  • Uterine fibroids: symptoms and treatment, signs, photos

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    Myoma of the uterus - what is it? Fibrous formations occupy a dominant position among gynecological diseases.

    Rounded neoplasms parasitizing inside and on the outside of the uterine surface, consisting of fibrous muscle weave, of different sizes, are called - myomas

    . Tumor nodes, use as a nutrient medium decidual cells and connective-mounting elements of myometrium, successfully grow and progress, delivering a lottrouble and trouble to its owner.

    Large-sized nodular tumors contribute to a rapid increase in the size of the uterus, adversely affecting the surrounding internal organs. They can block the lower segment( cervix), move it from the spot, provoking pressure on the intestine or bladder, fall into the vagina( knot on the leg).

    Neoplasms of any size are benign. Developed in women of any age category and cease their development in menopause. Depending on the degree to which the uterine myoma is located, the symptoms of the disease and the methods of treatment will differ. Hysteromyoma: what is it?
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    How does the uterine myoma develop? What is it? Determination of the shape of the myoma is carried out in accordance with the number of nodules and the site of localization.

    1. 1) Interstitial form - develops in myometrium in the form of a symmetrical or spherical formation. It shows a large area of ​​damage.
    2. 2) Subserosal form - localization in the outer layer of the uterine wall. Significantly loses in size during the menopause.
    3. 3) Submucosal form - differs by rapid progression in the internal endothelium( mucous layer) of the uterus, with the germination in its internal cavity.
    4. 4) Intraligamentary form - a rare form, localized among the uterine ligaments.
    5. 5) Neck form - localization - the muscular layer of the vagina.
    The nature of neoplasm growth and tissue composition is of great importance in the choice of treatment tactics. In accordance with these parameters, the types of nodular growths are classified:

    • leiomyoma - formation on the basis of smooth musculature.
    • fibroids are a formation of connective tissue.
    • angioma - is formed from the blood and lymphatic vessels.
    • adenomyoma - consist of epithelial and smooth muscle structures.
    Myomas are divided into two types, based on the morphological features and the degree of development:

    1. 1) A simple form of myoma - consists of a connecting element. Refers to benign neoplasms.
    2. 2) Profiling - rapidly developing benign neoplasms.

    Causes of myoma of the uterus

    Myoma nodes develop for many reasons, are the result of many circumstances:

    1. 1) Breaking the hormonal background in the body of a woman, one of the main causes of the disease. The triggering mechanism is the hormonal imbalance that promotes the active growth of the basal endometrium.
    2. 2) Genetic factor.
    3. 3) Trauma at surgical interventions, as a result of labor, scraping and artificial interruption of pregnancy, the consequence of the "royal incision"( Caesarean section).Such interventions in the body cause a hormonal breakdown and as a consequence - the development of myomoneous neoplasms.
    4. 4) Endocrine inflammatory diseases.
    5. 5) Problems of stress-induced nutrition.

    Myoma of the uterus - symptoms and signs

    Myoma of the uterus, as a rule, does not have any characteristic symptoms in the initial stage and can be detected during a preventive examination at the gynecologist.

    Each form of the disease has its own specific signs, which manifest as the growth grows.

    The interstitial form of the fibroid is manifested:

    • with iron deficiency anemia and temperature rise;
    • by menorrhagia( abundant, prolonged bleeding during the menstrual cycle);
    • metrorrhagia( abundant, prolonged bleeding outside the menstrual cycle);
    • menometrorrhagia( together with menorrhagia and metrorrhagia);
    • pain - permanent, periodic and cramping, both during menstruation and before it.
    The subserous form is manifested:

    • by menstrual dysfunction;
    • unauthorized termination of pregnancy;
    • problems with conception;
    • disruption of the bladder and intestines;
    • noted persistent pain, even in a calm state.
    Submucous( on the stalk) myoma often asymptomatic, but can be noted:

    • hyperpolymenorrhea( profuse and prolonged menstruation);
    • cramping pain( during the formation of the myomatous node)
    The intraligamentary form may manifest:

    • by the same menorrhagia and metrorrhagia;
    • pain, giving back;
    • is a problem with pregnancy.
    With cervical myoma, the symptomatology is manifested:

    • with pallor and weakness;
    • by dizziness and headaches;
    • changes in the menstrual cycle do not appear.

