
Platelets in the blood - the more dangerous deviations from the norm

  • Platelets in the blood - the more dangerous deviations from the norm

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    Read in the article:
    • Platelets in the blood: their role in the body
    • Platelets in the blood of the norm in children and adults
    • Thrombocytopenia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
    • Thrombocytosis Causes and Treatment

    Platelets protect blood vessels from damage and formation of blood clots

    Platelets are smallblood plates formed in the cells of the red bone marrow and playing an important role in the processes of hemostasis and thrombosis.

    Platelets in the blood: their role in the body ^

    It is from the thrombocytes that the preservation of blood in the liquid state, the dissolution of blood clots and the protection of the walls of blood vessels depend on damage.

    Along with erythrocytes and leukocytes, platelets belong to the blood cells( cells) and are an important part of laboratory research.

    The study of platelets is included in the mandatory general clinical analysis of blood and assesses its coagulability, which determines the ability of the body to cope with bleeding and save life in case of possible blood loss.

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    Platelets in the blood are normal in children and adults ^

    The platelet count in the blood is an indicator of healthy hematopoiesis. The life span of platelets is small - they live no more than 7 - 10 days and require constant updating. Therefore, in the blood of a healthy person there is a continuous process of utilization of old platelets( in the cells of the liver and spleen) and the formation of new ones.

    In case of damages of blood vessels, platelets activate and immediately go to the site of injury - they literally stick together with each other and with the vascular wall, creating a clot( thrombus) stopping bleeding.

    If the balance between the production of new cells and the destruction of used ones is broken for some reason, pathologies arise - increased bleeding or, conversely, a tendency to thrombogenesis, which is equally dangerous.

    Blood platelet count:

    in adults 180 - 320 * 109 / L
    in pregnant women 150 - 380 * 109 / L
    in newborns 100 - 420 * 109 / L
    in children older than 1 year old 180 - 320 *109 / l

    In women, the platelet count may decrease slightly during menstruation, which is associated with physiological blood loss, however, this reduction should not be permanent. A slight decrease( to 150 * 109 / l) of platelet count during pregnancy can occur due to a sharp increase in blood volume and malnutrition of the pregnant woman, as a result of which the body does not have time to produce them in the required quantity.

    If the platelets are lowered( below 150 * 109 / L), not in connection with pregnancy, menstruation or other blood loss, and are of a persistent nature, this is a serious reason to seek medical attention, as thrombocytopenia is possible.

    Thrombocytopenia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment ^

    Thrombocytopenia is a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood below the norm, leading to a disruption in blood clotting and to increased bleeding due to too "liquid" blood. This condition poses a real threat to health, as the walls of the vessels lose their elasticity, become too fragile, brittle, and are prone to internal bleeding.

    A low level of platelets can be suspected without laboratory analysis, according to some external signs. If you have:

    • bruises easily show without visible mechanical effects,
    • bleeds gums,
    • often opens nasal or intestinal bleeding,
    • is too ample and prolonged menstruation,
    • on the body appear specific small-scale rashes,
    • does not stop the blood for long after minor cuts or removalteeth,

    are all possible symptoms of thrombocytopenia.

    The main causes of thrombocytopenia:

    • allergic - occur with allergies to medicines( allergic thrombocytopenia);
    • autoimmune - production of antiplatelet antibodies( autoimmune thrombocytopenia);
    • symptomatic - caused by thyrotoxicosis( hyperthyroidism), infections, intoxication( symptomatic thrombocytopenia);
    • trans-immune - occur when autoimmune antibodies penetrate through the placenta into the fetus from a sick mother;
    • is vitamin B12-deficient anemia or a deficiency of folic acid.

    Despite the fact that, with this pathology, as a rule, there are no indispositions and painful sensations, the treatment of thrombocytopenia is mandatory, since the disease can cause dangerous bleeding of the internal organs, including cerebral hemorrhage.

    Treatment begins by determining the cause of the disease in order to exclude secondary thrombocytopenia, requiring the treatment of the underlying disease. However, in the presence of a pronounced hemorrhagic syndrome( increased subcutaneous hemorrhage and bleeding of the mucous membranes), thrombocytopenia must be treated as the underlying disease.

