  • Fainting

    The child loses consciousness for a short time, usually for a minute or less. Fainting refers to common symptoms, about 30% of healthy children report at least one or more episodes of loss of consciousness throughout life.

    Possible causes of

    Fainting may appear:

    in a stressful situation, with severe fright;

    when taking blood for analysis or when injected into a doctor's office;

    with severe pain, for example, with a strong fall or fracture;

    when suddenly rising from a sitting or lying position;

    for prolonged immobility;

    for a long time in a poorly ventilated room;

    with strong overheating;

    with respiratory arrest;

    with weakness due to malnutrition or lack of exercise;

    • with anemia;

    • with convulsions;

    • for heart disease, heart failure.

    Place the baby. Raise his legs 30-40 cm above the trunk( in this situation, the influx of blood to the head is intensified).Let it be in this position for 15-20 minutes.

    If this is not possible, put the child and lower his head between the knees, unbutton the outer clothing and try to provide fresh air, and in hot sunny weather, put the child in the shade.

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    If the room is hot, put a towel soaked in cold water on the forehead, if there is no nausea or vomiting in the child, give a little juice or water.

    When a child has dizziness or weakness, he may try to sit down for a few minutes first, then stand up. If, during sitting or standing, you see that the child can again lose consciousness, lay it down until you feel better.

    When the child comes to, let him eat and drink a little.

    In case of repeated loss of consciousness, instruct the child to pay attention to an impending fainting. As soon as a fit of lightness begins, it is necessary to sit down and put your head between your knees. In doing so, the child must make several deep breaths and exhalations.

    Call a doctor if the child does not feel well within an hour or if it again loses consciousness after you have taken all measures.

    Quite often the cause of fainting is not very serious, but even with a single case of

    Call a doctor as soon as possible if you do not know the cause of syncope or have a second fainting. Call a doctor immediately if: the child has a head injury;

    he has sharp movements that resemble convulsions;the child is unconscious for more than two minutes;It is known that he has heart disease, convulsions, diabetes or other serious illness.

    child's loss of consciousness must be shown to the doctor.

    The doctor will analyze the course of events that preceded the fainting, and ask you to describe the state of the child during and after the episode. He will do the research by measuring the baby's pulse and blood pressure. If the doctor prescribes an anemia, he will do a blood test.

    EEG or ECG can be used to identify the causes of possible convulsions or heart disease.