  • Injuries.how to provide first aid

    Unfortunately, no one has grown up without injuries. But one was more fortunate, their memories of injuries do not go beyond the usual bruise or cut, and others had to experience all the tigots of serious damage.

    Statistics lead to a huge number of home accidents, the main characters of which are small children. When they build a house and finish it, buy furniture or choose household appliances, think about the benefits, quality, comfort, but almost never think about the safety of kids.

    However, we must not forget that children who are under five years old are very curious and want to explore everything that surrounds them. It is this desire that leads to accidents. This behavior is completely natural, it is necessary for the physical and mental development of children, but it is curiosity that causes them to act spontaneously, not taking into account the possible

    danger. The kid is not yet able to stop and think about his behavior. Because of immaturity of the nervous system they have clumsy movements and physically they are not strong enough. As a result, the environment inflicts wounds on them.

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    Attentive parents will take care of their child's safety first. But it is impossible to foresee everything. If a child is still injured, it is very important to know how to behave in this case.

    Injury. .. What usually happens around the one at the time the child is injured? Of course, fright, pain, crying of the baby, the confusion of adults, excessive turmoil, an attempt to help, comfort the affected child. And the main question: what to do? The answer to this question is found in this chapter.

    Injuries, like diseases, are different. Some do not require special interventions and medical supervision, others may

    be life-threatening. However, in either case, the child will need help, first of all from those who are next to him. To really help the kid, you, dear adults, you need to get acquainted with the basic rules of first aid. Of course, one can refer to nonprofessionalism - "I'm not a doctor!", But neither this child nor you will feel any better from this excuse, and sometimes the time before the arrival of the "First Aid" or the arrival of a district doctor can be inexcusably lost. Do not forget that the health of your child is on the scales.

    On the other hand, excessive effort and experimentation will not lead to anything good either. The main commandment of all your actions should be "Do no harm!".

    So what can and should be done if the child is injured? First of all, to master five basic rules.


    1. Do not panic!

    No matter how terrible your trauma seems, panic is your enemy. Vanity, oh-ah, crying - it's emotions, and you require action and, perhaps, decision-making. In addition, the behavior of the child depends on your behavior. Seeing that the actions of parents are clear and organized, no one is horrified by what happened, a small patient himself gets confidence in a successful outcome.

    2. Consult your doctor!

    If a child's injury is not limited to scratching a bruise or a symptom that you are familiar with that you have already encountered and know how to proceed, be sure to consult a doctor. Even if the consequences seem to you not dangerous, but something in the child's behavior is not right or his complaints about pain or general health last more than 24 hours, show the child to the doctor. Better let them call you "reinsurers", "panic" than if you miss the symptoms indicatingon the development of severe consequences of an outwardly looking slight injury.

    3. I'm not sure - do not take it!

    This rule applies mainly to injuries associated with loss of consciousness and fractures. It is understandable the desire of parents, whose child was injured, to take the baby in his arms. This desire is dictated by the parents' instincts. Of course, if a child cries from a scratch or a broken knee, the first consolation will be your hands, soothing words. But in some cases I can not touch the victim. If the child can not move on his own, 1

    do not attempt to change the position of his body before the arrival of the doctor. By inept actions you can only do much harm. Transportation of patients in this state should be carried out by specialists.

    4. Tips only from professionals!

    Do not take advice from everyone. Neighbors who are familiar on the phone with knowledge will tell

    you what to do, what medicines to give, how to smear, etc. And most of them will refer to the fact that "we had such things," "so the professor of medicine advised the sister of my friend's cousin's aunt," and so on. Perhaps the councils will be literate, but there is no guarantee that they will be right in the situation with your child. Do not rush to follow the "most tested advice" immediately, think before you give any

    . In case of accident, the person who helps, must master the situation and act responsibly and calmly, keeping cool and calming the victim.

    But never do what you do not know. If in doubt, do nothing better than do something that could hurt the victim. However, in severe cases, decisive and fearless intervention can save a child's life.

    Never move a person who can be injured in the spine, and never remove the helmet if you suspect a head injury.

    Never give medicines, burns, ointments, creams and other substances if burns and injuries are not known.

    All dressings must be sterilized. However, under extreme circumstances, everything will be all right, and any "improvisation" can be useful in providing assistance to the victim. If you doubt the sterility of the instruments used, tell your doctor about it later.

    Any dressing is considered temporary, and after first aid has been given, it is best to contact the emergency room.

    For light lesions( shallow cuts, abrasions, small wounds, bruises), the dressing of the house is sufficient.

    medication, apply ointment or perform the procedure. If possible, consult a doctor.

    5. Jogging to the medicine cabinet!

    What should be in the home medicine chest, written in almost every parent's magazine, the contents of the medicine cabinet are spoken in polyclinics, and even in the rules of the road there is a list of everything necessary in case of injury. If the accident, the injury occurred at home, first aid kit and telephone - your first helpers. But even in the absence of something very necessary, for example a bandage, one should not panic. Replace it easily with ordinary towels or sheets, broken or quickly cut into strips. Most importantly, be quick to reorient yourself so that the absence of something does not allow you to panic.