  • Age changes in men

    Age changes in the male body lead to less excitation, longer duration of the sexual act( the time to orgasm increases), more time and / or more direct stimulation of the penis is required to achieve erection, the intensity of the erection weakens, the amount of seminal fluid and strength decreasesejaculate ejection, the time of orgasm is shortened, the erection disappears faster, the period of "unexcitable"( refractory period) is prolonged before the subsequent erection.

    Older men do not experience sensations that could be compared to women's at menopause. In men, signs of hormonal changes associated with age are less visible and less affect well-being. On the offensive "men's menopause" can only be spoken by 5% of men. By the age of 50, men have established a low level of progesterone in men, testosterone levels( male sex hormone) fall gradually from 55-60 years, which leads to a reduction in overall sexual tension and erotic excitability. At the same time the desired frequency of orgasms in men after 60 years is an average of 1-2 times a week. The substitutive reception of testosterone enhances sexual desires and fantasies, but, contrary to existing ideas, does not improve the erection, does not increase its duration and ease of appearance.

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    The ability to erect in healthy men persists for life, only weakening with age. A man after 60 years requires 2-3 times more time to achieve a full erection than in his younger years. Simultaneously, the angle of erection decreases. At the age of over 60 years, 35% of men experience problems with erection.

    Among those over 70 years of age, weakness or lack of erection becomes a problem for half of married men, but the main reason is a general deterioration in health, rather than a decrease in interest in sex.

    With age, the duration of nocturnal erections decreases: if at the age of twenty it is three hours, then by 80 years it decreases to one and a half.

    With regular erotic and sexual stimulation, older people maintain and maintain a higher level of sexual response. The sense of the inevitability of ejaculation disappears, which makes it possible to better control the duration of sexual intercourse and continue its unlimited time. But if at this age there are long interruptions in sexual activity, then this can lead to extinction of sexual function.

    Physical changes occurring in men with age:

    1. Compaction of the walls of blood vessels complicates the onset of an erection.

    2. The skin of the scrotum is hanging and wrinkled.

    3. Eggs decrease and lose density. They rise less during excitement.

    4. Constriction and atrophy of the seminiferous tubules prevent the production of spermatozoa.

    5. Prostate increases with age, and its contractions during orgasm weaken.

    Presence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. The development of mature spermatozoa decreases with age, but some very mature men retain the ability to become fathers. Spermatozoa have in ejaculate: in 60-70 years - 68% of men;in 70-80 years - 59.5% of men;in 80-90 years - 48% of men.