  • Elevated temperature in children

    Elevated temperature is a common occurrence in children, and it is the most common reason for parents to see a doctor. But high fever itself is not a disease. Rather, it is a symptom that can help point parents and doctors to a more serious ailment.

    At elevated temperatures, the baby can be hot when touched, the body can be hyperemic( red), sweaty or cool. Usually the heart rate and breathing speed up. The child can be excited or unusually calm. Any temperature exceeding 37 ° C is considered to be elevated.

    Symptoms that accompany some elevated temperature conditions include coughing, sore throat, lethargy, pain in the ears, convulsions, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, neck stiffness, burning sensation when urinating or skin rashes. It can signal the presence of a viral, bacterial infection or some other diseases.

    At elevated temperatures, the appearance of the child, his behavior and other symptoms are extremely important. How high is the temperature is not always an indicator of the severity of the disease. In this regard, parents should learn to recognize the characteristics of the child's reaction. For example, some children never look sick at elevated temperature, while others may appear sluggish or exhausted at any temperature. It is important to know how your child reacts to fever so that you can pass this information on to the doctor if necessary.

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    Temperature( fever) is, in medical terms, a means of increasing the nonspecific resistance of the organism, i.e.a factor that promotes recovery. Back in the 1860-1870's.physicians drew attention to the fact that hobby antipyretic drugs leads to a worsening of the course of the disease. The latest studies have shown that the influenza virus multiplies well at 35 ° C, is poor at 38 with and does not multiply at a temperature of 40 ° C.According to some foreign authors, the mechanism of action of high temperature is not limited to the suppression of the virus or bacteria.

    The increase in temperature simultaneously stimulates another important factor of immunity - the production of specific proteins that block the multiplication of viruses. At the same time, it is known that the most toxic forms of acute infections, which usually result in death, often occur without temperature. The temperature reaction is one of the typical protective-adaptive reactions of the organism, formed during the evolution in response to the effects of infection. And, if it does not rise to menacing, antipyretic agents for the patient with the flu or ARI should not be accepted.(Naturally, as with any rule, there are exceptions here, which is why the treatment should be under the supervision of the doctor.)

    Excessive body reaction to an influenza virus or other infectious agent can be dangerous for a person when the temperature reaches a forty degree boundary. This is especially true for elderly people, patients suffering from coronary heart disease and hypertension, as well as with diseases of the bronchopulmonary apparatus. In these cases, certainly, it is necessary to take antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Possible causes of

    In children, fever may be caused by many causes. It's hot weather, hot drinks and food, too many clothes, active physical activity, too much crying, infection or some other disease. If you think that the fever did not appear due to illness, check the temperature in half an hour.

    A study of more than one thousand cases of fever in one of the large-city emergency services showed the following relationship between a rise in temperature in children and diseases:

    • 50% had viral or bacterial diseases;

    • in 30% - inflammation of the middle ear( otitis media);

    • in 12%) had pneumonia;

    • 4% - infection of blood or the presence of bacteria in the blood vessels;

    • 1% - urinary tract infection;

    • Bacterial meningitis, a reaction to vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, as well as some other conditions, were found in less than 1%.

    To correctly determine the temperature of a child, it is not enough to put a hand on his forehead or touch his forehead with his lips. It is necessary to accurately measure the temperature with a thermometer.

    Thermometers for body temperature measurements

    There are two types of thermometers available: simple glass mercury or digital.

    The best thermometers are mercury. Thermometers with a long thin bulb - for measuring the temperature in the mouth. Thermometers with a short, thick, round bulb - for anal measurement. Any of these types of thermometers can be used under the mouse. Electronic digital thermometers are good, but they are expensive. Thermometers with a calming effect, like disposable oral point thermometers, are unreliable.

    Normal indications when the thermometer is placed in the anus is from 37 ° C to 38 ° C.

    • The normal temperature when measuring it in the mouth is from 36 ° C to 37.4 ° C. Average values ​​when measuring the temperature in the mouth 37 ° C, and when measuring in the anus 37.5 ° C. Usually the child's temperature during the day varies between 36.1 ° C and 37.7 ° C. The maximum temperature in a child is usually reached between 18 and 22 hours.

