  • How to reconcile with a guy: methods that always work

    Quarrels always bring a lot of emotions, both negative and positive. For some, it is bitterness and resentment, for others emotional discharge, and for others - liberation. That is, the relationship is so difficult, but I do not want to offend a once close person, there are no words, and a quarrel puts a point.

    All these reflections to the fact that reconcile can only those people in relationships that thrive together. In this situation, usually both are to blame, but in order to make up, you need to apologize for the beginning. If it is difficult to do directly, then you can use the fictions of technological progress. Phones, communication on the network, etc.

    If you do not know how to reconcile with a guy, then use the following tips .

    Discard pride, fear or shame, write at least a few lines of text or a social network. Do not be afraid to seem weak, to take the first step of the destiny of the strong. There should not be a "debriefing", just tell that you recognize the stupidity of the situation and miss it.

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    If there is no answer to this call, do not rush to grieve, maybe the guy needs a little time to think. Do not try to throw it with messages. If you do not answer a single letter, then there is no point in putting up.

    Does it make sense to put up if you are in a quarrel for a long time?

    We need to understand if there are any feelings between you. To this end, we need to establish informal communication. You can comment on the photo on the network, congratulate on an unconventional holiday, dial the number and discard. If he calls back, say that it happened by chance, if he answers your actions with interest, then you can safely go on. But here it is no longer necessary to stir up the past and ask for forgiveness.

    In order to find a way to reconcile the , you need to know your boyfriend well. Each person has his own cockroaches in his head, there is something to "push".But do not be overly persistent, it will allow him to understand that he can "beckon" you at any convenient moment for him.

    It is very important to find the right words and to restrain the splashing emotions so that reconciliation does not develop into a new quarrel. You need to leave all the accusations and grievances, only this way you can restore the relationship.

    Try to make peace with the help of a gift( if, of course, you are to blame for the quarrel).Men also like gifts and not less than girls, but they are given them much less often. If you get a thing that's valuable to your boyfriend and bring it as a sign of reconciliation, he will definitely appreciate it. It can be a new flash drive, a computer game, a cap, perfume - anything.

    If you are lucky and in your environment there are cheerful and cheerful people with a fine organization, then maybe they will help you make peace.

    When the passions cease and you thoroughly miss the joke, "Well, kiss, hug, make up" can throw you into each other's arms. Do not hesitate to do this first - it will be only a plus, even if you refuse it. Let him know about your intentions - there is nothing shameful about this.

    If you feel that you can not do it yourself, connect reliable friends and comrades, let them make peace with you, if you can not. Do not start with long intimate conversations, a guy might upset that you trusted your secrets to someone. The attack should begin with innocent questions about you, your state of health and your mood. If he does not know anything, then this is just an excuse and tell him about your sadness-sadness.

    Does not want to discuss their personal lives and involve third parties? Well, it is not necessary. Let friends then help you to drag a guy to a romantic evening - at home, in a restaurant, in a hotel. If you call him, he, most likely, refuses. But friends, under the plausible pretexts will lead him right into your hands.

    A romantic evening is a classic of the genre, so you can not just be superfluous. Of course, candlelighting may not be very characteristic of the stronger sex, but here is a bath with rose petals, a bottle of red wine, a relaxing massage will melt the heart of anyone. Do not forget about yourself - put on the most beautiful underwear that is in your wardrobe - this will be a control shot, for certainty.

    Do not take simple and habitual ways of reconciliation? So you got a hard nut to crack and need shokoterapiya. Do not worry, there's nothing to be done.

    Give the guy a vivid impression, surprise him, laugh. You can order a banner with your shared photo and place it on a regular guy's route or book a flight on balloons, swim with dolphins, sing him a serenade under the window. Include fantasy and surprise!

    There are many different ways how to make peace with a loved one. The main thing is to take the first step in his direction and show him that he is dear to you.

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