Barrier contraception
The barrier method consists of using a mechanical barrier to meet the germ cells - sperm and egg. This is the use of a cap, put on the cervix, male and female condoms, as well as a number of drugs that are destructive to spermatozoa.
Male condom is a contraceptive, in the form of a thin cover tightly put on the erect penis before intercourse to prevent the ejaculate from entering the vagina, as well as a means of protection against sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.
The modern condom is a rubber case with a diameter of 3.5 cm, sealed from one end, a length of 18 to 20 cm and a wall thickness of 0.09 to 0.3 mm. The condom is made from a very thin, but durable latex( a product made from the juice of a rubber tree).
Condoms have always been a valuable contraceptive, but have gained special popularity after the world began to rapidly spread AIDS.Currently, in all civilized countries, there are requirements for the quality of latex, assuming the presence of micropores, the size of which does not pass the viruses of AIDS.The European Community has a unified quality standard that requires electronic testing of micropores and wall thicknesses and filling a condom with 15 liters of compressed air.
At present, a wide variety of condoms are produced: with and without lubricant, usually the lubricant contains bactericidal substances( eg Nonoxynol-9) that kill the infection, including HIV.There were condoms with various flavor and aromatic additives( fruit, caramel), designed for use during oral sex. Special special thick thick-walled condoms, intended for anal intercourse, began to be produced. Embossed condoms with antennae, pimples, faces and other funny decorations are more suitable as a toy than for practical use, because they can be used as a toy.
decorative additions are "soldered" into latex, which reduces its strength, increases the load on individual sections of the condom, breaks the tightness of the walls. In addition, this "decoration" tends to fall off during intimacy and then it is quite difficult to remove it from the vagina.
In recent years, plastic condoms have emerged that are made of polyurethane. They are twice stronger than rubber, thinner, do not cause allergies, have no smell, do not reduce sensitivity, are better stored and do not break down from oil-based lubricants. They dress like a sock, and not unwinding like latex.
Types of condoms. Usually condoms are of standard size( 18 cm), but may differ in the presence of a nipple( sperm-receptor)( b, c) or lack thereof( a).They can be painted( d), have a relief surface( e), and contain a lubricant. Lubricants can exacerbate the sensitivity of the penis.
Advantages: widely available, almost no restrictions for use, not only isolates seminal fluid from entering the vagina, but also provides protection for both partners from sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.
Disadvantages: the need to have constantly at hand;careful and correct handling is required;can be used only with full erection, some note a decrease in the brightness of sensations or the appearance of a barrier in psychological intimacy. The effectiveness of a condom with a spermicide is 98-97%.
Rules and sequence of condom use:
1. Carefully open the package, checking the expiration date. Care must be taken so that nails or sharp objects do not damage the package when the package is opened. Do not use a condom that has an altered color, become dry, brittle or sticky to the touch.
2. The folded condom is placed on an excited penis, fingers are squeezed out the air from the tip( 1.5 cm) to leave the sperm reservoir, and then untwist the full length of the penis.
Outside, you can apply a sufficient amount of water-soluble lubricant( lubricant, glycerin).This prevents the condom break and makes contact much more pleasant. To increase the sensitivity of the penis before putting on a condom, you can drip 1-2 drops of lubricant into the condom itself. Just do not lubricate the entire penis, as this can lead to slipping of the condom during intimacy. Immediately after ejaculation, you need to carefully remove the penis by holding the condom by the ring so that it does not come off. The used condom should be tied up with a knot, wrapped in a napkin and discarded.
The shelf life of condoms stored in a package in a dry, dark, cool room is 5 years. A condom without packaging after 8-10 hours under the influence of sunlight reduces its reliability by 80-90%.It is recommended to avoid storing condoms under the sun, ultraviolet, with high humidity and heat, as these factors also reduce the strength of latex. Touching the surface of the condom with mineral or vegetable oils for a few minutes dramatically reduces their strength. Therefore, the use of petrolatum, liquid creams and edible oils for lubrication is unacceptable, as this can lead to a break in the condom during intercourse. Glycerin, special lubricants( lubricants), water-based jelly, and egg white do not damage the surface of the condom and can certainly be used.
Female condom( femidom)
It appeared about 10 years ago as an alternative to a male condom. The femidom is a long and much wider than a male condom, a tube with two elastic rings at the ends. One is located in the depth of the vagina, and the second, wider - at the entrance to the vagina. It is made of polyurethane, disposable, injected before sexual intercourse and is removed after it is completed.
Diaphragm and cap
Diaphragm is a soft round rubber cap with a diameter of 5-10 cm with a thickened elastic edge. Of the cervical caps, the most common are aluminum or plastic caps Kafka.
The diaphragm is installed across the vagina, and the cervical cap is smaller in size and is worn directly on the cervix. They come in different shapes and 20 sizes, so initially the size is chosen by the doctor. The diaphragm is inserted into the vagina by hand shortly before sexual intercourse and is fixed directly in front of the uterus of the uterus.
Most often, one mechanical obstacle is not enough, so caps and apertures should be used with spermicides,
Types of caps:
1. The diaphragm is the largest of the caps and the most commonly used. It consists of soft rubber, fixed on a metal ring.
2. Neck cap - smaller in size and resembling a thimble in shape. Most are made of rubber and have an elevated hollow bezel.
3. The vaulted cup-shaped cap with a thin middle and thickened at the edge. It is held in a certain position as a result of the suction effect, when it is pressed against the center.
Position of the cap in the vagina. The cervical cap should fit snugly against the cervical margin.
which are applied to the edges and the inner surface of the cap, adjacent to the cervix.
To improve effectiveness, it is advisable to leave them at least 6 hours after intercourse.
After use, they are washed with soap in warm water, dried and stored in a solid box. After childbirth, abortion, or with a weight change of more than 3 kg, it is necessary to re-size the cap.
The diaphragm almost does not give side effects, inexpensive, sufficiently reliable for skillful use. Minus: during sexual intercourse can move.
The theoretical level of efficiency should be 95%, but in practice it is 80-90% due to improper use( incorrect installation, improper size, displacement during proximity).