  • Fertilization and pregnancy

    If a man and a woman make love without using contraceptives at a time when a woman is about to undergo an ovulation period, it is very likely that sexual intercourse will lead to pregnancy.

    When a man's penis is in the vagina and ejaculation occurs, the sperm is at the far end of the vagina. If the sperm fertilize the newly released egg in the fallopian tube, then it has a long and dangerous path. The reproductive system of men and women is arranged so that the ovum and sperm meet in one way or another. Before ovulation, the clitoris produces "life-giving" musk, which helps the spermatozoa find their way to the right place. This musk contains proteins and sugar, which feed semen on the way. In order for the spermatozoon to connect to the egg, it needs to swim a distance of 15 cm. This is truly a marathon swim, and, given the microscopic size of the sperm, it can be assumed that it does this extremely quickly. Every hour he swims 2.5 cm! At the same time rhythmic muscular contractions of the uterus and fallopian tubes help it. Fertilization occurs approximately during the next 10-12 hours after sexual intercourse. However, there are cases when very quick spermatozoa made this way in just 30 minutes. Spermatozoa remain viable for 7 more days, but they lose their

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    reproductive abilities in three days. It turns out that the spermatozoa that got into the body of a woman before ovulation, remain viable for 3 more days and are waiting for the female reproductive system to release a new egg ready for fertilization.

    Spermatozoa accumulate in the fallopian tube around an ovum that should be released, then one of the spermatozoa can break through the egg shell, and then fertilization will occur. Male and female embryonic cells merge into one. Such an egg is called a diploid. The diploid ovum is in continuous motion. It is constantly divided and divided until it forms an embryo. This embryo descends down the fallopian tube and then attaches itself to the mucous lining inside the uterus. This is the process that is called "implantation."The embryo carries out its journey within 5 - 7 days. When the embryo is fully implanted, the conception process is considered complete.

    An embryo implanted inside the uterus begins to produce a gonadotropic hormone that enters the bloodstream. It is this hormone present in a woman's urine when she is given a pregnancy test. Together,

    with blood flow gonadotropic hormone adheres to the ovaries, where it contributes to the formation of a yellow body, i.e. What becomes a bag that is freed from the egg. The yellow body, meanwhile, continues to produce progesterone, which strengthens the walls of the uterus and thereby creates favorable conditions for the passage of pregnancy.

    Even if the sperm has got into the body of a woman, this does not mean that fertilization must necessarily happen. This is because, firstly, not every released egg is impregnated. Secondly, because some of the fertilized eggs can not always be implanted. Such eggs are subsequently rejected by the body after implantation. Therefore, a healthy couple with a sexual act that occurs without the use of contraceptives, on average, takes about 24 months to produce a conception. However, this does not mean that a young man and a woman can not achieve the same result once. Statistics from different countries indicate a large number of unplanned pregnancies.