
How to organize yourself - time management

  • How to organize yourself - time management

    What distinguishes poor people from rich and successful ones? The fact that wise people know how to organize their time by the hour, and even by the minute. But, how can you manage everything, when there are many cases at work, and the husband and children are waiting at home, and then friends call to relax and relax. Moreover, you would not forget about yourself. Here, not everyone can do everything in time, and for each set a certain time. Let's talk about how to organize yourself and your time.

    How to start


    First you need to get the following habit - always carry a pen and a notebook with you everywhere. This is necessary so that at any time you can record the progress of your thoughts, adjust your personal schedule of the day.


    Create a daily plan for

    It's also important to plan your day from the evening. If you carefully plan everything in the evening, the day will pass "with a bang," since at night the subconscious person will rework all the information and will decide what and how to do. If the family has a small child, then it should have its own regime of the day, it is best to make it up and hang it in a prominent place, for example, on the refrigerator. Then it will be in full view all the time, and you will not miss anything.

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    Superfluous conversations

    Less empty conversations

    It is necessary to exclude unnecessary conversations with unnecessary people. This, indeed, is a waste of time. First, we set the goal of communication, and then clearly follow it, without deviating to other topics. After all, it often happens that talking about something important, smoothly turns to distracting topics: weather, money, relationships, food, clothing and much more.

    Review of entertainment

    Watch only the necessary TV shows. This means that you should delete your favorite series, talk shows, reality shows and similar programs from your schedule. You can watch interesting and informative cartoons or programs about the world of animals with children. The time saved is best spent on improving the family's welfare, cleaning, walking with family or for personal time.

    Use the Internet for the right affairs

    A real "devourer" of time is the Internet. These endless, meaningless messages, daily and multiple verification of letters, surfing in various social networks. If you compose a week's schedule and enter there the amount of time spent only on the computer, you can be horrified. Many at work so much time and effort do not spend, how much on the Internet!

    Please note! It is important to log into the global network, check or read only what is really needed. And immediately go out! This action will save a lot of time, which can be spent on another, more useful activity.

    Say "no"

    Learn to say "no"

    Learn to say "no."

    Please note! You can turn off your mobile phone and completely immerse yourself in your business, politely refuse what you do not want to do and that, most likely, will not be of use.

    Sometimes you have to do some unplanned business, but you only need to agree on what is really important for a person: health, family, friends. When a person is confident in his desires, for his own purposes - he can calmly focus on important matters, refusing unnecessary.


    Learn how to do several things at once

    If possible, you should perform several tasks at once. For example, go in the car and listen to an audiobook, or watch TV and make a list of cases. Such activities are very effective, but women are more able to fulfill them than men. The female sex is at the same time working and thinking about the family, domestic animals, country rest. But men can safely focus on one goal - women should learn this.

    Refuse perfectionism

    Do not be a perfectionist

    You do not need to be a perfectionist. Trying to bring something to perfection, you can spend a lot of time on completely meaningless things. Setting unattainable actions only contributes to a person's stressful condition.

    Please note! It is important to remember that there is no ideal.

    Structure information

    If you notice the habit of writing on scraps of paper, you must immediately eradicate it. Searching for information in the trash takes valuable time. Use modern devices. Different tablets, laptops, computers will serve well. Even on the phones there are notebooks.

    Useful habits

    Refuse to smoke

    Form several useful habits. For example, early recovery, proper nutrition, quitting smoking, positive thinking, playing sports. Such habits will significantly help a person in organizing the whole day. Such useful habits form the personality. In addition, there is a well-known assumption that "the more a person is busy, the better he plans his day, the better he copes with the plan of the day."



    Develop self-discipline. This means that it is impossible, under any pretext, to abandon the planned actions, to transfer one's plan to "tomorrow", as many like to do. Follow a clear plan.

    Organize close

    Organize your family

    "Infect" your loved ones. No, you do not have to infect the diseases. Here we are talking about behavior. It is much easier when people around you are exactly the same as you, when they, for example, adhere to a healthy lifestyle. In this case, the desire does not arise to deviate from the routine. Getting support from the closest people, a person is able to change beyond recognition. It can become not only healthier, but also more successful, thanks to a well-organized schedule. Good connections fuel a person, improve relationships with others, which in turn reduces the risk of stressful situations. The person becomes more open not only for new relationships, but also for various changes.