  • Tides in menopause: treatment with folk remedies

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    Climax, or climacteric syndrome - is a complex of clinical manifestations that occurs at the time of extinction of ovarian function against the background of general involutive changes in the body.

    Most often it occurs at the age of 45-55 years, while in some patients it persists to 60 years, giving her enormous discomfort.

    The prevalence of climacteric syndrome, according to various authors, varies widely, from 20 to 90%.However, the most frequent manifestation of this condition is the tides, which are associated with vasomotor mechanisms.

    Causes of hot flashes with climax

    Why do tides occur and what is it? The main cause of hot flashes is a sharp decrease in the level of estrogen in the female body. As a result, this leads to a disruption of normal regulation of vascular tone. Therefore, the diameter of the vessels then expands, then sharply spasms( tapers).

    The development of climacteric syndrome dramatically increases the likelihood of various vascular diseases throughout the body. Therefore, it is important to identify predisposing factors that further increase this risk. These include:
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    • high blood pressure;
    • smoking;
    • elevated blood cholesterol;
    • overweight;
    • inactivity.
    All these women should be promptly consulted by a cardiologist. They are also recommended to conduct preventive therapy of cardiovascular disasters:

    • regular intake of aspirin in cardiac dosage;
    • weight loss;
    • reception of hypocholesterolemic drugs.

    Symptoms of

    In addition to hot flashes a woman may be troubled by other symptoms of this syndrome. These include the following manifestations:

    • increased chilliness and chills;
    • increased sweating;
    • headaches;
    • increase and decrease in blood pressure;
    • increased heart rate;
    • increased irritability;
    • pathological desire to sleep;
    • worry;
    • depressed mood;
    • dryness in the area of ​​external genitalia;
    • itching in this area;
    • rapid painless urination;
    • pain during the act of urination, which is related to the inflammatory process;
    • pain during intercourse;
    • skin dryness;Fragility of nails, etc.
    Depending on the number of available symptoms of menopause and their severity, there is a classification of three degrees of severity - light, medium and heavy.

    So, for an easy degree, the number of tides is typical up to 5 per day, for an average of 5 to 10, and for a heavy one, 10-20 tides throughout the day. However, other criteria are also taken into account in determining the degree of severity of the syndrome.

    Drugs with climacterium from the tides

    The main place in the treatment of hot flushes with menopause takes hormone replacement therapy. It involves prescribing small doses of estrogens to correct for existing disorders.

    In addition to the estrogen component, these preparations contain a gestagenic one, which is necessary for the protection of target organs in the perimenopause from the proliferative action of estrogens, that is, for the prevention of oncological diseases. Thus, the drugs used contain both estrogens and gestagens( female sex hormones).

    They are an effective measure for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, the risk of which increases significantly against the backdrop of tides in menopause due to the common pathogenetic mechanisms.

    The goals of the menopausal syndrome therapy are as follows:

    1. 1) Restore to the maximum possible level of functional state of tissues, depending on the estrogenic saturation of the body.
    2. 2) Minimization of clinical manifestations of climacteric syndrome, which positively affects the overall well-being of patients and contributes to the normalization of their quality of life.
    The composition of hormone replacement therapy should include only "natural" estrogens, that is, those that are as close to their chemical structure as those produced in the female body.

    They have a minimum of side effects, are well tolerated and have a positive effect on women's organs and systems, which depend on their level. Hormone replacement therapy can be carried out in one of three modes:

    • taking only estrogens or only progestogens;
    • estrogens and gestagens, which are assigned cyclically;
    • estrogens and gestagens, which are assigned in monophasic continuous mode.
    However, it should be borne in mind that in the presence of the uterus( not removed for any indication earlier), combined( estrogen-progestational therapy) is indicated. This will prevent the hyperplasia of the endometrium and its cancer.

    In addition to medical therapy to combat hot flashes, a woman should lead a healthy lifestyle, namely:

    1. 1) Regularly perform physical exercises;
    2. 2) To exclude coffee and other caffeinated products from their diet;
    3. 3) Abandon the use of alcohol and cigarette smoking;
    4. 4) Normalize the psychoemotional background( if possible).

    Folk remedies for menopause from hot flashes

    Traditional medicine recommends its methods of combating hot flashes without using hormones, they are effective only in mild climacteric syndrome.

    First of all, you need to eat a large amount of soy products, because soy is a source of plant estrogens. Soy protein in an amount of 40 mg contains approximately 75 mg of phytoestrogens.

    In the second turn, it is recommended to take special medicinal plants that normalize the tone of the vessels and contribute to the normalization of the patient's psycho-emotional state. These plants include:

    • valerian;
    • motherwort;
    • hawthorn;
    • lemon balm;
    • mint;
    • soy and others.
    The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of herbal products based on them. Their main advantages are convenience of reception and a well-chosen composition in a specific dosage. They are available both in the form of alcohol tincture, and in the form of capsules.

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