This is another plant from North America, where it was called the "golden hat".Her inflorescence really does resemble a straw hat.
High erect stems do not require supports. Most often large flower baskets have a yellow color, but there are also red, and even red-brown petals. Flowers are both non-quartic and semi-double. Smart and long-flowering plants, unpretentious to the conditions of growth, so very popular in our gardens. Flowering usually lasts from June to September.
Rudbeckia of Golden Storm is especially elegant. It has some features. She needs stratification, and she has very small seeds. Therefore, they are not ground in the soil, but are sown on a small layer of snow. Snow is placed on a layer of clean, washed( or quartz) sand, poured over the ground with a neutral reaction. Primer and sand are pre-watered with a solution of potassium permanganate in a bright pink color and compacted. Snow melting half pulls seeds into the soil. Why is it necessary to sow seeds in this way? The fact is that all small seed for shoots need light. In addition, they have a very short length of the subfamily knee, and they will not be born even from a depth of just 1mm. Crops immediately covered with glass and at a moderately warm temperature( about 18-20 degrees) keep 5-7 days for swelling. Then set in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks for sizing. And only after that they put it into the light in a warm room. The glass should be removed, and the container with the seedlings should be placed in a plastic bag. In it, you need to do some exhalations to fill carbon dioxide, and tie it. When the seedlings grow up a little, they are dived( transplanted) in separate cups and are grown before transplanting into the ground at a fairly low temperature( approximately 14-15 degrees).In the open ground they can be planted after the end of spring frosts immediately in place according to the scheme of 35 x 35 cm. Sowing houses are produced in late February-early March.
Rudbeckia can be sown directly into the soil in early April. But there is a great danger of losing plants, especially if there are weed seeds in the soil. They will easily score the sprouts of rudbeckia.
Rudbeckia blossoms for about 60 days, from July to October from the next year after sowing. The plant is very responsive to the mineral fertilizer "Rastorin".The Golden Storm variety needs shelter for the winter with a layer of leaves, which must be removed early in the spring, otherwise the plant may die from spring trapping. Especially important is the shelter in the first year of wintering. In the following years, it is necessary to cut the stems under the root in autumn. If the above-ground part was healthy, then the cut stems can be left in place, they will serve as shelter for the winter. If the foliage was sick, then this should not be done or the left overground part should be well watered with a solution of "Phytosporin".
Rudbeckia is suitable for flower beds, individual curtains, for example, in a group of yellow plants of a different species, as well as for mixborders. Can be planted by a separate group on the outskirts of the lawn.