  • Weakened 3PEHе

    Most of the diseases associated with vision, is hereditary. The most common of them are listed below.

    Possible causes of

    Visual impairment may be accompanied by a number of symptoms, for example:

    frequent squinting;

    the child brings objects close to the eyes;

    the head is tilted sideways or is in an unusual position;When a child is close to you, he can not focus his eyes;

    the child often rubs his eyes;

    eyes move fast;

    the child complains of blurred vision, doubles in his eyes, he experiences nausea at work, for example when reading( in other words, the child is somewhat short-sighted if he sees sharply close objects, but can not view distant ones).

    When fainted, ammonia is often used, but it should be done carefully. Cotton swab moistened with alcohol and brought to the nose of the child for 20-30 seconds. The smell of ammonia contributes to the expansion of cerebral vessels, but its large concentrations can cause temporary paralysis of the sudomotive center. Therefore, it is impossible to breathe a pair of spirits-ta. It is better to keep the pair 20-30 s, make a break for 1-2 minutes and then put it back for a few seconds. So do until the child regains consciousness.

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    In case of deep fainting, artificial respiration should also be done. In the event that a child has vomiting, his head should be turned to one side and remove vomit from the mouth so that they do not enter the respiratory tract. When the child regains consciousness, he can give sweet tea or coffee.


    The eyeball has a longer distance between the front and the bottom than normal, and the lens of the eye as the lens does not function properly. That's why the child sees the distant objects poorly, and the close ones are good. This is the most typical disease of children associated with vision.

    Myopia can dramatically change the behavior and even the nature of the child. He becomes distracted, quickly tired, brings objects close to his eyes, squints, walks with his head lowered, begins to hump. In addition, the

    child may have complaints of pain in the eyes, headaches, the fact that the objects in front of the eyes blur, double. Some children, with a concentrated examination of objects, begin to mow down fatigue.


    The distance from the lens is shorter than normal, and the lens can not focus properly. In connection with this, the child sees the related objects poorly, and the distant ones - well.


    With astigmatism, the eyeball has flaws and there is no clear image on the retina.

    Strictly follow the doctor's instructions.

    It is necessary to limit visual loads to children, who have even a small myopia, to pay more attention to their physical development, tempering, walking and playing outdoors.

    The doctor of the child will check the condition of the eyes, assess the visual acuity and direct the child to the ophthalmologist if he has any abnormalities in visual acuity. Perhaps a child will be required to wear glasses or contact lenses( for adolescents) if he has

    myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism.

    As a prophylaxis for strengthening the eye, the doctor can also recommend the use of foods rich in calcium - curds, milk and dairy products, as well as products with a natural yellow dye that contain vitamin A( carotene) - carrots, pumpkins, apricots. It will not do without recommendations to use lip-saturated fatty acids in fish and fish oil.