  • Treatment of arterial hypertension and diet required by the body

    Arterial hypertension is a disease characterized by increased blood pressure in the arteries. This is a fairly common disease in adults, which can not be completely cured, but you can keep the pressure under control.

    Pressure fluctuations are considered normal if it decreases during sleep and increases with physical or psychoemotional loads. Arterial pressure in a healthy person ranges from 100/60 to 140/90.Therefore, increasing the pressure above these figures allows you to suspect the presence of hypertension. The share of the so-called renovascular arterial hypertension accounts for about 1% of cases of increased blood pressure.

    Types of arterial hypertension. Diagnosis

    In its origin, two forms of this disease can be distinguished:

    • essential( primary) or self-sufficient hypertension;
    • is symptomatic( secondary) or hypertension that has occurred against a background of a disease, such as endocrine or renal disease.

    Differential diagnosis of arterial hypertension is carried out using a systematic measurement of the pressure of both hands throughout the day. In addition, ECG, echocardiography, angiography, dopplerography are used. In the event that hypertension is secondary, a complete examination of the urinary and endocrine systems is added to all the above analyzes.

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    In order to prescribe the correct treatment of hypertension, it is necessary first of all to establish the cause of the disease, and also the degree of its severity.

    Diet for arterial hypertension

    Patients with arterial hypertension should carefully monitor their weight. Each extra kilogram significantly increases the burden on the heart and blood vessels, which increases the further development of the disease.

    In addition, the patient needs to reduce the intake of table salt to 4-5 g per day. This restriction applies to coffee and alcoholic beverages. From smoking should be abandoned completely.

    The patient's diet should be filled with fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, and foods rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. If all such measures do not bring the desired result, the doctor prescribes medication.

    Treatment and therapy of

    Drugs used to treat hypertension are commonly used: beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists, diuretics, alpha 1-adrenergic receptor blockers, angiotensin II receptor blockers. Such medicines have indications and contraindications, various side effects and peculiar moments.

    In the treatment of hypertension in the elderly, special attention is paid to diuretics, especially with a neutral metabolic effect. As for the treatment of hypertension in children, the therapy is based on the specific causes of the disease. Begin treatment with a single drug of long duration, with a minimum dose and gradually increase it.

    In connection with these features, a qualified specialist should select the therapy and the regimen for taking medications. What is attributed to the standards for the treatment of hypertension is discussed below.


    Beta-blockers have until recently been considered the main drugs in the treatment of hypertension in adolescents and children. But, at present, their use in treatment is somewhat limited. And this is due to a number of side effects of this therapy. These include insomnia, fatigue, depression, memory impairment, bradycardia, increased blood sugar, as well as muscle weakness and emotional lability.

    Using beta-blockers, it is necessary to conduct an ECG once a month and monitor the level of lipids and glucose in the blood. In addition, a regular evaluation of the emotional state, as well as the muscle tone in the patient, is required.

    Calcium channel blockers

    To date, the most preferred prolonged blockers of calcium channels - drugs of a longer duration. When used, these side effects are noted: dizziness, peripheral edema, palpitations, muscle weakness, facial flushing, gastrointestinal disorders.

    Periodically, patients also need an assessment of their emotional state and muscle tone.


    As a rule, diuretics are prescribed first and often for an extended period. Negative characteristics of this therapy is a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood, as well as a violation of male potency, orthostatic faints. In this regard, with the use of diuretics, constant monitoring of the level of sugar, potassium, blood lipids, as well as a monthly ECG is necessary.


    When using these drugs, pressure reduction occurs as a result of blocking receptors that are located in the walls of the arteries. Thus, the drug prevents spasms, contributes to the complete relaxation of the artery and the widening of its lumen. All together contributes to lowering blood pressure.

    Angiotensin II receptor antagonists

    Drugs that belong to this group promote the blocking of receptors in the wall of arteries to angiotesin II, thereby preventing vascular spasm and increased blood pressure.

    ACE inhibitors

    Drugs in this group block the enzyme involved in the formation of the angiotensin II vasoconstrictor.

    All preparations, as already mentioned earlier, are used in combination. Only a highly qualified specialist will be able to make the right treatment regimen, which will bring the desired beneficial effect in treatment and reduce blood pressure with minimal side effects.

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