  • Feeding regime

    Many young mothers naturally had questions: how to still feed the baby - strictly on schedule or at his request? Who should establish a diet - a baby or a mom? We will try to understand these problems now.

    So, in modern maternity hospitals free feeding is welcomed, that is, at the request of the baby, who wants to eat, opens the mouth, smacks, turns his head in search of a nipple, cries and does not calm down, drinking water instead of milk. Usually, the first application to the breast occurs 30 minutes after the child's birth

    , but in the first days after childbirth, when the nipples are just getting used to feeding the baby, it only needs to be applied for a short time to the breast, preventing the appearance of cracks. Therefore, on the first day of feeding can be from 4 to 6 and last about 5 minutes. In the following days, the number of feedings is increased to 8-12 times. In this case, on the fourth day, it is recommended to give the baby a breast for 10 minutes, and on the fifth - 15 minutes, next days the feeding time can be about 20 minutes. Frequent attachments to the breast in the first two weeks are recommended in order to stimulate the lactation process. This time enough for the baby so that he could determine his own mode of feeding, because the amount of milk formed will meet his needs. Usually, children who have enough mother's milk, enough semimazovoy feeding, one of which is at night. If the mother does not have enough milk, the number of feedings per day can be 8-9.At the end of each of them it is recommended to express milk to increase its lactation. Thus, it turns out that a baby with a sufficient amount of mother's milk, at the end of the first month of life, independently switches to a constant seven-hour feeding regime, i.e. six meals in 3 hours and one night at the request of the baby. Most often

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    feeding time corresponds to 6.00, 9.00, 12.00, 15.00, 18.00 and 21.00, and the night 1.00-2.00.

    As for the night attachment to the chest, it is worth talking about separately. Basically, all the babies of the first month of life wake up at night from hunger and announce it with their weeping. Mom must necessarily satisfy his child's hunger, because the baby is not yet able to endure a long period of time without eating. Yes, and the woman herself is better to immediately feed her child and continue the interrupted night's sleep than to listen to screams all night and try to calm him down, hungry. Over time, your child will learn how to suck in more milk during the last feeding and will himself give up the night.

    As already mentioned, by the 2nd-3rd month of life, children spend more time awake and sleep less. Also changing the feeding regime - now the babies have enough 6 meals a day, because during the time of sucking, they can eat much more milk than before. Usually the baby and his mother have approximately such a mode of feeding: 6.00, 9.30, 13.00, 16.30, 20.00, 23.30.

    Usually for breakfast, lunch, etc., the child wakes up by himself, but it also happens that the feeding time has approached, and the baby is still sleeping. In this case, doctors recommend to wake the baby. To do this, do not necessarily bother him, sometimes it is enough to try to repack him. For

    , these procedures are already familiar, and he will not be afraid that his dream is disturbed. Mom should not doubt the correctness of his actions: the baby must get used to eat according to certain rules, that is, according to the regime. This is important because the disturbed feeding regimen leads to the failure of sleep and wakefulness, as the time of walks, communication, massage, bathing and sleeping changes. As for the night feeding, it is not necessary to wake the child specially for him.

    By the age of 3-5 months, the baby can already arrange 3.5-4-hour breaks between feedings. And by the age of 4-5 months, the number of feeds amounts to 5. Do not forget that usually at this time, begins to introduce complementary foods, which in the stomach of the child is delayed longer than the mother's milk, which allows you to increase the time interval between feedings to 4h. And then the feeding regime will have the following form: 6.00, 10.00, 14.00, 18.00 and 22.00. It should be noted that the frequency of feeding is determined by the duration of the food mass in the stomach, and this time directly depends on the type of food. So the female milk is removed from the stomach 2-2.5 hours after intake, artificial milk mixtures from cow's milk stay in it for 3 hours, and porridge for 3-4 hours. For 4-5 hours, vegetables are retained in the stomach.

    In some cases, the baby is not enough for a five-day feeding and he does not have

    the feeding time is 6.00, 9.00, 12.00, 15.00, 18.00 and 21.00, and the night time is 1.00-2.00.

    As for the night attachment to the chest, it is worth talking about separately. Basically, all the babies of the first month of life wake up at night from hunger and announce it with their weeping. Mom must necessarily satisfy his child's hunger, because the baby is not yet able to endure a long period of time without eating. Yes, and the woman herself is better to immediately feed her child and continue the interrupted night's sleep than to listen to screams all night and try to calm him down, hungry. Over time, your child will learn how to suck up more milk during the last feeding and will himself give up the night.

    As already mentioned, by the 2nd-3rd month of life, children spend more time awake and sleep less. Also changing the feeding regime - now babies have enough b-single food, because during the time of sucking, they can eat much more milk than before. Usually the baby and his mother have approximately such a mode of feeding: 6.00, 9.30, 13.00, 16.30, 20.00, 23.30.

    Usually for breakfast, lunch, etc., the child wakes up by himself, but it also happens that the feeding time has approached, and the baby is still sleeping. In this case, doctors recommend to wake the baby. To do this, do not necessarily bother him, sometimes it is enough to try to repack him. For

    , these procedures are already familiar, and he will not be afraid that his dream is disturbed. Mom should not doubt the correctness of his actions: the baby must get used to eat according to certain rules, that is, according to the regime. This is important because the disturbed feeding regimen leads to the failure of sleep and wakefulness, as the time of walks, communication, massage, bathing and sleeping changes. As for the night feeding, it is not necessary to wake the child specially for him.

    By the age of 3-5 months, the baby can already arrange 3.5-4-hour breaks between feedings. And by the age of 4-5 months, the number of feeds amounts to 5. Do not forget that usually at this time, begins to introduce complementary foods, which in the stomach of the child is delayed longer than the mother's milk, which allows you to increase the time interval between feedings to 4h. And then the feeding regime will have the following form: 6.00, 10.00, 14.00, 18.00 and 22.00. It should be noted that the frequency of feeding is determined by the duration of the food mass in the stomach, and this time directly depends on the type of food. So the female milk is removed from the stomach 2-2.5 hours after intake, artificial milk mixtures from cow's milk stay in it for 3 hours, and porridge for 3-4 hours. For 4-5 hours, vegetables are retained in the stomach.

    In some cases, the baby is not enough for a five-day day-feeding and he does not withstand a big night break, so he wakes up, not calming down after he is given water. In this case, mom will have to return to night feeding.

    A healthy baby in the 11th-12th month will have to take five meals a day with the night, that is, every 4 hours. And the feeding regime will be approximately this: 6.00, 10.00, 14.00, 18.00, 22.00.And the first morning and the last consist of breast or adapted milk or kefir, and all the rest - dense feeding.

    When I finish the story about the feeding regime, I would like to remind once again that each of these moments is important for communication between mother and child, it has a beneficial effect on their well-being and mood.