    Influence of myoma on pregnancy

    Myomatous tumors in pregnancy are not a fatal condition, but it poses a certain threat to the future mother and fetus. Myoma can provoke abortion, or cause processes that cause circulatory disorders in the utero-placental circle( fetoplacental insufficiency).

    As a result of such processes, the fetus is deprived of the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. This condition is due to the immediate proximity of the nodal education with the child's place( placenta), which threatens premature detachment of the placenta, provoke atonic bleeding, and will undoubtedly lead to miscarriage.
    The very presence of myoma and its growth does not represent a particular danger. Much worse, when necrosis of the tissues of the node causes the destruction of the tumor. Such a process can cause - the manifestation of edema, cystic formations and heavy bleeding in any period of pregnancy.

    Even if the process of bearing a child flows in a normal channel, this does not say anything, since the very presence of myomatous nodes in the uterus occupies a certain space and limits the normal position and development of the baby. The child can appear in the world with various anomalies - lack of weight or with a deformed skull. If the size of education is large, this can be a prerequisite for premature birth.

    Half of pregnant women with nodular myomoneous tumors suffer from protracted births, since cases in which the myomalous knots were the cause of improper presentation of the child are not uncommon. Nodal neoplasms are often a prerequisite for caesarean section. The presence of fibroids does not cause interruption of pregnancy, but such pregnant women need to be under constant medical supervision.

    Diagnostics of

    If during the gynecological examination the patient displays uteral anomalies, the diagnosis is refined using the basic diagnostic program, which consists of:

    • from developed blood tests;
    • test of oncomarkers;
    • analysis for coagulation;
    • analysis determining hormonal profile;
    • hysteroscopy - visualization of the basal layer of the uterine membrane;
    • endoscopy and X-ray;
    • cervicoscopy, and culdoscopy;
    • computer and magnetic resonance imaging.
    According to such a detailed diagnosis, the doctor makes the most optimal individual treatment programs.

    Treatment of uterine fibroids

    The curative program is based on the established type of education. Conservative method includes the appointment:

    1. 1) drugs that prevent the destruction of thromboses to reduce menstrual blood loss;
    2. 2) Drugs contributing to the reduction of nodule formations are agonist preparations.
    3. 3) Using the method of embolization of uterine arteries, which is the ability to clog the blood vessels of the tumor, it is possible to reduce the size of the formation or to achieve its complete desiccation. This gives the woman a hope for motherhood.
    4. 4) Modern non-invasive method of FUS ablation allows remote destruction of nodes by ultrasound. Heating tissue at the base of the tumor causes her necrosis.
    In the treatment of myomoneous tumors, the basis is surgical removal, since the conservative method does not always produce the desired results. The main indicator is the rapidly growing tumor growth factor and pathology causing great blood loss.

    1. 5) Nodal neoplasms developing in the inner layer of the uterus are removed by microwave heating.
    2. 6) The method of laparoscopy is used to cauterize myoma nodes and their blood vessels or to harvest large nodes through the incision of the uterus.
    3. 7) The method of myomectomy allows you to remove the formation without damaging the uterus.
    4. 8) The nodes growing outside the uterine cavity are removed by laparoscopic myomectomy.
    5. 9) Intrauterine nodes are removed by hysteroscopic myomectomy.
    6. 10) In urgent cases, the uterus is removed by a hysterectomy method.

    Complications of uterine fibroids

    In its majority, fibroids do not cause serious complications, but they do happen and they need to be known. Complications can be manifested - anemia, which causes a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood and a decrease in the number of erythrocytes. Is manifested:

    • by dizziness and headaches;
    • increased fatigue and syncope;
    • is plentiful and prolonged monthly - hyperpolymenorrhea
    Myoma can cause infertility - small knots do not affect the reproductive function of a woman, but in certain cases can cause miscarriage at an early stage of pregnancy, up to infertility. Rapid growth of neoplasms - this fact leads to complete excision of the uterus.

    Preventative measures

    The main condition for preventive measures in myoma is not to miss routine examinations at the gynecologist. An important role is played by the warning:

    • myometrium injuries, which may be the result of diagnostic curettage and abortion;
    • taking some antibacterial drugs;
    • use of contraceptives.

    Prognosis of treatment

    If we exclude frequent cases of infertility in women of reproductive age, then the prognosis can be considered favorable. But, so that this problem does not affect you, do not ignore the control examinations of the gynecologist.

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