  • Improvement of often ill children

    Children who suffer from acute respiratory viral infections up to 4 or more times a year are often ill. It was found that the factors causing an increased morbidity include environmental pollution by industrial emissions, exhaust gases, and products - pesticides and other food allergens, smoking in the premises where the child is, trips on urban transport. Children who are born from sick mothers( heart diseases, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus), from mothers whose pregnancy has had complications, as well as children who were fed on from the first months of life, are deprived of the most valuable product - mother's milk. The cause of frequent child diseases can be the presence in the family of chronically ill adults( with chronic tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis, etc.), which are permanent sources of infection of the baby.

    Children with chronic diseases, especially such as chronic tonsillitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis, otitis, untreated dental caries, rickets, hypotrophy, eczema, etc., are also often ill with repeated acute respiratory diseases as a result of altered organism reactivity, reduced resistance, impaired metabolismsubstances on the background of one of the listed chronic diseases.

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    The success of healing often sick children can be achieved if certain requirements are met:

    - clear implementation of all the doctor's recommendations regarding the regime, nutrition, physical education, health improvement of the child;

    - the systematic implementation of necessary recreational activities throughout the year;

    - the gradual improvement of the health of the child with the use of first preventive measures, and then specifically health and therapeutic, including with the use of drug therapy.

    What are the characteristics of upbringing and healing of often ill children?

    First and foremost, it should be noted that often ill children do not always cope with the age regime, and the doctor often assigns a sparing regimen to them, that is, a shorter waking period and a more frequent or longer sleep. So, many children over the age of 1.5 can continue to sleep in the afternoon 2 times, and not 1, as it should. It will be much more useful for some children to go to sleep earlier and later to rise in the morning.

    Serious attention requires food often sick children. The food ration should contain a sufficient number of biologically valuable products such as cottage cheese, meat, eggs, cheese, containing a full protein of animal origin, as well as vegetable oil as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the child. To enrich the diet with vitamins and minerals, a wide variety of vegetables and fruits should be widely used, as well as fresh herbs. Often ill children often experience potassium deficiency, so they are recommended for such potassium-rich foods as buckwheat, potatoes, dried apricots, prunes, zucchini, green peas, bananas.

    Very useful massage and gymnastics, complexes of physical exercises, but you should always focus on the baby's well-being. In addition to the usual activities, often the sick children need special exercises aimed at restoring the impaired respiratory function, improving blood and lymph circulation, strengthening and development of respiratory musculature. Children really like exercises such as inflating balls, blowing bubbles, blowing away fleece or paper from the palm of your hand, breathing through one nostril( the second is pressed with a finger), and massage the wings of the nose. With the methodology of their conduct can be found in the room of physiotherapy exercises of a children's polyclinic. To improve local blood and lymph circulation, chest massage is used.

    Hardening, as a system of measures that increases the body's resistance to unfavorable factors, is especially necessary for children who are often ill. It is extremely important to systematically ventilate the premises, ensure a sufficient stay of the child in the open air. Special hardening measures for such children are prescribed by a doctor.

    Rapid fatigue is typical for often ill, weakened children. Parents should pay special attention to the correct organization of their wakefulness, to ensure that the child does not overwork, was calm, not capricious, was in a positive emotional state, to take care that he had toys and entertainment. It is desirable to communicate with the child more, to deal with it, play, read books, etc.

    The medication prescribed by the doctor includes the use of various drugs, including vitamins, which promote the correct flow of metabolic processes, normalize the nervous system, hematopoiesis, strengthen the body's defenses( vitamins C, B], Bb, Bi2, etc.).In addition, the doctor often prescribes potassium preparations, drugs that improve appetite and the general condition of the child. A good result is the use of therapeutic cocktails from various herbs.

    To prepare cocktails, medicinal herbs are mixed in equal amounts( 1 teaspoonful), poured into 0.5 liters of hot water and insisted for 2 hours in a thermos bottle. For children under 3 years old, therapeutic herbal cocktails are applied in courses of 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day.

    The table lists recipes for some curative cocktails recommended to children who are often ill.

    Strengthening effect is provided by vitamin supplements, such as broth of dogrose and yeast paste.

    Depending on the initial condition of the child, his age and individual characteristics, the course of the disease, the presence of concomitant diseases, in the treatment of children who are often ill, the physiotherapy procedures are used: general irradiation with quartz( improves immunity, improves protective functions of the body, restores oxidation-reduction processesin the region of the inflammatory focus);aerosol-therapy( contributes to the therapeutic effect in the field of action - on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract);hydroprocedures - common baths with sea salt, needles, herbs( increase overall tone, body resistance).

    Special care requires recovery of children , who have chronic and so-called background diseases( rickets, anemia, exudative diathesis, abnormalities in physical development, etc.).If a chronic child has a chronic illness, recovery should begin with the treatment of this disease, for example, with conservative or operative treatment of chronic tonsillitis, surgical treatment of adenoiditis, timely treatment of dental caries, etc.

    Treatment of background diseases requires great patience and consistency,since without the elimination of an unfavorable background, the effectiveness of all health measures will be minimal. Here much depends on the parents, on how clearly they will perform the appointments and recommendations of the doctor.

    Each child has certain features of higher nervous activity. An individual approach to children who have deviations in health status, often sick, during recovery from acute diseases is extremely necessary. The individual approach is understood as the appointment of a special regime for the day, nutrition, physical education, health-improving activities, etc.

    It is known that normalization of body temperature and relaxation of other symptoms of the disease are not indicators of complete recovery. Observations of children after their illnesses( acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, angina, pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, etc.) revealed certain changes in the state of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous system, as well as in blood values, remaining on average from3 to 6 weeks after returning to a children's institution.

    These children can be noted fatigue, pallor of the skin, sweating, decreased appetite, deterioration of sleep, etc. The duration of these disorders depends on many factors: the severity of the disease, the state of the child before the illness, the nature of treatment, the individual characteristics of the baby.

    The basis of individual work in these cases is the appointment of a sparing-health regime both at home and in the pre-school institution, during which the child should receive special medical and health procedures, and in some cases, medical treatment.

    Duration of the sparing regimen depends on the transferred disease:

    acute respiratory viral infections, acute bronchitis, tonsillitis, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis - 20-25 days;

    influenza, acute otitis media, exacerbation of chronic otitis media, bronchial asthma after exacerbation - 25-30 days;

    pneumonia acute, acute infectious diseases of children, including intestinal, occurring in moderate and severe form, exacerbation of eczema, appendicitis acute( after surgery);concussion of the brain of medium severity, condition after abdominal operations, condition after tonsillectomy - 2 months, often up to 6 months;acute nephritis, meningitis - more than 2 months, often constantly.