
How to get rid of the smell of sweat, why it arises, how to deal with a strong sweating

  • How to get rid of the smell of sweat, why it arises, how to deal with a strong sweating

    Today we will talk about how to get rid of the smell of sweat.

    Sweating is a natural process in which a certain amount of sweat is released. This process, which performs a protective function for the human body, protects the body from overheating. Thanks to the allocation of sweat, the cooling of our body takes place. The skin also becomes moistened and much more elastic.

    All this, of course, is wonderful, but in some people the process of sweat allocation is very abundant and becomes unpleasant. A person begins to become isolated and complex in this regard.

    Why the smell of sweat

    Sweat itself is absolutely odorless, on the body of each person there are certain bacteria, and precisely because the process of sweating occurs, their number increases several times. Therefore, they begin to give off a rather unpleasant and pungent smell.

    At first glance this problem is solvable with the help of hygiene. The more often we take a shower or at least wash under the armpits, the more we prevent the appearance of an unpleasant smell. But very often it happens that even very careful hygiene does not help to eliminate the very unpleasant smell of sweat. There are a lot of reasons for his appearance.

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    The causes of odor sweat

    What are the main causes of sweat odor:

    • Lack of necessary vitamins due to lack of proper nutrition;
    • Various chronic diseases, therefore, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor;
    • Genetic features;
    • Age restrictions;
    • Bad mood and stressful situations;
    • Overweight;
    • Violation and absence of basic hygiene rules;
    • The clothes you wear are not made from natural fabrics - synthetics.

    How to get rid of an unpleasant odor:

    • Wear clothing exclusively from natural fabrics;
    • To exclude from the diet of salty and spicy food;
    • More often take showers and baths with the use of cosmetics;
    • Actively engage in sports;
    • On wet things, bacteria progress many times faster, so you need to make sure that clothes stay dry.
    • Regularly use special cosmetics that prevent unpleasant odor of sweat.

    The modern cosmetic industry offers a variety of hygiene products that eliminate all unpleasant odors of sweat. We will consider the best of them.

    Universal inserts in clothes Stop-Agent

    Today, many women prefer to use the liners for clothing to protect them from sweat. Stop Agent. Composition of liners from a natural absorbent( dissolved cellulose, which is added with a natural antibiotic, and also contains silver ions that block the unpleasant odor of sweat.).

    Inserts are very conveniently glued to the underside of clothing, so they are very practical and convenient to use. Clothing at the same time always remains clean, and you forget about wet stains on clothes and a feeling of constant discomfort.

    Silver Dry female antiperspirant antiperspirant with silver ions

    Others prefer to use the female deodorant antiperspirant Silver Dry with silver ions, especially this tool is optimal for active women. Deodorant «Silver Dry» does not contain alcohol in its composition, which is important, while it does not cause irritation of tender and sensitive skin.

    Its main constituents are aromatic fragrances. Deodorant is colorless and odorless. Aluminum chloride, which is a part of "Silver Dry", gets on the skin, effectively stops the work of sweat glands in the area on which it is applied, but at the same time, sweat is sent to the area where it leaves without any problems.

    For example, if the girls put deodorant on the armpits during the sport, the sweat will be transferred to the base of the neck, where it can be easily removed with a dry towel.

    Hygienic means for controlling sweating are many, choose from them the safest for your skin and the most effective.

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