Symptoms of hypotension and the dangers of each of them
The state of hypotension, in which there is a reduction in blood pressure, many doctors do not perceive as serious, writing off it for fatigue and fatigue. However, patients with a diagnosis of hypotension sometimes feel so bad that they often find themselves at a doctor-psychoneurologist. The reason for this treatment are signs of hypotension, which induce patients painfully to seek a way out of the situation, right up to an appeal to a therapist.
Signs and symptoms of hypotension
Characteristic signs of hypotension include a temporary or permanent decrease in blood pressure. This is just the symptom on which the diagnosis is made. Physicians are well aware of the diagnosis of "vegetative-vascular dystonia in the hypotonic type", because when examining patients there are no changes in the organs. And this despite the fact that complaints from the patients so many that it's time to think about - and if the patient does not pretend to be sick?
But with a more thorough examination and collection of anamnesis, other subjective symptoms that are characteristic of this condition are revealed. So, with the disease of hypotension, the symptoms can be as follows:
- Disruption of the central and peripheral nervous system, which is manifested by decreased efficiency, memory loss, poor mood, irritability. At the same time, patients have decreased concentration, poor sleep, increased sensitivity to bright light or loud sounds, as well as absent-mindedness and isolation.
- Disruption of oxygen delivery to the brain, which is manifested by headaches and dizziness. It is noted that the appearance of headaches is often associated with changes in weather conditions( fluctuations in atmospheric pressure), as well as overfatigue and abundant food. Headache occurs with hypotension as a consequence of stretching of the cerebral arteries and obstructing the outflow of blood from the cerebral veins.
- Disruption from the digestive system, which is manifested by a decrease in appetite, bitterness in the mouth, belching, heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms of irritated intestines are sometimes associated with these symptoms - flatulence, unstable stools, constipation.
- Symptoms on the part of the reproductive function - in men this is a decrease in sexual activity and attraction, and in women - an early menopause and a disorder of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the monthly ones become poor and painful.
- Violation of the heart, which is manifested by a violation of rhythm, heart rate, shortness of breath and pain in the sternum and heart. When treating such complaints with a cardiologist, the patient thinks that he has a heart disease.
It is not necessary for a patient with hypotension to have all the symptoms, on the contrary, many patients have some specific symptoms to which they are accustomed or find their means of escape( a cup of coffee or caffeine preparations).
The activity of hypotensive drugs increases late in the evening, whereas in the morning it is absolutely ineffective people. They complain about lack of sleep, although they slept for at least 10-12 hours. This reaction of the body under reduced pressure is protective.
Hypotonics do not like to jostle in queues, in crowded public transport, in crowded places. They prefer walking, unsociable places and fresh air, because they can even faint and faint because of a feeling of lack of air.
At different times of the year hypotension feel differently. They do not tolerate the heat in summer and often change the weather conditions in the off-season. But hypotension breathes well in frosty air and in areas with high atmospheric pressure, when all of the above signs of hypotension in them disappear.
Often, signs and symptoms of hypotension occur in children, which are characterized by a decrease in muscle tone. Such a state is visible even with the naked eye, since such children do not rush to move, and they do not respond to irritation with muscle contractions. The syndrome of muscle hypotension in children is usually diagnosed immediately after birth, and the causes of the disorder are disorders in the work of the nervous system, genetic disorders or malformations of the muscles.
What if you have a disease?
Often there are cases when it is necessary to render first aid to hypotonic patients, especially if they have appeared in stuffy and crowded places of congestion of people. To quickly relieve the symptoms of hypotension, you need to know the rules of first aid, which include the following steps:
- Remove or remove patient to fresh air.
- Allow patient to drink cold water. This same water can be sprinkled on the patient's face.
- If possible, apply an ice pack to the area of the heart and to the head.
- Give the patient medications that quickly increase blood pressure. These include a solution of caffeine( 2 ml of 20% solution), ephedrine( 1 ml 5% solution), as well as pirameine, citramone or amidopyrine tablets. Injectable solutions are injected subcutaneously( into the forearm area) or given a drink with water.
Emergency care for hypotension usually occurs on site, and hospitalization of such patients in the hospital is not required.
What to do in case of hypotension in patients, so as not to be in this situation? To begin with, you need to know the reasons for which hypotension appears and correct them in time. Then learn how to measure your pressure with electronic tonometers.
Under reduced pressure, tonic drinks are good - strong black tea, coffee, cocoa, as well as herbal tinctures, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. These include tinctures of leuzea, sophora, magnolia vine, ginseng, rhodiola rosea, eleutherococcus. In extreme cases, you can drink 50-100 grams of red fortified wine( not more!), Which has the property of rapidly narrowing the lumen of blood vessels.