    The following therapies are currently used:

    • therapy with glucocorticosteroid hormones,
    • intravenous immunoglobulin injections,
    • administration of antiresusive D-serum,
    • transfusion of donor platelet mass.

    In the absence of the effect of drug therapy, or in the case when glucocorticosteroid hormones give an unstable result, the patient is offered a splenectomy( removal of the spleen).After removal of the spleen, the main hematopoietic organ, 75% of the patients recover completely.

    Patients with thrombocytopenia should be constantly monitored by a hematologist and avoid exposures that cause or enhance bleeding:

    • In particular, avoidance of high-risk sports should be avoided;
    • Abandon the use of alcohol, house preserves and dishes containing vinegar;
    • Do not take aspirin, analgin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that interfere with the function of platelets.
    • The food should be a sufficient amount of food with vitamins C, P and A, especially if you tend to frequent nasal bleeding.

    Thrombocytosis of cause and treatment ^

    Thrombocytosis is an increase in the number of platelets in the blood, resulting in increased thrombosis and clogging of blood vessels.

    Thrombocytosis is primary and secondary( symptomatic).Primary arises as a result of violations of hematological functions of bone marrow stem cells, resulting in a dramatic increase in the number of platelets in the blood. It is diagnosed, in most cases, by chance, when analyzing blood and has no special symptoms, except for headaches that are common to a large number of diseases.

    The cause of secondary thrombocytosis often become:

    • inflammation,
    • injury,
    • surgical intervention,
    • spleen removal,
    • infection,
    • malignant tumor,
    • hematologic disorders( most commonly, iron deficiency),
    • certain medications.

    To make the correct diagnosis, when initially detecting elevated platelets, the following tests are recommended:

    • blood platelet count - three times, every 3-5 days;
    • serum ferritin and serum iron level;
    • a quantitative study of the C-reactive protein;
    • general urinalysis;
    • ultrasound of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity;
    • consultation of a gynecologist or urologist.

    With a slight increase in platelets( up to 500 * 109 / L), lowering their level is quite possible without tablets, with the help of proper nutrition and diet. Patients with thrombocytosis should clearly know which foods are good for them, and which can aggravate the condition.

    We also recommend that you read the article Increased bilirubin in the blood - causes and treatment.

    Diets with elevated platelets

    • The daily menu should contain products that dilute blood - olive and flaxseed oil, fish oil, lemons, apple cider vinegar, tomato juice, sour berries, onions and garlic.
    • According to medical studies, regular use of garlic in food can not only dilute blood, but also half-dissolve the already existing blood clots.
    • Products with magnesium content, which prevents the formation of clots in the blood, are also useful.
    • In addition, the proper drinking regime is very important, because blood is 90% water. With insufficient water intake( the norm is 2 to 2.5 liters per day), the body is dehydrated, the vessels narrow, and the blood condenses.
    • In addition to water, green tea and natural juices from vegetables, fruits and sour berries are useful.
    • Banning foods that condense blood include bananas, mangoes, lentils, dogrose, walnuts, aronia, pomegranate.
    • Increase the blood viscosity of alcohol, smoking and many medications, in particular, contraceptive, diuretic and hormonal drugs, so you need to abandon bad habits and do not use drugs without extreme necessity.

    With the available varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, a mixture of garlic, onion, lemon and honey( 100 g: 200 g: 50 g: 100 g), taken 3 times a day for 1 teaspoonful, gives a good healing effect. As a rule, soon after the ordering of nutrition, there is a significant improvement in the course of the disease.

    If the increase in platelets is critical( exceeding twice the norm or more) or normalize their level with the help of proper nutrition and natural remedies, the doctor will select the necessary medications that reduce blood clotting and reduce the formation of platelets to normal values.

    It is also possible to treat folk remedies - decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants, but since thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia are directly opposite diseases, it can only be performed under strict medical supervision. It is important to understand that medicinal herbs are quite a serious medicine, and wrong choice can significantly aggravate the situation.

    Remember that, in patients who are not receiving timely treatment for thrombocytosis, the disease will progress steadily with a further increase in the number of platelets, so do not take your health lightly and do not take chances.

    Modern methods of treatment under the supervision of a doctor - hematologist allow patients to live a normal full life.

    In conclusion, we recommend to look at the educational material on platelets and other blood cells: