  • What is the probability of dying of fear?

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    The famous expression "scare to death" has a scientific component. Most doctors and scientists who have encountered similar cases confirm this.

    When a feeling of fear arises, the human body responds with a kind of reaction that can be described as "hit or run."This helps the body at the physiological level to prepare for a possible attack or defense. This helped the ancient people in their encounter with the enemy - in particular, this reaction is accompanied by the release of adrenaline into the blood, which gave the strength to engage in a fight or quickly leave a dangerous place.

    Modern man has other fears and scare him even ordinary things - for example, an unexpected hail. When a feeling of fear arises, the pulse becomes more frequent, the breathing becomes deeper. Such a reaction is required for the body so that all organs can get more oxygen and nutrients at the time of danger. At the same time, muscles strain, and some important functions can even stop their work( for example, this applies to the digestive organs).In a state of fear, the body has no time to think about the process of digesting food.

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    For a similar reaction in many respects corresponds to a specific area of ​​the brain - the hypothalamus. It is he who is able to assess whether there is a threat to the body and, in its presence, causes the body to transition to a state of "combat readiness".From the hypothalamus, the signal enters the pituitary gland, and from there to the adrenal glands with the help of hormones. In the adrenal gland adrenaline is produced, which in large quantities is released into the blood.

    Such a reaction is involuntary and can not be controlled by a person( it is subject to the autonomic nervous system).The release of adrenaline leads to rapid heartbeat, increased blood flow to the muscles, dilated pupils. Such a condition can be both beneficial to the body in case of danger, and harmful - in particular, for heart health. What happens at this time in this body?

    In the development of adrenaline in the heart there is an expansion of the calcium channels. This leads to the fact that cells of the heart muscle are saturated with calcium, which is accompanied by their expressed compression. If this continues for a certain period of time, the heart muscle is constantly strained and there is no time for relaxation. In this state( with a significant release of adrenaline), arrhythmia can develop according to the type of ventricular fibrillation. This means that the heart does not contract, but rather trembles. This can lead to a decrease in blood pressure, insufficient blood flow to the brain and loss of consciousness.

    According to experts, such reactions from the heart can be noted in quite healthy people. To a strong ejection of adrenaline can lead not only fear. For example, a similar reaction of the body is possible during sports competitions or having sex. H most often it is observed in a state where a person suddenly experiences fear. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think more often before there is a desire to frighten someone, because at first sight an innocuous joke can have serious consequences.

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