  • Gladiolus hybrid( sword)

    Family touch-like.

    Climbing of perennials;stem is leafy, erect, juicy;leaves xiphoid or lanceolate, vaginal, cover the stem from both sides;peduncles high, inflorescence - ear, arrangement of flowers in inflorescence different - single-row, double-row or spiral( varieties), varieties also differ in the distance between flowers - in density( dense, medium-dense and loose);flowers funnel-shaped with one axis of symmetry, the flower consists of six lobes, the inner and outer petals may differ in color, shape and texture( simple, corrugated, folded, etc.), the flowering times are different;a fruit - a box.

    Since all varieties( because of their multiplicity) can only be described in a separate book, and caring for many of them is too difficult for a beginner floriculturist, instead of even brief characteristics, it is better to remember the basic principles of their classification. A completely decorated entry of the variety looks like this: first a three-digit wisp is written in which the first digit indicates the size of the flower( 100 - miniature, that is, less than 6.5 cm in diameter, 200 - small-flower, 6.5 - 8.9 cm in diameter, 300- medium-large, 9 - 11.4 cm, 400 - large-flowered, 11.5 - 13.9 cm, 500 - giant, more than 14 cm), the second figure indicates color( 00 - white, 10 - yellow, 20 - orange, 30- salmon, 40 - pink, 50 - red, 60 - crimson, 70 - lilac, 80 - purple( blue), 90 - chestnut), third - tonality( 0 - pale, 2 - light, 4 -implicit, 6 - dark), and there are special category on the last two digits: 58 - black-red, 68 - Black raspberry, 78 - magenta 92 - light smoky, 94 - smoky, 96 - Dark smoky;after these three digits, the name of the variety goes, followed by the surname of the originator( in the varieties of the European lines it is usually omitted), the year of the variety and finally the flowering period, indicated by abbreviations: OR - very early, P - early, SR - mid-term, C - medium,- Mid-late, P - late, OP - very late. Late and very late varieties in the middle belt are rarely cultivated. For example: a record of 386, Shipsheyp, 85, C means that the Shipshape variety is medium-large, dark purple, in 1985, the average flowering period. In addition, the varieties are divided into two types: European( inflorescences bored, pyramidal, at the same time there are at least 5 flowers, petals with even or slightly wavy edges) and American( inflorescence with the correct arrangement of flowers, 8 to 10 of them, corrugated petalsor folded).

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    It is not easy to grow gladioli, but in case of diligent observance of all necessary conditions, the result will serve as a good reward for the floriculturist.

    Humidity requirements: need soils that are sufficiently moist, but without stagnation of water. Irrigation should not be done after 17 pm - at night the leaves should remain dry to avoid the development of fungal diseases( rot).

    Requirements for heat and light: warm and sunny.

    Soil requirements: different soils with pH 5.8 - 6.4, but sandy, clayey or peat must be pre-cultivated: in the first year to make organic to increase the humus layer, the second - to regularly loosen and make peat, in the third - on the contrary,add clay or pond sludge. It is very difficult to grow gladioli on soils with a high level of groundwater. Fertilizers are better to make in advance, perhaps - under the previous culture. Top-dressing - according to the cycles of development( see the chapter • "Nutrients").

    Reproduction: corms and babies, seed reproduction is used only in breeding. Old corms are divided before planting, pre-treated with pesticides or a solution of garlic juice( juice from 1 kg of garlic per 10 liters of water), they are sealed to a depth of 15 cm. The children are pre-wetted and germinated, and then sown in furrows up to 6 cm deep.

    Features: requires a full range of agrotechnical techniques: during the growing season, weeding, loosening of the soil, hilling, watering, fertilizing and treatment with pesticides is necessary. Gladiolus grow better in areas with good air circulation. Plants to maintain a beautiful form of peduncle should be tied up( especially tall varieties).Gladiolus often suffer from fusariosis and other fungal and infectious diseases. Flower stalks need to be trimmed carefully and correctly, as incorrect cutting often leads to diseases of corms: you can not leave a bare part of the stem, but you should try to keep the maximum number of leaves on the plant, which can cover the place of the cut, the cutter is better to use a special knife or a very sharp blade, which are made by counter-cuts. In the open ground do not hibernate.

    Usage: mainly for cutting. Low-grown varieties are occasionally used in curbs.