  • Infectious diseases

    In recent years, the structure of the incidence of young children has undergone significant changes. Instead of acute droplet infections( chicken pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, etc.), acute respiratory viral infections( ARVI) now have the largest share. At a fairly high level is the incidence of acute intestinal diseases. There is also a slight increase in the number of cases of epidemic hepatitis.

    The first and basic measure of the prevention of any infectious diseases is the strict observance of sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic requirements, the holding of a set of health-improving measures( regimen, proper nutrition, physical education, hardening).

    The actual anti-epidemic measures include: early detection of ill children, their timely isolation and registration, monitoring of children who have had contact with infectious patients, disinfection measures, monitoring of compliance with the quarantine deadlines. One of the most effective ways of preventing a number of infectious diseases is the provision of preventive vaccinations. At present, sufficiently effective vaccines against such diseases as tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, parotitis have been developed and are being used. Preventive vaccinations for children are carried out in time and in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

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    Before each vaccination, the child is carefully inspected by a doctor, he must always measure body temperature. Preventive vaccinations are conducted by specially trained medical personnel. It is not allowed to vaccinate at home. No later than 24 hours after the vaccination, the health worker examines the child to determine whether the vaccine is administered( general or local).The most common reaction is the introduction of a comprehensive vaccine against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus. Local reaction is expressed in reddening and a small seal with a diameter of 0.5-2 cm at the site of administration of the vaccine, which resolves in 2-5 days. In rare cases, a nodule is formed at this site, which dissolves within 20-30 days. Signs of a general reaction( malaise, fever), which is very rare, disappear within 1-2 days.

    Contraindications to the provision of preventive vaccinations, usually have a temporary nature. Children who have been vaccinated against a single disease can be vaccinated against another not earlier than 2 months later. The exception is vaccination against poliomyelitis, which can be carried out simultaneously or in a short space with another vaccination. After an acute illness, the vaccines are postponed for a month from the day of recovery. Once again admitted to the preschool, preventive vaccinations can be done only after the end of the adaptation period, after at least 1 month.

    Children who are not vaccinated in due time due to temporary contraindications, are vaccinated according to the individual scheme according to the recommendations of specialists. The question of carrying out preventive vaccinations to a child with disabilities in the state of health should be decided by the commission, which includes a pediatrician, doctors of other specialties and an immunologist of the district( city) polyclinic. The following articles0 present the current calendar of preventive vaccinations.

    The elimination of contacts with sick children and children in contact with an infectious patient is of great importance for the prevention of infectious diseases. Most of the so-called childhood infections are transmitted from the patient to a healthy airborne droplet. The causative agents of these diseases multiply in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, causing inflammatory changes in them. A sick child, when coughing and sneezing, sprinkles droplets of saliva and mucus containing pathogens that are transmitted to the healthy with air or objects. At the same time, some pathogens get into the environment, quickly die, others are more resistant.

    Thus, the pertussis is transmitted only by direct contact of a sick child with a healthy one. In the external environment, it quickly dies, especially under the influence of sunlight and disinfectants. Even less resistant to measles virus, which dies under the influence of not only sunlight, but also fresh air. Infection occurs by direct contact with the patient.

    The varicella virus is also less resistant. Outside the human body, it remains only 10-15 minutes, but it has a great volatility and with airflow can spread over long distances( to neighboring rooms, to floors).

    The causative agent of mumps( mumps) loses its activity under the influence of ultraviolet rays, high temperature, disinfectants. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through toys, utensils and other items, which droplets droplets of a sick child.

    The rubella virus is fairly stable in the external environment. Sources of the disease are sick and virus carriers.

    The causative agent of scarlet fever is transmitted from the patient to a healthy airborne droplet, as well as through linen, toys, books, which were used by a sick child. Possible transmission of infection through a third party.

    Diphtheria bacillus is transmitted by airborne droplets by direct contact with the patient, as well as through the objects used by the patient, and through a third party. It is not excluded the transmission of infection through food. In addition, children who have had diphtheria can remain for a long time bacilli carriers and are sources of infection.

    If a child has been in contact with an infectious patient, careful monitoring is necessary to promptly identify the first signs of the disease and begin appropriate treatment. Observe the child during the entire incubation period( that is, from the time of contact with the patient to the appearance of the first signs of the disease).

    Each infection is characterized by a certain duration of the incubation period. So, if a child can get sick in a day after contact with a scarlet fever, then after communicating with a sick epidemic parotitis, at least 11 days pass before the first signs of the disease appear.

    To know the term of the incubation period for various infections, it is also necessary to protect the child from communicating with children who came into contact with the infectious patient, since these children can be contagious even before the obvious signs of the disease appear.

    We present data on the duration of the incubation period of some infectious diseases:

    Pertussis - from 2 to 14 days

    Chicken pox - 10 to 21 days

    Epidemic parotitis - 11 to 23 days

    Rubella - 11 to 24 days

    Scarlet fever - from 1up to 12 days

    Diphtheria - 2 to 10 days

    Measles - 9 to 21 days

    Polio - 5 to 35 days

    Dysentery - 1 to 7 days

    Co-infection - 2 to 10 days

    Salmonellosis - from 6-8 h to 3 days

    Meningococcal infection - 3 to 20 days

    Botkin's disease: hepatitisit A - from 15 to 45 days

    hepatitis B - from 30 to 180 days

    It should be said about this method of preventing infectious diseases, such as the introduction of gamma globulin in case of contact with the patient, which creates passive immunity in the body that lasts for a month. After repeated contact with the patient after 30 days, the introduction of gamma globulin is repeated.

    It happens that even with the introduction of gamma globulin, the child becomes ill, but the disease proceeds in a lighter form. Therefore, children of an early age who are weakened should be recommended this method of prevention.