  • Self-examination of the breast

    A self-examination of the breast should be your habit. Every 17th woman in developed countries has breast cancer. If its presence is determined at an early stage, then malignant formation can be completely eliminated sometimes by minimal surgical intervention. If the disease is started, then in four cases out of ten it will be fatal. It is for this reason that you should examine your breasts once a month. Most often, some kind of tubercle( tumor) or any other anomaly that you discovered does not mean that there is a cancerous formation. If it is still cancerous, it is very important to establish this at an early stage of the disease. Next, we describe in detail how to properly conduct an independent examination of the breast.

    1. It is best to conduct the examination after the end of the menstrual period. The usual state of the breast at this time of the month immediately reveals any unusual changes. Women who have reached middle age and menopause must examine their breasts every month on the same day.

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    2. Stand in front of the mirror, lower your hands and look at your chest, study its size and shape. Pre-warning signals: the appearance of unusual storage;check, wrinkles, ripples on the skin, as well as swelling or tubercles. Your attention should attract unusual changes in the area of ​​the nipple - any discharge, concavity of the nipple, wet sores. Any of these changes you discovered is a sign that you should see a doctor.

    3. Raise your hands and repeat the inspection.

    4. Now lie on your back, put your head on the jug and with three middle fingers again feel the

    one chest. Slowly move your fingers along the chest. When you are in this position, any swelling is well palpated. Be careful! Now throw one hand behind your head and put it on the pillow. Repeat the examination of the breast with the other hand.

    And finally, without changing the position, feel the upper outer part of the chest and armpits.

    7. Repeat steps 4-b with the other chest. If you find something suspicious, contact your doctor immediately. Your main task is to make sure that the changes you have discovered are not cancer education.

    If you perform a breast examination as described above, regularly, after each menstrual period, you will know how your breasts look, what it feels like, etc. In the future, this knowledge will help you determine what has changed sincethe last inspection.