The causes of hypotension of different types. Stages of the disease and their appropriate treatment
Hypotension is characterized as a condition in which there is a decrease in arterial pressure due to low tone of the arteries and veins, weakening of the heart activity and other factors. The causes of hypotension are diverse, but conditionally one can distinguish acute and chronic course of the disease.
Types of hypotension and symptoms of the disease
For the cause of hypotension, the causes of appearance may be associated with lifestyle, physique, and the presence of other diseases.
In this regard, hypotension is divided into the following types:
- Hypotension is physiological, which refers to individual variants of the norm. This condition can be observed in trained athletes, lean in terms of physique and people in high mountain regions and hot countries( with a tropical and subtropical climate).
- Hypotonia is pathological, which, in turn, is primary and secondary. Pathological hypotension( primary) is observed in vegetative-vascular dystonia and orthostatic hypotension. Secondary or symptomatic hypotension is acute and chronic.
Why does physiological hypotension occur?
In sportsmen, during large and constant physical exertion, the body tries to work in a saving mode, thus reducing the pressure and rhythm of the heartbeats. Vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle become dilated due to increased stress, causing normally a reduced pressure. In this case, they talk about the so-called hypotonia of trained people.
Normally, blood pressure may decrease with a sharp change in climatic conditions and atmospheric pressure. Reducing atmospheric pressure causes a chain reaction in many people, which are also called meteopaths. Also, the pressure value is affected by factors such as humidity, radiation and the presence of electromagnetic fields.
Asthenic pressure decreases, as a manifestation of the body's defensive response to the inability of asthenics to react quickly to external stimuli. The causes of hypotonia of such people consist in the fact that the reaction of rapid constriction and expansion of blood vessels slows down. Often this predisposition to hypotension appears as a hereditary factor.
Why do primary and secondary forms of the disease appear?
Approximately 80% of all cases of hypotension hypotension is primary, that is, manifested as an independent disease. The diagnosis in this case sounds like "neurocirculatory dystonia by hypotonic type".A major role in the emergence of this form of hypotension is played by neuroses, psychopathy, stressful situations and emotional overstrain.
In addition, the causes of primary hypotension are as follows:
- Traumas are mental and emotional, causing stress of the nervous system.
- Imbalance of the work and rest regime, chronic lack of sleep, chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Apathy, depression, depressed mood, associated with mental disorders.
The causes of secondary hypotension are associated with many other diseases, when reduced pressure is manifested as one of the many symptoms. Here is an indicative list of diseases in which there may be a reduction in pressure:
- Osteochondrosis of the spine( especially the cervical region).
- Diseases of the liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas.
- Anemia and impaired hematopoietic function. Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
- Kidney disease.
- Active form of tuberculosis.
- Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2.
- Dysfunction of the heart.
- Malignant and benign neoplasm.
- Alcoholism and other conditions of chronic intoxication.
- Lack of nutrients in the body( vitamins, trace elements, etc.)
Many people throughout their life suffer from a form of the disease, such as chronic hypotension, in which the symptoms seem to be insignificant, but in the complex they cause a lot of anxiety and problems. Constant irritability, bad mood and emotional instability make these people a real chronicler, depending on the slightest changes in the weather.
Such people quickly get tired, and after a short work they find it hard to regain their strength. The reason for this condition is that when hypotension occurs as a result of reduced blood flow to the organs, tissues, the brain, oxygen does not go enough, causing oxygen starvation.
What is muscle hypotension?
Separately, I want to say about this condition, like muscle hypotension, which is sometimes diagnosed as being diagnosed at a pediatric neurologist. Normally, in the womb of the mother the fetus is in the flexion position, and the muscles are in a hypertensive state. After the birth of the child for several months, muscle tone usually comes back to normal.
Hypotension in infants is much less common than increased tone, as this condition occurs due to the reduced tone of the entire nervous system and organic brain damage. With a slight decrease in tone usually helps massage, but with a pronounced hypotension of the muscles, you need to turn to a neuropathologist and look for the cause.
The fact is that this form of hypotension occurs as a symptom in Down's disease, phenylketonuria and other, no less serious diseases. In these children, the muscles resemble a kissel, they are soft to the touch, the baby is sluggish and moves little, does not hold the head well, does not stand on legs.
It is very important for parents to know that the treatment of children can not be carried out without clarifying the causes of muscular hypotension. Medication for hypotension is not performed, only therapeutic massage and gymnastics save.