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    Labaznik( another name for the tavolga plant) used to be referred to spirits, but now it is isolated as an independent species. To astilbe it has nothing to do with, but just like it, it blooms with small fragrant flowers, gathered in a loose panicle at the end of tall, erect, sturdy peduncles. The main flowering occurs in July-August. Flowers are fragrant, their smell is favorable for humans, but in some people their pollen causes allergies. There are as many species of mallineries with leaves of varying degrees of dissection. The stems and leaves are dark green or reddish. Flowers are cream or pure white, there are pink. Plants retain their decorativity all summer until very late autumn due to their elegant greenery and the inflorescences with fruits. It is the appearance of the inflorescence and foliage, which is decorative all summer, and is related to the Tovolg with Astilba. The smallest of the fencers is a six-petalled( or ordinary) one. Its height is only 50-60 cm. Slightly creamy inflorescences are very elegant, and thinly dissected leaves look like fern leaves. There is a variety with white and pink fragrant inflorescences, and also there is a terry variety Flore Pleno, it blossoms earlier than other meadowsweepers, in June-July.

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    The most common in the North-West is a mulberry shrub, the height of which is from 80 to 120 cm. There is one sort of this fungus - Augea, whose foliage has a yellowish tinge. Usually in parks it is grown just because of its trim foliage, and therefore tied buds are removed. Among the mobbers, there is another very elegant one - a redwood fence, whose height is 120-150 cm, with flowers of bright pink color. The highest mazebnik is Kamchatka, reaching a height of 2-3 m!

    In principle, the moczemnik grows on moist soils, in the penumbra. But it feels excellent in the sun, and although the plant is hygrophilous, it does not suffer too much drought. But of course, it is better to water the plant in extreme heat. Labaznik unpretentious, to the undemanding, but, of course, grows better and blossoms on good garden lands, from slightly acid to neutral.

    In one place, tavolga can grow for a long time, it should not be planted until five years after planting. There is one feature of this plant. As in Astilba, the rhizome grows rhizome upward, only more slowly, therefore, it is necessary to pour fertile soil under it in autumn, otherwise the rhizome will become bare with time. The plant is winter-hardy, no shelter for the winter does not require, leaving virtually the same.

    Labrador easily multiplies by dividing the bush or segments of rhizomes, which should have 2-3 vegetative buds. You can do this in the early spring( in April) or in the fall( in September).Delenki planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other.

    Growing a mender in a group or mixborder, deepen the rhizome into the soil for 10-12 cm. Plants grow rapidly.

    It is possible to propagate a mulberry and seeds. Since seeds need stratification, it is easiest to plant them in autumn or winter. They rise slowly and unevenly, so the planting site should be rid of the weeds and mark, and also make sure that the soil does not dry out. It is best to organize such a school for growing seedlings in the shade. In the year of emergence, plants are transplanted into place, and in the second year they bloom.

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    If you saw a beautifully blooming mallberry in the park and you liked it, come in September for seeds and sow in your area.

    Labradors can be planted in the background of mixborders, making green fences separating the garden from the rest of the plot or yours from the neighboring plot, and planting them with a whole group on the edge of the lawn or with individual plants under the canopy of trees.

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    Labaznik well stands in the cut, including bouquets in combination with other colors. It has this plant and medicinal properties. It has long been used in the treatment of colds and rheumatism. Dried flowers are part of some medicinal teas.