Problem foods in breast milk
Partners for meals - mother and child - can enjoy a sumptuous menu. But some children are sensitive to certain foods in the mother's diet. Distressed foods can get into your milk and cause the child to feel pain or anxiety two hours after you ate them. To identify sensitivity to food as a cause of restless pain caused by pain in the abdomen of a child's behavior, the key is the schedule of colic, the so-called twenty-four hours before colic: a pronounced attack of pain occurs within twenty-four hours after the nursing mother consumed the food, to which doubt falls, and the attack is not repeated until the mother eats the same product. Pay special attention to the following problem-prone products:
Dairy products. Potentially allergenic proteins( proteins) from dairy products can enter the breast milk and cause the child to have abdominal pain.
Caffeine-containing foods.
Non-alcoholic drinks, chocolate, coffee, tea and some cold medicines contain caffeine. Although some children may be more sensitive to caffeine than others, usually mothers, to cause frustration in their child, it is required to consume a very significant amount of these products.
Cereals and nuts. The most allergenic products of this group are wheat, corn, oats and peanuts.
Spicy and spicy food. Your milk can acquire a unique flavor after you eat spicy, spicy or garlic food. Salads, pizza and a raid on a neighboring ethnic restaurant - the child will also have to try it all on the palate. Sometimes this can cause a digestive protest from the child, and he will refuse food or suffer from colic.
Environmental Contaminants. Pesticides and other toxic substances are of increasing concern. To minimize the flow of these harmful substances into your milk, avoid fish from deliberately dirty bodies of water, thoroughly wash and peel fruit and vegetables, and also cut off fat from meat, poultry and fish, as the chemicals are usually concentrated in fat.
Products that cause flatulence. Broccoli, onions, Brussels sprouts, green peppers, cauliflower, cabbage - these vegetables in their raw form can cause unpleasant sensations in children, but in a boiled form are less dangerous. It is difficult to explain from a scientific point of view why these products bring problems to children, but our personal experience of breastfeeding confirms that experienced nursing mothers have known for a long time - from foods that pummel the stomach, babies groan in children.
How to track
products that cause a child
This simple three-step technique for identifying in your breast milk products that can cause a child to breakdown is similar to the approach to be taken to identify an allergy to food that may appearafter the breast milk has ceased to be the main food of the child.
Stage one: Create a table "Product-concern".From the products listed above, select and write down those foods that are part of your diet, which are the most suspicious. On the contrary to this list, indicate anxiety attacks in your child, usually expressed by moodiness, crying and behavior,
Recipe for almond milk
If you or your child can not tolerate cow's milk, here's a substitute for him. Almond milk or a ready-made mixture can be bought at a grocery store, or you can prepare yourself.
1/2 cup blanched raw
2 cups water( if necessary
more), salt, honey, maple syrup,
vanilla or almond essence
( optional).
Place the blanched raw almonds in a blender. Add 1 glass of water and grind until smooth consistency - about five minutes at maximum speed. Pour in the remaining glass of water to dilute the milk to the desired density, if necessary pour more. Before use, refrigerate to improve taste. If you want, you can season the milk with a few salt crystals, a little honey or maple syrup, or a drop of vanilla or almond essence. Almond milk can serve as a drink, you can pour flakes or use it in cooking and baking.
is indicative of abdominal pain, bloating, severe constipation or diarrhea, severe flatulence, inexplicable nocturnal awakenings or a red ring around the anus of the baby.
Stage two: Exclude products. One by one( or all at once, if necessary), exclude
from the most suspicious foods from your diet for a period of ten to fourteen days. Watch your child to see if the symptoms of the disorder have disappeared. If not disappeared, try to exclude another problem product. If the symptoms have disappeared, go to the third step.
Stage three: Check the result. If some or all of the alarming symptoms are gone, confirm the result, reintroducing a suspicious product into your diet. If symptoms of the disorder appear again in the child within twenty-four hours, temporarily delete this product from your menu. Although mothers are most often shrewd detectives, checking the recovery of the product in the diet makes your conclusion more objective. Love for your child and the pain that you experience when it hurts your child makes you prone to hurriedly labeling a particular product, imputing to them the child's problem, which can unreasonably deprive you and your child of a valuable source of nutritioussubstances. Even if a food product is really responsible for the disorder in a child, most children do not tolerate a particular product only temporarily, which allows you to re-include your favorite foods in your diet.
Other tips for products that cause digestive disorders
Try it on the palate. If you took a medicine and your child suddenly, for no apparent reason, refuses to take breast, perhaps your milk has a bitter taste.
No on one product not should lean. Although some children are extremely sensitive to even a few drops of irritant, in others irritation only occurs if the mother eats or drinks very much. Good examples are wheat and citrus fruits: too much can cause anxiety in the child, and small amounts can easily be tolerated.
If you have denied yourself many products, and the child suffers even more, ask your breastfeeding consultant to make sure that the problem is not your feeding technique, to a nutritionist, to check if you have a balanced diet, and most of allmost importantly, to the pediatrician who observes your child to identify possible, non-nutritional causes of your child's problems. And the last word - lovers to eat from the heart. Let the prospect of restrictions in eating does not repel you from breastfeeding. In most cases, children with intolerance to certain products consumed by the mother also have serious problems with some or even all kinds of artificial mixtures. For most babies, what the mother eats does not cause any discontent.