
Reviews for Shea butter for hair and ways to use it at home

  • Reviews for Shea butter for hair and ways to use it at home

    Reviews for Shea butter: African fairy tale at home

    We do not use Shea butter as often as, for example, coconut, almond, olive or castor. But if they try, they already permanently "register" it in their cosmetic bag as a wand-a-do-it-yourself wand when caring for disobedient and hard hair. So, shea butter for hair, which you can read below, is one of the favorites among beauties for hair care of any length.

    What do women say?

    The use of shea butter as a mask for hair is told by Russian women.

    Writes its review on one of the women's forums kseniyazh:

    "I went with all my hair all circles of hell: repainting in a very light blond at home, relaxing at sea and walking under the southern sun, lack of a headdress in the summer, constant blow-dry. It would seem that such hair can be arranged in order only with silicone-containing products, although I am not their supporter.

    That's why I decided to try something natural. I bought shea butter oil( shea butter) in the pharmacy and just forgot about the problems with the hair! It is enough to "envelop" with this miracle oil every strand, so that the hair is absorbed by the vitamins and not greasy after washing. Having smeared a small amount of oil on my hair, I cover them with a packet, a food film or a shower cap, then a towel / knitted cap.

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    You can walk this way for quite some time, the longer, the better. Actually, the result is on the face. The hair does not look fat, the tips of the hair do not protrude in different directions, and the feel of the hair is soft and smooth. In the future I will practice this mask 1-2 times in a couple of weeks. For me they will tell my photos. "

    Alenka writes: "Oooh! It's just a mega-thing for those who care for their hair! Shea butter for hair is 100% helpful. It is used in many lines of elite cosmetics as an emollient, moisturizing and protective agent that slows down the aging process.

    In addition, it strengthens dry, damaged and weakened hair, protects them from negative environmental factors. It restores the hair quickly, much faster than other oils. Drowned in a water bath and then applied to dry hair. Photo attached. »

    User Elena31 wrote:

    " Shea butter melts on contact with the skin and is therefore very convenient to use. To mix it with other oils and other ingredients of home masks, you must melt a piece of shea in a water bath. For a mask, I did not mix any mixtures, but decided to just use the product in its pure form.

    I took a piece of butter( it's solid) and melted in a water bath. She smeared the mixture on her hair, tied it with a sachet, put a handkerchief on top and went to bed. I know that if there are no essential oils in the mask, you can leave it for the night, and you can wash it off after 20 minutes. To whom as more like. I chose the first option.

    During the night, the oil was thoroughly absorbed into the hair, so they became dry-oil. At first I was frightened, but after washing my head everything came to normal. Moreover, the hair has become so soft, soft, silky-silky! Yes, I almost forgot! If you apply shi oil to washed hair, then it is not necessary to wash it off with shampoo - just simply very warm water. I attach a photo of my new hair. "

    Girl under the nickname TriadFromMars is not particularly happy with the effect that oil has on the hair, but nevertheless left her feedback. Here it is:

    "The first few times I tried to apply a small amount of preheated oil to the tips of washed hair. The effect was horrible, the hair was swollen, the ends marked became even more noticeable. Then I decided to make a mask with him before washing my head. Acted, as usual: 1 teaspoon of oil heated in a microwave, then applied half the length of the hair, as well as the tips.

    Hair did not look like after coconut or linseed oil, but some solid. She wrapped her head in a plastic bag, put on her hat on top. Somewhere an hour held the mixture, then washed her head in the usual way. Oh God! Hair became somehow disheveled and disobedient.

    Has dried up a head, but it became better not. On his head a sponge, everything sticks out in different directions! My hair, of course, is not the best in its structure, but after such masks they on the contrary become very obedient, silk. I thought that they would settle down with time, but not here! The whole day went fluffy, received many "compliments".

    I tried to comb my hair at home: I will run the hairbrush in a lock once, and in the second they are already tangled. Even the urgent mask with a drop of coconut did not help - the hair still looked like the bark of a tree. In general, for hair, shea butter did not suit me. But I began to use it for the skin. But that is another story".


