  • Pansies

    For the duration and abundance of flowering, according to the variety of colors, these colors are literally not equal. Seeds are planted directly in the soil in June or early July, after 2 weeks, shoots appear, and the next year they blossom. Do not over tighten with sowing, because they must go under the winter strong. Need a pick in the stage when there were 1 -2 leaves. Or they need to be thinned out. They must be planted in the school, using a perforated plastic box, which from inside( not to germinate weeds) to lay out with an old film and make several holes at the bottom to drain excess water. Dig it into the soil in the penumbra and fill it with soil prepared from a mixture of peat and sand( per 1 bucket of peat 0.5 buckets of sand and 1 glass of ash).Moisten the soil, slightly compact, sow seeds. Then sprinkle them on top of dry soil and slightly compact it. Before emergence, cover the box with a film. After the emergence of shoots, of course, you need to remove the film, and sprouting seedlings, tweezing the excess with tweezers. You must transplant plants to the place in early September. You can plant seedlings according to the scheme of 15 x 15 cm or 20 x 20 cm.

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    There is another way: you can sow them at the beginning of March at home on seedlings, then either thin out, or dive until they are small, and as soon as the frost ends, you immediatelyyou can put them in their place, and they will blossom in June. But next year they will not have such an abundant flowering.

    Partially they multiply self-sowing. To do this, the seed boxes must be left on the plants, they crack, and the seeds fall on the soil under the plants. Do not touch the soil, and the seeds will come from you, do not forget to thin, otherwise nothing will be sensible.

    To get your seeds, pull out the seed box( you will see it in the form of a green cone, which appeared in a flower that is discolored), as soon as it began to burn. Do not miss this moment, otherwise the box will crack and the seeds will fly apart. Spread the seed boxes in your room on paper. You will have your seeds.

    Germination seeds last 2 years, and in a closed bag in the refrigerator for 6 years. Seeds need to be collected every 3-4 days.

    Purple forms transmit their properties from seeds very well, but pink, blue, yellow and red are very bad, because they are dusted and change color to violet. Therefore, all the colors will eventually become purple, and if you want to preserve the color of the flowers, then plant the curtain of each color separately.

    Pansies - water-loving plants, if you plant them in the sun or near the bushes, you need to water them. At us, in the Northwest, the truth such climate, that sometimes all the summer anything to water it is practically not required.

    Pansies are the most unpretentious biennial. Now there is a large selection of seeds of these plants, among them there are surprisingly beautiful. Low-grown modern forms( only 12 cm) are used as ground cover plants. They look very beautiful on a rocky hill.