  • Rash

    Rashes appear suddenly on the skin in the form of spots, vesicles, papules, etc. It can occur with an infectious disease, be a manifestation of allergies, arise with blood and vascular disease and insufficiently good skin care( sweating).There are diseases in which it is necessarily present, but there are also diseases in which it may or may not be present.

    Possible causes of

    A rash may be a symptom of a variety of ailments. They can be divided into four groups.

    Infectious diseases

    The most common rash is accompanied by infectious diseases, which, in turn, can be caused by two reasons.

    • Viruses( measles, rubella, chicken pox, infectious mononucleosis, infectious erythema, sudden erythema, herpes virus, enterovirus infection( three-day fever), etc.) The first three diseases are the most common.

    Bacterial infections( among them scarlet fever, typhoid and typhus, meningitis, staphylococcal infection, etc.).

    At present, allergies in children are quite common. The allergy can be food, medicinal, respiratory( respiratory) and contact.

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    • Food allergy occurs when taking an allergen contained in food.

    • Drug allergy occurs due to medication.

    • Respiratory allergy occurs due to contact of the allergen with the respiratory mucosa. Most allergens( pollen of plants, mold fungi, insect particles, microclimis, epidermis of animals, house dust, etc.) fall

    into the body through the respiratory tract.

    • Contact allergy occurs due to direct contact of the allergen with the skin.


    In case of impaired regulation of sweating, due to overheating of the skin, there is an increase in sweating. Further, sweat accumulates in the ducts of the sweat glands, followed by the closing of the sweat pores.

    Diseases of the blood and vessels

    Rash may occur with blood and vascular diseases such as hematopoietic diathesis, hereditary and acquired, vasculitis, rheumatic fever, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

    When a rash occurs associated with fever, weakness, general under-iit is necessary to call a doctor at home.

    You should not immediately lubricate the appearance of a rash greens, iodine, etc. Any rash that appears should first be shown to the doctor.

    Before taking any measures, try to determine what the rash in a child can be caused.

    Allergic rash

    The main symptom of an allergic rash is severe itching. With

    ( the onset of urticaria: skin manifestations appear, usually after a few minutes after contact with the allergen, first appear red spots, after a while turn into blisters of different diameters and look like with nettle burn.)

    In the presence of food allergies, it is necessary to exclude from the dietThe main food allergens: milk, eggs, peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, seafood( shrimp, crabs), soybeans, cereals( wheat, rye, etc.), citrus fruitsoranges), chocolate, honey, etc.

    Skin eruptions are the most common manifestations of drug allergy, usually a rash occurs several( 7-8 days) after taking the medication, is accompanied by itching, and passes a few days after the drug was withdrawn

    If you are dealing with a respiratory allergy, then its main manifestations will be sneezing, itching in the nose, discharge from the nose( usually watery), coughing, wheezing, and in some cases, suffocation and angioedema.

    Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, manifests itself as a bright edematous reddening with multiple small vesicles, which form point violations of the upper layer of the skin with abundant formation of crusts and scales. It can occur on any part of the skin, but its characteristic localization is elbows, elbows, popliteal areas, face, groin.

    Contact detergents can be detergents, latex, various dyes, clothing, animal hair, bee and aspen poison, etc.

    To help the child, it is necessary to completely avoid contact with the allergen that caused the disease!

    This is the most harmless rash. Usually small, dotted, pink elements appear on the upper back, neck and chest.

    Do not overtake small children too much!

    Remember that if a perspiration occurs, a secondary infection is possible! Therefore, the prevention of sweating is the thorough hygienic care of the skin, especially in young children in conditions of

    hot, humid climate, with fever.

    Characteristics of rashes in some childhood infections

    Below you will find detailed information on the most common childhood infectious diseases that are accompanied by a rash.

    With chickenpox, the rash occurs as follows: first a patch of round or oval form up to 10 mm appears, then turns into a small dense bundle( papule) D further turning into a vial filled with transparent contents. Within 1-2 days the bubbles dry up, turning into crusts, and fall off. In no case can you comb and rip off these crusts!

    Patients with chickenpox are infectious 2 days before the appearance of the first elements of the rash and within 5 days after the of the last appearance of the rash!

    The measles is infectious 1-2 days before the onset of the disease and up to 5 days of rashes.

    A patient with rubella is infectious 1 day before the onset of the disease and within 5 days after the onset of the rash.

    The rubella virus is very dangerous for the fetus, because if a pregnant woman is infected later, the child may develop congenital heart defects, cataracts, glaucoma, deafness, etc.

    A scarlet fever is contagious from the onset of the disease and for a further 7-10 days.

    Elements of rash with measles. Rash in the form of papules( dense nodules, towering above the surface of the skin), which are surrounded by patches of irregular shape. It is characterized by its stage of rash: the first day the rash appears on the face, the second day - on the trunk, hands and hips, on the third day - on the legs and feet.

    Elements of the rash in rubella: it is small-stalked with slight elevations above the skin, pale pink. Begins to appear on the face, behind the ears and then, within 24 hours, spreads throughout the body..

    With scarlet fever, the rash is small-pointed on the general hyperemic background of the skin and is absent in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Thickening of the rash is observed in the natural folds of the axillary regions and ulnar pits.

    One of the most serious diseases, accompanied by rash of , is meningitis. If the rash is similar to a hemorrhage and is accompanied by fever and vomiting, parents should urgently call for emergency care or they themselves take the child to an infectious disease hospital to confirm or remove the diagnosis. Perhaps this is a meningitis

    In this case, the treatment will depend on the disease that caused the rash, but above all, the doctor will carefully ask adults the details of the disease. With an infectious disease caused by viruses, treatment is prescribed in accordance with the syndromes that occur. When a disease caused by bacteria( scarlet fever) is mandatory antibiotics for 5-7 days. At high temperatures, antipyretic agents are recommended. When chicken pox - treatment of elements of the rash with green or a solution of potassium permanganate. The patient is recommended a large amount of fluid( juices, fruit drinks).Hospitalization is subject to patients with severe, complicated forms of the disease.

    In case of an allergic rash caused by food, it should be excluded from the baby's diet. In the case of drug allergies, it will be recommended to cancel the drug that caused allergies. Children with allergies are likely to undergo a comprehensive examination, including skin tests, blood tests for allergies, and a general blood test.