  • Development and hygiene of girls( girls)

    The woman's organism undergoes a long and complex developmental path before it is prepared for a responsible function - motherhood. This path encompasses several age periods, from the intrauterine period to the end of puberty.

    Deviations from correct development in each age period can lead subsequently to serious violations in the menstrual and reproductive function of women.

    In order to protect the girl - the future mother - from such violations, her parents, educators and teachers need from a very young age to closely monitor the characteristics of its development, to observe hygienic rules in caring for it and, finally, be able to detect in time those or otherdeviation and promptly consult a doctor. For this, it is necessary to know not only the peculiarities of the development of the entire organism of the girl, but also the peculiarities of the structure and development of her genitals.

    . Features of the structure of the genitals

    . The structure of the genital organs of the girl

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    is similar to that of the adult woman. They are divided into external and internal.

    And the external genital organs include, pubis, large and small labia, clitoris and hymen. Between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina is located the external opening of the urethra.

    The hymen covers the entrance to the vagina. It is a membrane with one, less often with a few holes, through which the girls stand out during menstruation blood.

    The internal genitalia are located in the pelvic area. Mime includes the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

    The uterus is a hollow muscular organ. It consists of the body and neck, protruding into the vagina. The upper part of the uterus is called the bottom. In the thickness of the neck there is a canal, which opens on one side to the vagina( external yawn), and on the other to the uterine cavity( inner pharynx).The inner walls of the uterus, which make up her cavity, are lined with a mucous membrane. Between the womb of a girl, a girl and an adult woman there is a difference in shape, volume and weight, as well as in the proportions of the body and cervix.

    Right and left of corners of the uterine fundus towards the side walls of the small pelvis, the fallopian tubes leave. The lumen( channel) of each tube reaches the uterine cavity at one end, while the other approaches the ovary, opening freely into the abdominal cavity. In newborns and young girls, the tubes are characterized by a relatively large length, a convoluted shape, a narrow lumen and a weak development of the muscle fibers.

    The ovaries are located near the enlarged ends of the fallopian tubes on both sides of the uterus and somewhat posteriorly from it. The ovary of the girl consists, for the most part, of a dense cortical layer surrounding a small area of ​​the so-called brain substance, with well-developed blood vessels and nerves. It contains a large number of closely spaced embryonic vesicles( primordial follicles).

    In the body of a woman, as well as men, there are many different glands. All of them produce certain substances. Some glands withdraw the products of their vital activity outside them and any cavity of the body. These are glands of external secretion. The number of such glands include sweat, salivary, gland secreting gastric juice, etc.

    Along with them there are glands that produce special substances that come directly to the bloodstream. These are glands of internal secretion. The substances they release are called hormones. Hormones play a very large role in the development and life of the body. Among the glands of internal secretion are the sexual glands, the pituitary gland located in the base of the skull, the thyroid gland, the cortex of the adrenal glands.

    Hormones produced by sex glands in men and women largely determine the features of the structure of their body and the appearance of characteristics characteristic of a particular sex.