Evaluation of feeding and the required amount of milk
As already mentioned above, to assess the correctness of feeding the baby can by weight gain and by its mood and behavior. Let us repeat that the infant usually knows how much food he needs. If you doubt whether the baby has enough milk, pay attention to his behavior. The fact that the baby does not eat up can be testified by the fact that he wakes up every time and cries "hungry" crying. When my mother puts it to his chest, he will drink milk to the last drop and start looking for the nipple with his mouth or will
try to suck his fist. Some children who have not quenched their hunger can begin to cry immediately after feeding. If we weigh this baby several days in a row before and after feeding, while knowing the approximate rates of milk sucking, you can make sure that he adds less weight than before. Some malnourished children may develop constipation.
If your mother has reason to believe that her baby is not eating, you need to see a doctor and, according to his recommendations, increase lactation. In the meantime, if the baby wakes up early from hunger, then it is better to feed it, even if it leads to additional feeding on that day. In addition, more frequent emptying of the breast only stimulates the production of more milk, if the mother's body is capable of this. You can also give in feeding both breasts.
Those who regularly go to the doctor, know that the examination of the child is necessarily accompanied by weighing, and the pediatrician on these data and previously collected testimony judges about the increase in weight. When doctors talk about weight gain, they mean mean figures, which are calculated by dividing the sum of the largest and smallest increment. Some kids gain weight more, others - less, it is considered quite normal. But a slow increase in body weight can mean that the child is malnourished or ill, so the mother should regularly show her doctor to the doctor to be sure of his health.
As for the norm of milk for feeding, it is individual for each child, but there are average indices of the required amount of milk for each age period, which should be oriented.
Mom can also calculate the milk rate for her newborn baby up to 7-8 years old. To do this, the following formula is suitable: the daily amount of milk( ml) == 2% of the body weight of the child at birth x n, where n - day of the child's life;
You can use the following calculation: and x 70( or 80), where and are the child's day,
. To determine the amount of milk a child needs during the day, the number of days of his life should be multiplied by 70( with body weightbelow 3200 g) or 80( with a body weight above 3200 g).
There is also such a rule: for a single feeding a child should receive a milk quantity equal to 10 times the day of his life( for example, a 6-day-old child for one feeding should receive 10 x 6 = 60 ml).
What are the indicators of the infant's nutritional standards to be guided by the mother? In the first day the baby eats very little, only 50-70 g of milk, or 10-20 ml per one feeding, in the second - 120-140 g and then daily at 70 g more. Thus, on the fourth day, the amount of sucked-up milk is usually equal to 1/10 of the weight of the baby,
, that is, if the baby was born weighing 3 kg, then it consumes 250-300 grams of milk per day, or 45-50 grams per day. A week-old newborn for a day already sucks about 500 grams of milk. From the beginning of the second and the sixth week of life, the amount of milk consumed is about 1/5 of the child's weight. A month-old baby eats 90-100 grams of milk for one feeding, and about 600 grams per day. In 1.5-4 months the baby already eats milk in the amount of 1/6 of its weight, so a 4-5-month-old baby inday sucks up about 1000 grams of milk. In 4-6 months the baby already eats the amount of milk equal to 1/7 of its weight, and in 6-9 months - 1/8 of the body weight. But, looking at these figures and the results of control weighings, do not forget that the appetite of all children is different, and one child can vary within a day. Therefore, do not worry if the baby eats less, he will catch up with the next feeding.
Mom should regularly monitor the amount of milk sucked out by the baby. This is also necessary in cases when the baby is good in weight and is calm. Thus, the mother will be able to determine how much food is needed for a uniform gain in weight. To check how much milk the infant consumes, it is possible in the following way: without undressing the baby, it needs to be weighed before and after each breast-feeding. The difference in weight corresponds to the amount of milk sucked by the baby, and,
having combined all the differences in weight, you can find out how much the child ate during the day. If there are no special children's scales in the house, then you can use the kitchen scales( see the picture).
Fig. Kitchen scales used as children's
. The child is better to weigh dry, wrapped in the same diapers.
If the baby is healthy and merry, his skin is gently pink, on his arms, legs and elsewhere there are deep folds, he is tight, often urinates and his stool is normal - the child grows well, he has enough milk, and there is no senseWeigh it more often than once a month. If you think that this is too
seldom, you can weigh your little girl more often, but no more than once a week. More frequent determination of the weight of the baby is necessary in cases when the child is crying too much or he has vomiting, upset stomach, then regular weighing can help the doctor in determining the diagnosis. If the child is gaining weight well, but very often crying, then, most likely, the reason for this are gases, but not hunger.