  • Treatment of bleeding with folk remedies

    Most of the wounds bleed for a few minutes, which is good because the blood washes off the bacteria that managed to penetrate the wound. Only prolonged and severe bleeding requires special treatment.

    Bleeding from the arm or leg will stop faster if the limb is raised. Let the child lie down. Place one or two pillows under the limb. If the bleeding continues, pinch the wound with sterile gauze or a clean cloth;to stop it until you apply a bandage. Clean and bandage the wound on the limb still raised.

    If the wound is clean( for example, from a knife) and bleeds profusely, do not rinse the cut, but rinse around( water with soap and soap and hydrogen peroxide on a sterile staple).If there is dirt inside the wound, rinse the wound and inside.

    If you are bandaging a wound from which there was a lot of bleeding or continues to bleed, take a few gauze squares( or pieces of folded fabric), put them one on top of the other, so that a small cushion forms over the cut. When you apply a patch over the pads, it will crush the cushion to cut and stop bleeding or reduce it. This is the principle of dressing "under pressure."

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    Severe bleeding .If the wound bleeds very much, do not wait until the necessary bandage is found. Immediately press the wound to stop the bleeding, wait until someone brings you a bandage. If possible, raise the wounded limb. Make from the purest material that will be around( gauze, clean handkerchief, part of your clothes or baby clothes), a cushion. Press the pad to the wound and continue pressing until the help comes or bleeding stops. Do not remove the cushion. If it gets wet, add a new layer on top. If bleeding weakens, and you have a suitable material, make a dressing under pressure. The cushion above the wound, made of squares of gauze or folded clean material, should be of sufficient size to clamp the entire wound when it is covered with a bandage. For a finger, a small small pillow, but a wound on the thigh or abdomen requires a thick bandage. If the bandage does not stop the bleeding, continue to push the hand over the wound. If you have absolutely no material for wound dressing, which bleeds profusely, squeeze the edges of the wound or even pinch the wound itself with your fingers.

    In most cases, even severe bleeding can be stopped by simple direct pressure. If you can not stop it and if you are taught to apply a tourniquet, apply it. However, this is rarely necessary, and the beginner does not have to learn at the first emergency. The harness should be attenuated after 30 minutes.

    Bleeding from the nose. When bleeding from the nose, there are a few simple means. Sometimes it's enough that the child just sit quietly for a few minutes. So that he does not swallow a lot of blood, let him sit with his head tilted slightly forward, and if he lies, turn his head to one side, so that his nose is slightly lowered. Do not sneeze and blow your nose in the handkerchief. It is enough to lightly press the handkerchief to the nose to hold the blood, but if you move your nose, it increases the bleeding.

    Cold applied to any part of the head, narrows the blood vessels and helps stop bleeding. Attach something cold to the nape, or to the forehead, OR to the upper lip. A cloth soaked in cold water, an ice pack, a cold bottle of a refrigerator - all this will do.

    If bleeding, despite all these measures, lasts more than 10 minutes, contact your doctor. If you have drops for the nose, from those that narrow the vessels, moisten;a piece of cotton wool and plug this cotton nostril. Usually, bleeding occurs from the front of the nose. Sometimes it is possible to stop even heavy bleeding, for about ten minutes gently pinching the tip of the nose. Release slowly and carefully.

    Bleeding most often occurs from blows on the nose, from picking in the nose and from colds and other infections. If the child has bleeding repeated for no apparent reason, the doctor must examine it to make sure that there is no one of the diseases that sometimes causes bleeding from the nose. If the cause is not found, the doctor can prizhech torn blood vessel. A damaged blood vessel to be moxibusted can only be detected immediately after bleeding.

    Blood from the throat. If this blood comes from the chest of a tuberculous patient, then it is clean, foaming, light. When suddenly it appears, you need to rest, put a cold compress on your chest and throat, and inside every half-hour give a solution of salt - a teaspoon of salt for half a cup of water.

    If this tuberculous blood appears systematically and in small amounts, then drink three times a day before eating small glasses of a mixture of aloe juice and natural honey( in equal parts).

    Blood at ruptures of small blood vessels in the chest. Sometimes, for some reason, mainly from drunkenness, there is a rupture of blood vessels and a coughing of blood. It can easily be stopped by rest, lying with ice on the chest and restrained from coughing. Do not use alcohol.

    Bleeding from the bowels. May occur from a stomach ulcer, from cancer of the stomach or intestines. Exactly can find out only the doctor. Home remedies are as follows: put an enema out of a 5% solution of tannin, put a bubble with ice on your stomach. Lie on your back, no food, only with a great thirst to swallow ice. It is impossible to salt.

    Blood in the urine. May be caused by a bladder injury by a stone, ulcer, swelling, etc. It is necessary to consult a doctor. While keeping peace, inside give an infusion of leaves of plantain or nettle. Drink a glass a day in the morning and evening, but in a cold. One teaspoon of dry leaves with a top on a glass of boiling water.

