  • How to grow hair for a month at 10 cm at home

    Long, thick and healthy hair, undoubtedly, is a symbol of female beauty. To become the owner of a magnificent head of hair, you can either build up artificial strands, or have patience, make efforts, provide competent hair care and thereby grow hair in a short period of time.

    In fact, to grow hair at home on the strength of each woman. First, it is necessary to eliminate all the negative factors that slow their growth. Secondly, it is necessary to balance nutrition, so that the roots of hair receive the necessary vitamins for growth. Thirdly, it is necessary to provide competent hair care, and it's not only in shampoos, but also in masks made from natural ingredients.

    This article will contain information on how to grow hair for a month by 10 cm. Namely, negative factors affecting hair growth will be highlighted. Also, tips for accelerating hair growth will be considered. In addition, recipes for masks will be offered, the use of which will give the opportunity to grow hair very quickly without the use of harmful chemistry.

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    What prevents you from growing a long head of hair?

    If you set out to grow hair, first of all you need to eliminate the factors that hinder this process.

    1. You should get rid of split ends. In the future, cut off the tips preferably at least once every three months, so that all incoming nutrients are not wasted on lifeless tips and reach the roots.
    2. It is advisable to refrain from using a hair dryer, ironing, nippers. It is better to let hair dry naturally. But in the event that the hair is stacked with a hair dryer, it is necessary to apply thermal protection to the head. In addition, hair should be protected from overheating in the sun or hypothermia.
    3. Dandruff, brittle hair and hair loss will not allow you to grow long strands, so you need to make an effort to get rid of these diseases.
    4. Improper nutrition, overwork, stress also adversely affect the growth and health of hair.

    Factors significantly accelerating the growth of

    In order to achieve visible results and grow hair in a week by 1-2 cm, you need to pay attention to food, choose the right hair care products, do massage and apply homemade masks to your hair.

    1. So, food. Since protein is the main building block and the accelerator of hair growth, the daily diet should include: meat products, fish, dairy products. Also, the body should have enough vitamins A and E, which are contained in carrots, cabbage, beets. In addition, it is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.
    2. The choice of hair care products should be based on the type of hair. Try to buy shampoos, which include natural ingredients. After each washing of the head, it is desirable to use conditioners, balms to prevent brittle hair, oils - to strengthen hair and give them shine. It will not be superfluous to use special capsules for hair growth.
    3. Experts advise doing scalp massage to improve blood circulation. Also, to accelerate the growth of the strand should be combed several times a day to stimulate the work of capillaries.

    Recipes for masks that promote the growth of the head of

    In order to achieve a quick effect and grow hair in a week by 5 cm, it is best to use masks made from natural ingredients. Below you will find several recipes for masks that promote hair growth.


    To make a mustard mask, two tablespoons of mustard mustard, one yolk, one teaspoon of honey, two tablespoons of olive oil and a little hot water should be mixed. The resulting mixture should be applied to the scalp, put on a hat and warm it with a towel. After half an hour the mask should be washed off and dried hair without any electrical appliances. If you do such a mask once a week, hair for a month will grow 20 cm.


    To make a yeast mask, you need one spoonful of yeast dough, one spoonful of honey, two teaspoons of mustard, water. All ingredients must be mixed, apply the mixture on the scalp and rinse after one hour. The advantage of this mask is that it enriches the hair bulbs with vitamins E, C, B. Thanks to its use, it is possible to grow hair 15 cm per month. A selection of videos on the topic of the article

    In these videos, women will give advice and share their recipes about how they managed to grow long and healthy hair by almost 30 cm in just a few months.