
How to make a collage of desires for fengshu own hands

  • How to make a collage of desires for fengshu own hands

    Over the past 20 years, Russians have become entangled in all sorts of oriental techniques, including feng shui. And it was from there that the notion "poster of desires" came. This name is on hearing, but few know how to properly create a collage of desires for Feng Shui by oneself.

    In fact, this process is simple, most importantly, follow the rules, which is the main meaning of this Oriental art. The first thing you need is a sheet of Whatman. It needs to be divided into 9 sections on the Bagua grid.

    Nine zones of collage of desires

    Now in these zones it is necessary to place pictures for a collage of desires.

    1) In the center is the most important zone - health. Here it is necessary to paste the best picture of yours, where you are cheerful, happy and full of optimism. After all, this photo will symbolize your life in principle.

    2) Above the "Health" is "Glory".Here is your success. Think well what success means to you. For men and women - it's pretty different concepts. If a woman is a relationship, then for men - money. Do not be shy and do not limit yourself to desires. Do you want a sea of ​​diamonds, 15 children or become a millionaire in 20 years? Please, if by success you mean exactly this, then this is your choice.

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    3) Below - "Career".What heights you would like to achieve in the promotion of the career ladder. Whom in the end you want to become. Head of the department or, perhaps, take it higher and become the head of the concern?

    4) "Wealth".Here everything that is connected with wealth should be placed. Any favorite picture with money. In this case, the more money the more, the better. And you can glue and picture with a pile of gold bars. Why not? Gold is always liquid.

    5) "Wisdom".Even if you did not finish universities, and study, as you think, it's too late. Glue here a photo of a happy graduate with a diploma or a famous scientist. Let them indicate the breadth of your thinking. After all, they learn not only in schools, but also in life.

    6) "Family" is a very female sector. Women clearly do not need to explain what pictures should be here. So let's explain for men. We put photos of the ideal family in your understanding. Want a beautiful wife, then in the photo - a beauty. Do not want children - and there are no children on the photo.

    7) "Love Relationships" - everything that is connected in this or that way with real quivering feelings should be placed here. Well, if you already have a loved one, you can put his photo. If not, we select pictures with images of kissing doves, interlocking hands, happy couples. All that somehow expresses this feeling.

    8) "Children and creativity" - here should be what you dream about, what would you like to do. Maybe a hobby for which there is no time. So, if you wanted to paint since childhood - put in this area a picture of a famous artist, which you really really like.

    9) "Assistants and Travel".This is the zone to choose from. Dream to visit other countries - paste pictures with those cities and places that you would like to visit. If you need support for life - paste a photo of your friend or saint.

    You can also combine these two directions.

    In the end, you should get this kind of collage of desires, photo-examples below:

    Basic rules for filling the poster

    • All pictures and photos should be positive and please you personally. You can take them anywhere: the Internet, magazines, family photo album.
    • Each picture needs to be signed. Desire should be expressed clearly and briefly. Do not stop at intermediate desires, the poster is usually made for one year, so think about what you want to achieve this year.
    • In sentences there should be no negation of particles "not", "neither".
    • The desire should not be for someone bad, that is, you can not write "I want Ivan Ivanovich to be fired, but I took his place".
    • Feng Shui's requirement is to start creating a collage for the growing moon.

    You will find the videos on the training of drawing up the poster of desires below.