    Blood vomiting. It happens with ulcers, cancer, liver cirrhosis, poisonings, etc. You need to see a doctor. In the meantime, the patient needs rest. On the stomach is ice. Only from time to time to give one sip infusion of field horsetail, and elder in equal parts. In a cold state.

    Black thick blood from the anus. This indicates a rupture of the blood vessel in the large or small intestine. The patient's lips turn pale, legs become cold, the pulse weakens. Need rest, bed, ice on the stomach. No food. Very dangerous! I need a doctor.

    Folk remedies for nasal bleeding:

    1. Insert cotton wool soaked with fresh juice of nettle or with human milk. Milk should be no earlier than two weeks after childbirth, earlier blood does not stop.

    2. It is necessary to cut in half the raw bulb and the cut side to apply firmly to the back side of the neck.

    3. For very severe nasal bleeding, a patient is poured onto the head of a half-bucket of cold water ( conveniently from a watering can), not immediately, and the half-bucket is poured in the same way on the upper back.

    4. From any severe bleeding: it is necessary to insist 2 3 pinch into a glass of boiling water of dry grass - of the medicinal drop or of the granite pipe - and drink this infusion in 2-3 hours.

    Sympathetic for nasal bleeding: To hang on the woolen thread a small iron key between the shoulder blades on the back, the blood will stop immediately. If the bleeding is constant, several times a day, then the key to carry on itself for 10-20 days. As long as the key is on itself, the blood no longer comes. If you take off and the blood starts to appear again, then again put on and carry the key until it no longer appears and without a key.(The tool was given by PV Kozhenevsky from Paris, who checked this phenomenon himself in 1953 ).

    In all kinds of bleeding, folk medicine recommends:

    1. Nettle nettle. Tablespoon dry leaves of nettle pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 10 minutes.on low heat, cool, drain. Drink for 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

    2. Blood-spitting drug. Decoction of roots is drunk with various bleeding. A tablespoon of crushed roots pour 1 glass of water, boil for 30 minutes.on low heat, insist 2 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 5 times daily before meals.

    3. Blood throat( roots). 2 tablespoons of crushed roots pour 1 cup boiling water, cook five minutes and take 2 tablespoons every hour. Krovohlebka very astringent on the taste, so it is better to take it with jam. Used for gastric, intestinal, renal, uterine bleeding.

    Other ancient sources give with bleeding such funds

    1. With nasal bleeding massage thumb pad the place of the transition of the skull( occipital bone) to the neck.

    It is also useful to put cold compresses( or ice packs) on the back of the head and the bridge of the nose.

    2. Mix 3 g of mummy and 10 ml of water, from the mixture make compresses on the wounds and cuts 1 time per day, simultaneously take 0.2 g of mumie inside.

    3. For any bleeding( eg, nasal) it is recommended to put cold compresses on your feet.

    4. Take 1 teaspoon of birch buds, insist for 1 hour in a glass of steep boiling water, drain. The received infusion to wipe abrasions, scratches, cracks and small cuts.

    5. Take fresh leaves of plantain and yarrow, grind them until a homogeneous mass forms. Mass to wrap in gauze and apply to small wounds, abrasions, cuts. It has hemostatic, disinfecting, wound-healing, analgesic effect.

    Gastrointestinal bleeding.

    1. 15 g of the leafy tops of St. John's Wort perforated put in enamel ware, brew 200 ml of steep boiling water, cover and boil with low heat for 15 minutes, then insist 45 minutes, strain. Take infusion of 1 teaspoon 6 times a day.

    2. 10 g of leaves of plantain large brew in enameled dishes 200 ml of boiling water, cover and boil on the stove with low heat for 15 minutes, insist for 1 hour and strain. Take infusion of 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

    3. 20 g of crushed oak bark brew in enameled pots 200 ml of boiling water, cover and boil with low heat for 15 minutes, cool, drain. Drink an infusion of 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    Intestinal bleeding.

    1. 15 g flowering tops yarrow brew in enamelware 200 ml of steep boiling water, cover and boil with low heat for 15 minutes, insist, drain. Drink infusion of 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

    2. 15 g of the crushed rhizome of the blood groin medicinal place in enameled dishes, brew in 200 ml of boiling water, cover and boil on low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Take infusion of 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

    3. 10 g psyllium large brew in enameled dishes 200 ml of steep boiling water, cover, boil for 15 minutes, insist 45 minutes and strain. Take infusion of 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

    With uterine, intestinal, hemorrhoidal and other hemorrhages, cucumber whips, collected after harvesting cucumbers, are very popular. The grass is dried and finely chopped.50 g of herbs bring to a boil in 0.5 liters of water, insist 3-4 hours, drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day.