children's polyclinic in the upbringing of a healthy child

  • The role of the children's polyclinic in the upbringing of a healthy child

    All parents want to see their child healthy, cheerful, and vigorous. The first and best assistant in this complex and responsible case is the children's polyclinic. On the territory of its district, the children's polyclinic organizes and conducts a complex of preventive and therapeutic and health-improving measures aimed at the development and upbringing of healthy children from the moment of discharge from the maternity hospital to the age of 14 inclusive.

    The protection of the child's health actually begins even before his birth. The medical staff of the children's polyclinic and the women's consultation supervise the state of the pregnant woman. For this purpose, the so-called prenatal nursing patronages are held, when a precinct nurse visits a pregnant woman at home in the last months before childbirth. During these visits, the future mother can get the necessary advice on the regime of work and rest, nutrition, preparation of the newborn's corner, the rules of child care. This is especially important for the first-born.

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    A district pediatrician and a nurse visit a newborn at home in the first 3 days after discharge from the maternity hospital, and if the first child was born in the family, on the first day. The doctor examines the child, gives the necessary advice on care, rational feeding, day regimen, etc. In the future, the district medical nurse periodically visits the child at home during the first year of life.

    To monitor the development and health of the child, parents should regularly show it to the district doctor in the children's polyclinic. The first time you should visit a clinic when the baby is 1 month old. In the future, this is done monthly, on time, preferably approximated to the date of birth of the child, but only on special days for the reception of healthy children.

    During these visits, the child is weighed, the necessary anthropometric measurements are performed( determine growth, head circumference, chest).The doctor evaluates these indicators, examines the child, makes a conclusion about the level of his physical and neuropsychic development and health status, offers the necessary recommendations for breastfeeding, physical education, tempering.

    A nurse visits a child at home to check the performance of medical appointments.

    At the age of 2-3 months the child should be shown to the orthopedic surgeon. The purpose of the examination is to check whether there are any violations of the musculoskeletal system and, above all, congenital dislocation of the hip joint. During the first year of life, the baby should undergo an examination with other specialists - an ophthalmologist, a neuropathologist, an otolaryngologist, a dentist. It is necessary to do blood tests, urine tests, and to carry out preventive vaccinations.

    In the second year of life a child can visit a doctor less often - once a quarter. In the clinic, it is weighed, the growth, the circumference of the chest are determined, blood, urine, feces are analyzed for the eggs of the worms, prophylactic vaccinations in accordance with the vaccination calendar. At each visit the child is examined by a pediatrician, in addition, during this period it should be shown to the dentist.

    In the third year of life, a pediatrician needs preventive examinations once every six months. When the child is 3 years old, he needs in-depth examination by specialist doctors - dentist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedic surgeon, and speech therapist. Such preventive examinations make it possible to identify the existing disease or deviations in development as early as possible and to take timely medical and sanitary measures.

    A lot of help for parents can be provided by the offices of a healthy child, which are now organized in each children's polyclinic. In the office of a healthy child, there are necessary benefits and materials on nutrition, physical education, tempering of children, a table of standards for physical and mental development of an early child, a scheme of physical exercises for children of different age groups, age regimes of the child's day and other methodological materials.

    In the rooms of a healthy child, the mother can learn to carry out massage and gymnastics, get recommendations for tempering the child, taking into account his age and developmental features, get acquainted with the list of dishes recommended for young children, ways of cooking food products, etc. Work is also carried out on the prevention of ricketsin children, parents are introduced to the rules of vitamin D intake, peculiarities of physical education of children with rickets.

    In some children's polyclinics, in the room of a healthy child, groups of health-improving swimming for infants are organized. Specially trained methodologists help parents learn the methods of teaching children swimming.

    Often in the offices of a healthy child, consultations are organized between pedagogical specialists - pre-school pedagogues, as well as speech therapists.

    One of the serious functions of the children's polyclinic is work in the social and legal sphere, the protection of the rights of children provided for by Soviet legislation. To solve these problems, the position of legal adviser was introduced in children's polyclinics.

    The legal adviser deals with the issues of women's labor law, family law, housing legislation, the issues of placing children in preschool institutions, specialized institutions, and children's homes. When organizing children in pre-school institutions, he helps in the preparation of the necessary documents, obtains an extraordinary reception of children from the so-called dysfunctional families. Dysfunctional families are those in which parents shy away from their duties to raise children or treat them carelessly, ignore the orders of doctors, abuse their rights, tolerate coarse or even cruel treatment of children, lead an immoral, antisocial lifestyle, abuse alcohol,drugs.

    Long-term cohabitation of children with such parents not only disastrously affects the health and mentality of children, but often leads to child offenses. Therefore, the legal counsel is given the right to bring a case in the court for the deprivation of parental rights, for limiting the legal capacity of parents suffering from alcoholism, and sending them to compulsory treatment, on establishing guardianship over their children by the public education authorities. Those who systematically violate the rules of the socialist community and create their own conditions in everyday life that are impossible for living together with children are being sued for eviction.