  • What attracts men

    In this book, I do not risk imposing sexual stereotypes and I must warn from the outset that the generalizations about what attracts heterosexual men in developed countries are based on research that was conducted in the Nordic countries and in the north of the United States.

    First of all, it should be noted that under the factors that attract men, we mean those that excite him in a sexual relationship, as well as those that are regarded as important qualities of a potential partner in long-term or permanent relationships. In all cases, men, unlike women, believe that the factor of external attractiveness plays a decisive role. As for the factors that arouse men in a sexual way, they are different for different people in different countries. However, most men believe that most of them are excited by such physical characteristics as a thin waist, long legs and a stunning figure. As for the breast, its size and shape are purely individual factors. It is appropriate to recall the well-known saying that there are no comrades for taste and color. In some nations, the rounded forms of the female body are highly valued. However, this does not apply to developed countries, where the cult of the elegant female body has become a strict standard. Also, most men like it when a woman has a beautiful manicure, clean hair, fresh breath and not too much hair on the body..

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    As for men who are interested in forming long-term relationships, they are looking for other qualities such as warmth, loyalty, kindness, gentleness, cheerfulness, honesty and the ability to empathize in addition to external attractiveness. In a survey that was conducted among college students in the US, it was said that honesty is one of the most important qualities that a partner should have. Surveys conducted in the US and the UK show that eroticism is valued above the ability to farm.

    In most cases, men are attracted to younger women. Sometimes this is due to the fact that they are thinking about the future offspring, and sometimes such men prefer not to have children at all. However, young men are attracted to virtuosity in sexual relations and self-confidence of older women.