  • Severe menstrual periods

    Severe form means either prolonged or profuse menstruation. Almost all women know what it is. Prolonged are those menstrual periods that last more than a week. Usually this means that the hormonal balance is broken in the body. In general, we are talking about the hormone estrogen, the balance of which, if necessary, can be restored. It happens that the duration of the menstrual period increases as a result of the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive( spiral).The same can occur after discontinuation of hormone tablets, after birth, and before the onset of menopause. Any stress, irritation or changes in life, as well as the presence of fibroma or polyps on the lining of the uterus or some other diseases associated with

    disorders in the uterus, can cause prolonged menstrual periods. Therefore, if you have signs of prolonged menstruation( unless this is not normal for you), it is best to check your doctor again.

    What can help in case of prolonged menstruation?

    • Abundant bleeding can cause anemia( anemia), as a result of which you will feel tired and tired. Therefore, the use of foods rich in iron, such as bread, cereals, dark green vegetables, meat and liver, can partially offset the consequences of heavy bleeding. In addition, your doctor can give you a blood test. If the diagnosis is confirmed by a lack of iron, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate vitamins or supplements.

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    • Some women believe that with abundant bleeding, primrose oil sometimes helps.

    Absence of menstrual periods( amenorrhea)

    If, during puberty, the menstrual periods come late( that is, later than they should occur during adolescence) if the woman subsequently does not have menstrual periods for more than three months, this phenomenon is called amenorrhea( ie, the absence of menstrual periods).Sometimes it happens that the first menstruation in girls comes late. If she did not appear before the age of 16, this should be a cause for concern and you need to consult a doctor. Later, the onset of menstruation in girls is caused by hereditary causes, inadequate weight for her age, excessive physical exercise or lack of appetite on nerves. The true reason must be established by a specialist.

    If, in subsequent years, a woman's period does not occur for more than three months, the cause must also be established by specialists. The most common cause of this phenomenon, as a rule, is pregnancy, and later, in the postpartum period, i breastfeeding. It happens that the lack of i pustuations is associated with a deep depression, a stressful condition, excessive physical stress during sports, taking hormonal contraceptives containing progestogen. Of course, with the increase in i, women also have violations of menstrual periods. Usually it occurs in old age, when a woman ends her reproductive period. This condition was called menopause.11 Again, the true cause of amenorrhea should be established by a professional.

    Main violations of the female reproductive system

    If you feel something that is similar to what is listed below, then you should visit a doctor without delay.

    • Any unusual pain, irritation, swelling, rash in the lower abdomen or in the genital area.

    • Difficulty during urination or too frequent urination.

    • Unusual vaginal discharge.

    • Abundant bleeding, bleeding between menstrual periods, severe menstrual cramps or other menses related to menstruation.

    In some cases, changes in menstrual periods are associated with the age of the woman. In a number of other cases, the doctor can prescribe the necessary course of treatment. However, the same violations can have more serious consequences, and some of them - even threaten the life of a woman.

    The main diseases of the female reproductive system - breast cancer and cervical cancer( cervical cancer) - can be easily cured if detected at an early stage of the disease. The presence of the first can be determined by self-examination, and the presence of the second is determined by the analysis of a smear taken from the cervix( see below).Endometriosis, fibromas, cyst

    of the ovaries, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer at the initial stage can also be identified if you consult a doctor with signs of malaise of varying severity, listed above. With the timely access to the doctor all listed diseases in most cases are amenable to diagnosis and treatment.