    We do not use Shi oil as often as, for example, coconut, almond, olive or castor. But if they try, they already permanently "register" it in their cosmetic bag as a wand-a-do-it-yourself wand when caring for disobedient and hard hair. So, shea butter for hair, which you can read below, is one of the favorites among beauties for hair care of any length.

    What do women say?

    The use of shea butter as a mask for hair is told by Russian women.

    Writes the review on one of the women's forums kseniyazh:

    "I went through all the circles of hell with my hair: repainting in a very light blond at home, relaxing at sea and walking under the southern sun, lack of a headdress in the summer, permanent blow-dry. It would seem that such hair can be arranged in order only with silicone-containing products, although I am not their supporter.

    That's why I decided to try something natural. I bought shea butter oil( shea butter) in the pharmacy and just forgot about the problems with the hair! It is enough to "envelop" with this miracle oil every strand, so that the head of hair is absorbed by vitamins and not greasy after washing. Having smeared a small amount of oil on my hair, I cover them with a packet, a food film or a shower cap, then a towel / knitted cap.

    You can walk this way for quite some time, the longer, the better. Actually, the result is on the face. The hair does not look fat, the tips of the hair do not protrude in different directions, and the feel of the hair is soft and smooth. In the future I will practice this mask 1-2 times in a couple of weeks. For me they will tell my photos. "

    Alenka writes: "Oooh! It's just a mega-thing for those who care for their hair! Shea butter for hair is 100% helpful. It is used in many lines of elite cosmetics as an emollient, moisturizing and protective agent that slows down the aging process.

    In addition, it strengthens dry, damaged and weakened hair, protects them from negative environmental factors. It restores the hair quickly, much faster than other oils. Drowned in a water bath and then applied to dry hair. Photo attached. »

    User Elena31 wrote:

    " Shea butter melts on contact with the skin and is therefore very convenient to use. To mix it with other oils and other ingredients of home masks, you must melt a piece of shea in a water bath. For a mask, I did not mix any mixtures, but decided to just use the product in its pure form.

    I took a piece of butter( it is solid) and melted in a water bath. She smeared the mixture on her hair, tied it with a sachet, put a handkerchief on top and went to bed. I know that if there are no essential oils in the mask, you can leave it for the night, and you can wash it off after 20 minutes. To whom as more like. I chose the first option.

    Overnight, the oil was thoroughly absorbed into the hair, so they became dry-oil. At first I was frightened, but after washing my head everything came to normal. Moreover, the hair has become so soft, soft, silky-silky! Yes, I almost forgot! If you apply shi oil to washed hair, then it is not necessary to wash it off with shampoo - just simply very warm water. I attach a photo of my new hair. "

    Girl under the nickname TriadFromMars is not particularly happy with the effect that oil has on the hair, but nevertheless left her feedback. Here it is:

    "The first few times I tried to apply a small amount of preheated oil to the tips of washed hair. The effect was horrible, the hair was swollen, the ends marked became even more noticeable. Then I decided to make a mask with him before washing my head. Acted, as usual: 1 teaspoon of oil heated in a microwave, then applied half the length of the hair, as well as the tips.

    Hair did not look like after coconut or flax oil, but some solid. She wrapped her head in a plastic bag, put on her hat on top. Somewhere an hour held the mixture, then washed her head in the usual way. Oh God! Hair became somehow disheveled and disobedient.

    Has dried up a head, but it became better not. On his head a sponge, everything sticks out in different directions! My hair, of course, is not the best in its structure, but after such masks they on the contrary become very obedient, silk. I thought that they would settle down with time, but not here! The whole day went fluffy, received many "compliments".

    I tried to comb my hair at home: I will run the hairbrush in a lock once, and in the second they are already tangled. Even the urgent mask with a drop of coconut did not help - the hair still looked like the bark of a tree. In general, for hair, shea butter did not suit me. But I began to use it for the skin. But that is another story".
