  • Causes of acute gastritis and treatment of the disease

    Acute or catarrhal gastritis, in contrast to chronic gastritis, develops as a reaction to the short-term effects of pathological factors on the gastric mucosa.

    The causes of acute gastritis are:

    • poisoning by spoiled food;
    • poisoning with chemical acids and other substances;
    • intake of large amounts of alcohol;
    • drug poisoning;
    • infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
    • overeating.

    Methods of treatment

    How to treat acute gastritis, especially if you are on vacation and the arrival of a doctor will have to wait? There are a whole range of measures that you can take and do yourself. These simple measures will greatly help you ease the condition.

    The medication should only be approved by a doctor! Self-medication can lead to disastrous consequences for you. The first aid in the treatment of acute gastritis always begins with the lavage of the stomach, so that the cavity does not leave pieces of food.

    This can be done before the arrival of an ambulance, independently. If you do not remove the cause that caused acute gastritis, then this can lead to complications and involvement of neighboring organs in the disease process. You can wash it with warm, slightly salted water without gas, with a solution of soda or a weak broth of chamomile. Currently, it is forbidden to rinse the stomach mucosa with a solution of potassium permanganate, since the solution may contain undissolved crystals and, if ingested, cause a burn.

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    In view of the fact that acute gastritis is accompanied by dyspepsia, it is also necessary to make a cleansing enema. First aid means include laxatives and adsorbents( activated carbon).Since acute gastritis is accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen, before the arrival of doctors, you can apply a warmer pad or warming compress.

    Mucous with acute gastritis is edematic and is in a spasm, so the heat relieves pain, swelling and spasms. In the acute period, you must follow a strict diet, it is best to fast the first few days, while drinking a few liters of fluid per day. This mode is caused by the fact that pieces of food or other causes that caused gastritis could get into the small intestine.

    Until everything comes out in a natural way, the patient may have abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea. If you are sick while taking a liquid, it is better to induce vomiting. To no longer have vomiting, fluids should be drunk in small sips.

    Diet and features of nutrition

    The diet for acute gastritis has its own characteristics. It is very important to comply with the regimen, because otherwise acute gastritis can go to chronic. The menu for acute gastritis includes mucous soups, cooked on the basis of rice, oatmeal, barley, low-fat non-concentrated meat and fish broths. These products on the second or third day can be added to the diet.

    You can also eat milk porridges, low-fat cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs, jelly from berries and fruits. Eating with acute gastritis after two or three days can be varied, adding meat and fish cutlets, steamed, low-fat cooked meat, you can give bread, previously dried.

    Fresh bread can not be given, as it can cause fermentation in the stomach.
    It is impossible during the treatment of acute gastritis to eat large portions, it is better to divide the entire diet into several meals, and also thoroughly chew food, and in any case do not eat it in hot or cold. Remember that any effect on the mucosa during this period can give pain and discomfort.

    During the period of treatment and after it it is advisable not to consume sour-milk products, alcoholic beverages, hard-boiled tea and coffee, cheese, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, baked pastries. If the treatment went smoothly, without complications, then the patient is removed from the diet after a week or 10 days.

    Acute erosive gastritis

    This form of gastritis appears due to damage to the gastric mucosa by chemicals. And unlike catarrhal gastritis, not only the mucous membrane, but also the deeper layers are involved in the process. Erosions are formed, which can go to peptic ulcer without treatment.

    Treatment of acute erosive gastritis is carried out only in a hospital. And how the disease will develop, what complications will arise depends on how quickly the patient was taken to the hospital. When first aid is provided, the patient is washed with a thick probe, to absolutely pure water without the smell of reagents.

    The danger is that erosion or small sores can bleed, staining the stool black. Further treatment is aimed at healing erosions and the affected mucosa. Diet with acute erosive gastritis is strict, with all the requirements, as with catarrhal gastritis. The patient is recommended all products that can not cause bleeding and exacerbation of the disease.

    Acute gastritis treatment

    Acute gastritis in children occurs more often than in adults only because children do not observe hygiene rules, do not wash their hands before meals, eat large amounts of fast food, and more often than adults, are infected with parasitic infestation. That is why the treatment of acute gastritis in children is based primarily on the establishment of the cause of the disease.

    It is necessary to call a specialist to establish the reasons, rather than engage in self-medication. The faster the child will be helped, the sooner the children will recover. Those children who have not received timely and high-quality medical care, risk of acquiring a diagnosis of chronic gastritis with all the ensuing consequences.

    Drug therapy

    Drugs for acute gastritis are prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account its shape, the causes that caused it, the patient's age and individual characteristics.

    The administration of medications is due to the condition of the patient and the clinic of the disease:

    • With pains in the stomach, antispasmodics are needed.
    • When bacteria are detected, a course of antibiotics( neomycin, ampicillin, cefazolin, levomycetin).
    • With high acidity, antacids are prescribed, which can reduce acidity.
    • In the disorder of the stool - adsorbents( activated carbon).
    • When inflamed mucus - enveloping agents( maalox, almagel).
    • When poisoning with chemicals - the choice of drugs will depend on the characteristics of the chemical reagent.

    Folk remedies

    General recommendations for traditional medicine are that a medicinal plant or a collection should possess the properties necessary for treatment. Widely used in an acute period of chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, plantain, calendula, yarrow, licorice root.

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