  • Physical exercises

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    There is a generally accepted view that regular exercise is very useful for health, well-being, vitality and, of course, the sexual life of any person.

    If you are in good physical shape, of course for your age, then you can plan for yourself every day some kind of physical activity that can include climbing a ladder or working in a garden that will not be burdensome to you and from which you will not appeardyspnea. If you exercise several times a week, it will help you maintain a good physical shape and will be a good prevention against various diseases. Physical loads should include three main types of stress, which develop endurance, strength and flexibility( abbreviated to WASH).The most

    important for physical health, I consider endurance, which is achieved only by regular physical exercises.

    Great stamina is developed with constant aerobic exercise, designed specifically to raise the level of oxygen in the blood, strengthen the lungs and heart. Ideally, every aerobic exercise should last at least 20 minutes. Do aerobic exercise at least three times a week. Classes in some sports may well replace aerobics classes. For example, sports walking, cycling, dancing, jumping, running, soccer, basketball, swimming, playing tennis, weightlifting, etc. However, in order to train the body in a balanced manner, try to perform different physical exercises, and those that strengthenmuscles, and those that develop flexibility. However, any physical exercises( unless you overload yourself) are beneficial to your health. These include even such as walking or climbing the stairs. The longer you do, the better.

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    Regular aerobics classes are healthy, because:

    • Thanks to them, your body becomes more enduring. The cardiovascular system is strengthened( heart work improves, blood circulation improves, because blood better delivers oxygen to all parts of the body, which ultimately prolongs your life).In addition, aerobics classes help to lead an active lifestyle, reduce the risk of developing hypertension, heart disease and paralysis.

    • They strengthen the muscles of the body, strengthen the ligaments and tendons that hold the bones. After such exercises, posture improves. Any physical work at home becomes easy and easy for you. Strong muscles of the body reduce the risk associated with injuries, dislocations and aggravated with aging mobility of the joints. Strengthening the back and abdominal muscles helps prevent or relieve pain in the lower back.

    • Aerobic strengthens bones and gives them elasticity. Recent studies have shown that even simple exercises that load tubular braces,

    , reduce or prevent the development of osteoporosis( bone loss disease, see Chapter 4) and bone fragility in women, which is usually associated with menopause.

    • In combination with a well-balanced diet, regular aerobic exercise prevents obesity because they burn excess calories. Excess weight always means a predisposition to heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.

    • Aerobic exercises strengthen your body, which causes admiration of others, give you self-confidence and, ultimately, contribute to your well-being.

    • A set of aerobic exercises helps to cope with the effects of stress, because it helps to develop more endor-finals in the body - a chemical that serves as a natural anabolic. Increasing the amount of its amount in the body can change the mood of a person and help liberate oneself. The relaxed state, which follows physical exertion, promotes a sound, healthy sleep.

    It is very important that your physical activity grows gradually. Classes should not be long and exhausting and should begin with simpler exercises, the intensity and duration of which should increase from occupation to occupation. Many of us promise ourselves that the next day will necessarily begin to exercise. However, not everyone succeeds. Therefore, start better with the fact that you reduce your travels by car or bus, replacing them with walking tours.