    The temperature, which remains at 0.8 ° C above normal for several hours, is almost certainly elevated. This may mean that your child's immune system is actively working to protect the body from any enemy, probably from a viral infection, a bacterial or fungal disease, an allergen or some change caused by trauma or other illness.

    Approximately 4% of children, usually up to the age of six, may experience seizures or convulsions when the temperature is high. They last five minutes or less. And the temperature rises very quickly to a high level. For the most part, convulsions are completely harmless, although it's hard to watch without alarm. The most important thing is to ensure that the child does not choke on vomiting;It should be put on its side and make sure that the mouth is free of vomit. Convulsions should end within five minutes, but for reliability it is better to call a doctor right away.

    The temperature should be lowered with antipyretics, but when choosing a medicine, you should consult a doctor. Aspirin is usually not prescribed because it can cause a sharp but dangerous condition, known as Ray's syndrome. This disease, affecting the brain and other important organs, usually affects children with chickenpox and flu.

    If you give your child medicines, especially those associated with a dosage that corresponds to certain age, be sure to follow the instructions on the label.

    Ask your doctor, maybe he will suggest changing the dosage for your child.

    If the temperature stays above 39 ° C after taking the medication, call a doctor even if the call is repeated.

    As the temperature burns body fluids, it is most important that the child receives enough water to avoid dehydration. This is especially important for diarrhea or vomiting. Let the child drink as much fluids as possible. Fruit juices, fruit drinks, lemon water are best.

    If the child begins to sweat or complains of fever, remove some of the covers or clothes. Do not wrap your child in wet clothes, because the body temperature will drop faster when the skin is open( this allows sweat evaporating).If the child asks, you can lower the temperature in the room, carefully ventilating it.

    If the child is hungry, he should be fed regularly. But you have to focus on food like soup and fruit, which give more liquids.

    may vary by age of your child. Below are examples of actions that a doctor can take with increasing temperature in children of different ages.

    If the child is one year old or older, the parents can cope with a temperature of up to 38.5 ° C, which is held for eight hours or less.

    the child's temperature is kept above 38.5 ° C for longer than a day, but there are no other complaints;

    the child's temperature is 38.5 ° C or lower for 72 hours, but then it rises higher or alternately rises and falls for three or more days;

    a child older than two years and his behavior is different from normal.

    temperature reaches 40 ° C or higher in a child of any age;

    in a baby up to six months, the temperature reaches 38.5 ° C or higher;

    has symptoms such as deep cough, when they were previously associated with conditions such as pneumonia;

    observed convulsions with fever;

    the child's temperature is above 38.5 ° C, and the doctor has previously diagnosed a particular heart, lung, kidney, nervous system or blood disease.

    Child aged three months or less

    Elevated temperatures of any level are considered dangerous at this age, and immediate investigation is required to assess the condition. When visiting a doctor, the following measures may be considered:

    • a thorough examination of the medical history and physical examination;

    • general blood test, including analysis of indications for infection, ESR, C-reactive protein test( for infections), bacteriological blood test;

    • puncture of the spine( analysis of cerebrospinal fluid), a test for meningitis( infection of the membrane of the spinal cord or brain);

    • urinalysis, including bacteriological, obtained with a catheter or a sample of the contents of the bladder;

    • Chest x-ray;

    • hospitalization;

    • very thorough medical observation during the first three days.

    Child from three months to six months

    Most doctors will want to examine a child after discussing the circumstances of the course of the illness with the parents. When visiting a doctor, the following measures can be taken:

    • thorough examination of the medical history and physical examination;

    • Complete blood count, ESR and bacteriological blood test;

    • puncture of the spine;

    • Chest x-ray;

    • urinalysis, including bacteriological;

    • hospitalization depending on the condition of the child and the results of laboratory tests.

    Child from six months to two years old

    When visiting a doctor, the following measures can be taken:

    • study of medical history and physical examination;

    • A complete blood count, including bacteriological analysis, is possible.

    A child older than two years

    Problems with fever in children of this age can be discussed by phone with a doctor. However, physical examinations and special treatment may be required if there is a serious ailment.